Page 63 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 63
ignorance. It is true that the devil continues his work. He The analysis of the present financial system
tricks certain people and brings them to exploit others, permitted me to understand the realities of my
to live on the blood of others and, as the Psalmist says: diocese… I believe that Social Credit is one of the
when they eat their bread, it is His people they are important solutions to humanize our planet, but this is
eating. And this really exists. But I think at the bottom not easy because we do not all share the same values.
of each person’s heart, there is something good, and Those who do not share our values are apparently
our ministry consists in fortifying each one and in stronger than we are. And we have said many times:
employing ourselves to remove the roots of the forces it is a battle against the dragon. This demands a lot of
of evil. And when we look around us, that is particularly courage. It is for this reason that I tell you, as John Paul
in the domain of finance. II said: “Do not be afraid.” Do not be afraid because
This depends precisely on the greed of each person. Christ is with you. Christ is forever.
Saint Paul says: “For the love of money is the root of Fr. Jean Marie KOUASSI, Assistant General Secre-
all evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10.) And indeed it is. Jesus asks tary, Archdiocese of Abidjan, Ivory Coast:
us: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole Recently, the new terminology that is in fashion is
world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:26.) So my HIPC, which stands for Heavily Indebted Poor Coun-
personal resolution is to go to fight this ignorance, first tries. Our African states, just to mention them, in order
of all by making a report of what I have experienced to qualify for full debt relief, must satisfy the cruel and
here… We will put the educational materials we have inhuman requirements of the IMF and the World Bank
received here at the disposition of all. They are easy to financiers in order to be eligible for (and it is not always
read: a set of ten lessons of which it is not necessary won) an initiative of HIPC.
to read all in one evening. In other words, to qualify for this debt relief, our
Most Rev. Pierre Celestin TSHITOKO MAMBA, states must be humiliated. This should anger more than
Bishop of Luebo, Democratic Republic of Congo: one person, when our countries rejoice because they
Thank you for the invitation to follow a week of qualify for HIPC relief. We are told that the final object-
study on Social Credit. Thank you for the invitation to ive is in the cancellation of the debt. So tell me, do we
participate in your congress. I would like to thank the really need all of these inhuman measures? Our coun-
General Directress, Miss Therese Tardif, Mr. Marcel tries and states, do they need to be downgraded, do
Lefebvre, and all of the team for inviting us here and they need all of these Structural Adjustment Programs
for organizing this week of study. And I would like to (SAPs) in order to have their debts erased? Haven’t
also thank all the Pilgrims for the sacrifices made in they already paid this debt in the form of compound
order to make our stay here more agreeable. We have interest that they do not cease to reimburse through
lived a truly wonderful time of fraternity. We were the same SAPs?
able to know you. We were able to speak with you as In truth, the common feature of all these programs
brothers. I tell you, in the name of all the team here, a is that they are dealing with countries where the debts,
very big thank you. We are not disappointed; we have unless there is a direct operation of the Holy Spirit,
been enriched. would never disappear on their own! But must we de-
When I read MICHAEL for the first time at home, spair? It is here that we measure the importance of this
I came upon the story of “The Money Myth.” After I week of study, where we are told with force: no, you
read it, I was not able to figure out why the inhabitants are not authorized to despair because it is too late to be
of the island were mad at the banker who had loaned pessimistic. Tell me, do you hear, like me, the song of
them money. I thought it was normal that he should hope that rises from this week of study? Do you hear,
charge interest. But it is here (during this week of like me, the song of hope of the Pilgrims of St. Michael
study) that I have understood that the banking system that tells us that the best is yet to come, as long as
that we have is a system to keep all the citizens of this Christ continues to appoint apostles!
world in poverty.
I have understood that the system that
we have, the money-debt system, is a system
that is responsible for our poverty, the
poverty of the planet. I understood also why
our governments in our countries have great
difficulty to get out of their misery: they are in
debt and they cannot get out. One solution to
get out of this misery is the doctrine of Social
Credit; I am convinced of this and I think our
professor Pilote for enlightening us. What
also struck and edified me was the knowledge
of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Aug. 2011 session 63