Page 58 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 58

Most Rev. Gaston RUWEZI, bishop of the dio-      ceived, the revelations on the monetary and banking
        cese of Sakania Kipushi of the Democratic Republic   system, and that it is possible to do otherwise, that
        of Congo:                                            money is not consubstantial to our States. We can
            I came here because I was                        do otherwise than the system that we now have and
        curious  and  in  revolt  against                    we had a demonstration yesterday (by Mr. de Sie-
                                                             benthal) on the creation of local money, which really
        the Americans and the Can-                           impassioned us.
        adians.  Why?  Because  it  is
        the  big businesses  that  I  see                        I also appreciated the keen knowledge of the So-
        in my country, in my diocese,                        cial Doctrine of the Church that motivated my partici-
        that  exploit  the  minerals  that                   pation from the beginning. We have, in the ecclesi-
        we have and after they leave                         astical province that I come from, stirred up many
        the population in the black-                         ideas on what we call today the “social Gospel” or
        est misery. In coming here, I                        “social ecclesiology.” The new evangelization in Af-
        discovered that the Canadians                        rica calls us, especially in the social fields. There are
        and Americans have the same enemy as we do.          plenty of problems to be addressed: environmental
            We have singled out the problem here; it is the   misery, questions of injustice, the lack of daily bread,
        education of the people. Thank you for creating this   etc., every day there is a problem in Africa and we
        spirit of family between the laity, priests and bishops   are left behind. Africa is a continent that is clinically
        that forms the Church family that we all wish for. I   dead, as we said; the diagnostics do not give us a
        give myself and my collaborators the duty to propa-  chance: we are killed by AIDS, indebtedness, mal-
                                                             aria, it is  a dead country. In the production  of the
        gate the message of social credit, using the educa-  goods of the world, in 2008, Africa contributed 0.001
        tion of the people through the poor means that we
        have If we do not do it, if I do not do it, I will also be   percent in the world patrimony, despite the fact that
        a financial assassin. I thank you.                   we have the riches that are underground that we do
                                                             not consider. But the banking system has classed us;
            Most Rev. Joseph Befe Ateba, Bishop of the dio-  it is the economic systems that evaluates us and give
        cese of Kribi in Cameroon:                           us a label, even if all that the world today is made of
                                    I was also strongly im-  — metals and minerals that we use — come from us.
                                pressed by your explana-         I also learned much about the mechanisms of
                                tion of the experiences of   power in the world and what most pleased me, is
                                apostolate  that  we  have   the proposition of another possibility. It presents
                                listened to: what benevo-    a new social order which would be free of the tu-
                                lence, people who go to      telage of the great monetary and banking powers,
                                knock on doors and pray      which have no other criterion of action other than
                                with the people, who speak   that of their own interests. It is not man that pre-
                                of the faith with them; this   occupies them, not at all. In this they differ funda-
                                reminded me of another       mentally with the Social Doctrine of the Church.
                                witness: there was a famous
                                American lawyer (Samuel          What struck me also is the proposition to hand
        Pisar) who is the sole survivor of his family — he was   over monetary and financial power to its legitimate
        a Polish Jew, all of his parents were massacred — but   beneficiaries:  to society,  the  people,  to  humanity;
        he decided to live. He called his book “The blood of   this is what I learned about from what you call eco-
        hope.” I think that I have received this blood of hope,   nomic democracy, meaning the end of the monop-
                                                             oly of money by those who unjustly appropriate it.
            I was  struck  also by the  open  and courageous     Throughout the presentations, I never stopped
        denunciation of Freemasonry and the Illuminati. I    wondering how it would be possible to bring this
        just looked up on Google (the internet) all that con-  teaching to Africa. For me the concern lies in the
        cerns the llluminati and it gave me cold chills. As you   awareness of the people: how to get this information
        say, it is really a Satanic world that has the final goal   to the little people who are the immediate victims of
                                                             this whole system.
        of eliminating the Church and installing a New World
        Order.                                                   Faced with these systems, these powers, even
            In regards to the seminar itself, I appreciated   the most elaborate thought is not sufficient to attack
        many things. What I have learned here, with much     the system because it is so seriously implemented. It
        enjoyment, is the origin of money and the motiva-    has all the means — military and financial resources,
        tions behind it, because the monetary and banking    systemic, political and diplomatic assets... When
                                                             you look at this, you say: “What can the small Social
        system could seem to the world as a natural thing. I   Credit can do in the face of all of this?”
        appreciated the complimentary information that I re-

        58                                       April, 2011 session          
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