Page 54 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 54

Joseph BEFE ATEBA  Etienne UNG’EYOWUN                 Fr. Hubert Martin        Fr. Felicien MWANAMA
        Bishop of Kribi          Bishop of Bondo,             SATONABOUA               Assistant Secretary
        Cameroon                 Democratic  Republic         Vicar of Thetford        Episcopal Conference
                                 of Congo                     Mines, QC, Canada        of Dem. Rep. of Congo

      Lesson 7: The history of banking control               theme for a synod; others promised to use their moral
      in the United States                                   authority so that the information will reach the people;
          The history of the USA comes down to the battle    one economist was amazed to never have heard these
                                                             analogical  teachings  during  his academic  studies and
      between  the  voracious  bankers and  those  fighting  to   proposed (in order to attain a larger audience), that the
      save the sovereign power of the government to create   Pilgrims of St. Michael create a movie. Another stated
      money.  These  bankers wished  to  install  a  fraudulent   the necessity to educate the people “en masse” in Af-
      system of debt-money, of dishonest money to the detri-  rica and to translate the book, Economic democracy ex-
      ment of an honest money system freed from the con-     plained in 10 Lessons in the light of the Social Doctrine
      trol of the financiers; this system that should remain the   of the Church, into the African languages. What would
      work of the government.                                be even better, would be to introduce this theme into
          This history of this battle in the United States attest   the schools.
      to the  courage  and  perspicuity of certain  people  who   The ultimate goal of the financiers is a
      distinguished themselves in the battle  against  the in-
      iquitous system of the bankers: most notably, Benjamin   world government with a global currency
      Franklin,  Andrew  Jackson and  Abraham  Lincoln. The      The bankers have a diabolical project to impose their
      Constitution  of  the  United  States  of  America  in  1787   will on others. How? They proceed with a debt-money
      states in Article 1, Section, Paragraph 5 that the right to   system, using money that does not exist and that causes
      regulate and create money belongs to Congress.         unpayable debts. They create crises and revolutions, so-
                                                             cial friction in which they can intervene to impose their
                                                             solution and attain their objective: to rise up a one world
                                                             government with a global currency. That will sound the
                                                             death-toll of the sovereign states.
                                                                 The shrewdness and accuracy of the foresight
                                                             shown by John Paul II in Sollicitudo Rei Socialis were
                                                             indisputable. He underlined how the desire for profit and
                                                             thirst for power, the self-imposition of will on others are
                                                             elements of the structures of sin. The Pope invites us to
                                                             give of ourselves, to do apostolate work for the good of
       Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln    Lessons 9-10: Social Credit and the Social
          In this story, we can see that the battle was very tough.   Doctrine of the Church
      Obtaining the complete monopoly of control of credit in
      the US is linked to the ignorance of the population on the   The question of the dignity of man and his destiny
      issue of currency, of its nature, credit and circulation. It   is not unknown to the solicitude of the Church. Through
      is obvious that in order to destroy this iniquitous system;   her social teachings, the Church wishes to impregnate
      the people must be educated and formed. The strength   society with the Gospel. To this end, the Church makes
      and victory is found then in formation, in order to create   a call to the lay faithful to bring the Gospel into the tem-
      an informed and organized public opinion.              poral order and work to renew the earth so that it may
          During these exchanges, the participants were as-  correspond to the Gospel.
      tonished that this state of affairs continues to our day.   Social Credit as promoted by Louis Even is inscribed
      The most revolting aspect, they realized, is this intermin-  in this effort. It employs us to rigorously respect the four
      able debt that was paid many times over by the poor    basic principles of the social doctrine of the Church. Let
      countries in Africa. Certain people among the group ex-  us re-read them: the absolute respect and primacy of
      pressed the wish to see that Social Credit become the   the human person; the common good; subsidiarity and

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