Page 70 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 70
“I Left the Diabolical World of Finance”
Testimony of Celine Akouete, an Ex-Employee of
the Western African Central Bank
Excellencies, Miss Tardif, Mr. Marcel Lefebvre, Virgin Mary. That is probably what saved me. All
Mr. Alain Pilote, dear Pilgrims of Saint Michael, dear those who are here, whether they be bishops, priests
brothers and sisters in Christ, permit me to express or laypeople, it is not by chance. We were all called;
my joy by telling you that I am very, very, very happy each one among us has received a call.
to be amongst you this morning. I thank the whole At the Central Bank, I worked in many services.
team of Pilgrims, especially our very great pilot, Mr. I worked in many positions, from lending to credit,
Alain Pilote, who with great mastery, was able to also in public relations. I worked in collaboration with
give us high qual- the agents of the
ity lessons, tinged International Mon-
with humor, on etary Fund and the
the present finan- World Bank; and
cial system and its then I landed in
disastrous conse- the Ivory Coast’s
quences. He skill- Banking Commis-
fully managed to sion, the control-
convince us of the ling instrument of
effectiveness of the the Central Bank.
cure. The unique And that is where
therapy to apply the Virgin Mary
to this seriously ill grabbed me by
patient, the world the collar. “That is
of finance, to ap- enough of that!”
pease the pain In fact, I was
from which it suf- evolving in this
fers. And this ther- system but I was
apy, you all know not happy. I felt
it, is Social Credit. an emptiness in-
I return to my side me, some-
personal experi- Mrs. Celine Akouete with our General Director, Therese Tardif. thing inside me
ence, which will was missing. I had
permit you to understand my testimony: I was part everything I wanted, money, power – because it is
of another world. I am a pure product of the other exhilarating, especially when we begin to inspect
world, the “diabolical” world, the world we are mak- banks, with the power to dismiss a Bank President,
ing “diabolical”. Its true! I am an economist. I worked to have the power after verification of closing a bank.
for more than twenty years in a bank, WACB – the
Western African Central Bank. I entered very young, All of this is exhilarating, but in one moment, the
upon examination, I was taught in their school, after- Virgin Mary put an end to all of this. Faced with the
wards in the French Bank and after that, I took several opulence of the bankers and the human misery that
training classes with the International Monetary Fund I encountered every day, one morning, I decided to
and the World Bank. leave, slam the door, and do something else. My par-
ents did not understand me, nor did my friends. They
We were instilled with a mindset during our train- all wondered what was going on with me. Why leave
ing called “the mindset of the Central Bank”. And it such a good position to go do something else? I left,
is true that to grow in this system, you must be a and I found another employer in the person of the
Freemason; be a member of the Illuminati; belong Virgin Mary.
to the Rosicrucian, and who knows what else. It was
in this system that I evolved, but I never became a When I was small, I was consecrated to the Virgin
freemason. They tried to co-opt me but they never Mary. I later consecrated myself to the Holy Trinity,
succeeded. I do not belong to any circle or secret by means of the Immaculate Conception. Afterwards,
society because, as a little girl, I had already conse- I became responsible for the Mary Queen of Peace
crated myself to the Immaculate Conception, to the community, whose vocation is to pray for warring
countries, for reconciliation, peace, the conversion
70 2012 session