Page 66 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 66
“Social Credit Is a Vital
Plan for All of Humanity”
Reflections of Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan of Gabon
Among the four African Bish- this name call to mind ferrous
ops who took part in our week of iron? Does not this name recall
study and Congress in 2012 in “lux” (fire, light)? Therefore, with
Rougemont, there is one who has the “lux” and the “ferrous”, we
been particularly enthusiastic and have found our “blacksmith” who
carried us away: the Most Rev. transforms precious metals, and
Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan, therefore, a blacksmith who be-
Bishop of Port Gentil, the eco- comes a banker.
nomic capital of Gabon. Here are By what method then, does
excerpts from his two speeches our blacksmith now use this
delivered in Rougemont, Quebec: light? He uses this splendid
My friends, usually, I am not light in order to better deceive!
very emotional when I speak. But But, there is a solution to this
permit me to be so for the first deception, a way out that comes
time! I am very happy to speak to us with a freshness, a clarity,
after my brothers bishops be- a goodness, it is called “Social
cause they inspired me. Excel- Credit”.
lencies, Reverends, Directress, And Social Credit, my
Directors, Professors, and fellow friends, is a VITAL plan for all of
students! I would like to now take humanity. I repeat, “vital”. Vital,
this opportunity to bring a small because it will first of all, satis-
testimony that confirms what the fy the primum vivere, deinde
others have said… philosophari, (first live, then
With what thirst I listened to philosophize); first the stomach,
these lessons! How can we even then the initiative. But it is also
assess what we have learned this vital because, as we all learned
week? Permit me to point out to this week, without it, the salva-
our professor Alain Pilote and to tion of souls is at stake.
his assistant François de Sieben- Given our shared enthusi-
thal that, based on the historical account of how asm, having all studied together, and being proven
the money “symbol” came to be, we can object- unworthy, it pleases me all the same to say to all of
ively imagine this symbol as a kind of “fire”. In the you the words of Jesus: “...the sons of this age are
story, The Goldsmith Becomes a Banker (see www. more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the for full account), the “symbol” is sons of light.” (Luke 16:8)
protected on the one hand by the “banking gods”, I therefore take the liberty to state that, Social
and on the other, by the practicality of the whole Credit could never underhandedly provoke in us
idea of money. Relevant to this subject, and taking anything contrary to our vocation as “Pilgrims”,
into consideration the seriousness, along with the which is in no way different from our vocation as
overwhelming facts resulting in the “confiscation” a Christian. “No one can serve two masters; for
of the “fire” by a certain elite, and using a cleverly either he will hate the one and love the other, or he
thought out and cynically orchestrated method, a will be devoted to one and despise the other. You
planetary masquerade, the unique master of cere- cannot serve God and (Mammon) money.” (Mat-
monies, is none other than Mammon, also known thew 6:24)
as Lucifer! Therefore, in my understanding of Social Cred-
Ah, Lucifer! …Dear fellow students, does not it, the goal is not to lead one to serve money, but
66 2012 session