Page 49 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 49

sumers and compensated to producers.                             programme of production, unless he is
        The second policy of the general distribu-                       provided with a supply of purchasing-
        tion of purchasing power corresponds to                          power which is not included in the price
        productivity gained in the form of a divi-                       of the goods produced. If the producer
        dend based on the country’s real capital.                        or  distributor  sells  at  a  loss,  this  loss
        Douglas adds: “That is to say, we must                           forms such a supply of purchasing-
        give the consumer purchasing power                               power to the consumer; but if the pro-
        which does not appear in prices.”   For                          ducer and distributor are not to sell at
        Douglas had observed the corrective me-                          a loss, this supply of purchasing-power
        chanisms already existing in the economic                        must be derived from some other sour-
        system, and he proposed an adaptation                            ce. There is only one source from which
        of  these  mechanisms  in  relation  with  his                   it can be derived and that is the same
        conception of real credit and its reflection,                    source  which  enables  a  bank  to  lend
        financial credit:                            Pope Pius XI       more money than it originally received.
            “To put the matter in a form of                             That is to say, the general credit.” 21
        words which will be useful in our further conside-       The technicalities of these mechanisms go beyond
        ration of the subject, the consumer cannot possibly   the scope of this text, but there is plenty of literature
        obtain  the  advantage  of  improved  process  in  the   available to explain them.
        form  of  correspondingly  lower  prices,  nor  can  he   To conclude, the Church’s social doctrine is a real
        expect stable prices under stationary processes of   treasure and we are thankful to our present Holy Father
        production, nor can he obtain any control over the   for updating this teaching for today’s new circumstances.
        20   Douglas C.H.; Social Credit, The Institute of Economic                                                   Alain Pilote
        Democracy, Canada, (1924), 5  edition, 1979, p. 37

             We mourn Bishop Camille Lembi of Congo

             who attended our latest week of study in Rougemont

             Most Rev. Camille Lembi, Roman Catholic Bishop  Credit is a confidence between peoples and groups.
          of the diocese of Isangi in the Democratic Republic of  Because  if  there  is  no  confidence,  then  there  is  no
          the Congo, was one of the ten bishops who attended our  means to advance and no way to be together. So this
          latest week of study on Social Credit in Rougemont last  base element must first of all be there: confidence be-
          April, and like the other bishops, he was really thrilled  tween people who wish to do something.
          by what he  had  learned during that                                 It  is  a  battle  that  we  are  fight-
          week, and said that he was even ready                            ing and we must fight with faith (we
          for martyrdom to make our message                                must be ready to die for this battle)
          known. We were very shocked when                                 because without faith, we cannot win
          we learned that he died in an plane                              the battle.  The enemy is super-de-
          crash on July 8, 2011, at age 61. He                             termined,  they  have  well  developed
          was one of the 112 passengers of the                             structures. The battle is difficult and
          Boeing 727, operated by Hewa Bora                                you will leave feathers behind. There
          Airways, that crashed in the city of Ki-                         will be victims. But this should not
          sangani, in the north east of the Demo-                          make us afraid. They can kill the body
          cratic Republic of Congo. We mourn                               but not the soul. So we should con-
          him deeply, but we are sure that from                            tinue the battle because today’s sys-
          Heaven, he will surely continue to help                          tem is making many victims. We can-
          our Movement and his dear fellow Africans. Here is what   not be silent! We should say this: “Look, if we speak,
          he said at our headquarters in Rougemont  last April:   they will cut off our head!” No, no, we must be pion-
             I retained the essential part which means to  eers. Even if they cut our heads off, others will come
          change the system that crushes us today, this steam-  after us and continue to speak. The blood of martyrs
          roller, this bulldozer that crushes everything in its path.  provokes still more martyrs. We cannot be afraid. Only
          If we band together, we can find a way to crush the  fear will cause the battle to be stopped. So pray for
          system. That is what interests me. I will apply at home  us, because it is not easy for us at home to speak with
          what I have learned here. What is important is to start  such direct words (as you do) but I know that God will
          something.  It  has  been  said  that  first  of  all,  Social  be with us and we will be victorious. Thank you.

                                                             21   Ibid, p. 99
                   April, 2011 session                                         49
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