Page 65 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 65

dom and tolerance, in both an individual and collective   and political order founded on the dignity and liberty of
        manner. All this is a cause of suffering.            all human persons, to be implemented in peace, justice
            Together, we should denounce very strongly this   and solidarity. (Gaudium et Spes, n. 30.)
        danger that attacks the whole of humanity. We should     “Social Credit,” as a doctrine and an ensemble of
        have the courage to say that man should search for the   principles,  works to promote an economy of produc-
        truth because he is capable of truth. That truth has a   tion at the service of each and every citizen. It is noth-
        need for a criterion that permits us to verify and assure   ing but the implementation of  integral humanism ad-
        that it was not falsified; this is necessary. Only truth   vocated by the Church. This humanism – according to
        tells us of the constant values that give greatness to   the Church – can only be achieved if men and women,
        humanity. And like the Holy Father said: “That is why   individually and in their families, know how to cultivate
        the humility to recognize the truth and to accept it as   the moral and social values in themselves and to dif-
        a standard has to be relearned and practiced again.”   fuse them in society. (Gaudium et Spes, 30.)
        (See Light of the World, p. 51.) No one is forced to be a   To conclude: as St. Augustine says: “The history of
        Christian. But no one should be forced to live the “new   the world is a battle against two loves:
        religion” as the only determining factor, one that in-
        volves all of humanity. The Second Vatican Council in    Love of self, to the point of the contempt of God;
        Gaudium et Spes, underlined the inviolable character     Love of God, to the contempt of self
        of individual and collective liberty, the liberty of each   This was the choice of Jesus! This was the battle
        person to choose and to live his religion (n. 14).   of Jesus: the Suffering… the Passion… the gift of His
            Regarding the theme of our week of study, the    Life… Every baptized person must resemble the Master,
        Catholic Church – let’s say it – is the bearer of an inte-  to imitate and identify with him. Then, with the grace of
        gral humanism that shows solidarity, that is capable   God, there will rise up truly new men and women, archi-
        of animating and promoting a new social, economic    tects of a new humanity. Amen!

                      Louis Even’s Articles Are Still Relevant Today

             Fr.  Joseph  Mbuyi Lumembu,                     subject he broached, his language was easy enough
          from  the Democratic  Republic                     to be understood by minds that had no formal train-
          of the Congo, a Franciscan and                     ing. It was a strength he took from his faith in God
          archivist currently  stationed in                  and in Jesus Christ, in Mary, in his protectors, Saint
          Rome, is in the process of read-                   Michael, etc. In this way, he showed that he had firm-
          ing the Vers  Demain  yearbooks.                   ly adhered to his ideal, and with conviction. We see it
          Here are some of his impressions                   also in the videos that we listened to.
          given during the week of study in                     “What  strikes me is the  firm Roman  Catholic
          August, 2014:                                      orientation  given by Louis  Even and Gilberte Cote-
             “I read more than 1,200 articles written by Louis  Mercier to their Movement, to MICHAEL, a patriotic
          Even  in  Vers  Demain from 1939 thru  1972. They  Catholic journal for the reign of the hearts of Jesus
          were journals that were sent to me in Rome. There  and Mary in souls, in families and in every country.
          is no mistake in considering Louis Even’s personal-  Louis Even and Gilberte Cote-Mercier had fixed their
          ity as a vast personality. In considering his numerous  primary objective as the promotion of the develop-
          interventions both written and on radio broadcasts,  ment of a better world.
          we can easily see the diversity of subjects and dif-  “Is there something religious, edifying, promoted
          ficulties  which  caught  his  interest  and  of  his  open-  in MICHAEL and even significant to the dynamics and
          mindedness. We can say of him that he acted with a   religious spirit, the Christian spirit of Mr. Louis Even,
          universal mind. In effect, Louis Even never lost sight   and even of Mrs. Cote-Mercier? I can answer simply
          of nor neglected any question that could concern the   to all of you, as my personal opinion, that reading the
          fundamental aspects of a dignified human existence,   journal, even for someone who would skim through
          and in both dimensions: natural and supernatural.  it, was for me very fascinating, and will be again for
             “Louis Even knew how to gather information. He  a long time, on questions either religious or social,
          did not beat around the bush. He was (precise), know-  political or economical.
          ing that he did not lack those who wanted to slip him   “There are many political articles, many articles
          up, who evidently wanted to find fault with the sub-  on economics  that  are  still  relevant  today.  There-
          ject matter that he covered. That is why his talks were   fore, it is worth while to republish them in the jour-
          distinguished as much by the strength of his argu-  nal’s new format.”
          ments as with their clearness and clarity. Whatever                           Father Joseph Mbuyi Lumembu

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