Page 74 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 74
u are being very “humanitarian”! One will say, for ex- good thing, for the good of the people. We must be
ample, that the United Nations Organization (UN) is in very careful of these coalitions. Each one of us, in
the Congo to save the people, to prevent the war!But, one way or another, is guilty. Look at our cell phones,
my God, the truth is that millions of dollars are piled our computers: we carry the blood of the victims of
up in debt towards the people of the Congo just to the war in the Congo (DRC). We carry the blood of all
keep the UNO in the Congo! And yet, when people those women who were violated and died. We carry
fight, the soldiers of the UNO do not even intervene, the blood of all those who later die because of AIDS.
they do nothing to prevent the fighting. These same All this because of coltan, that source of tantalum used
soldiers accept that other soldiers abuse the Congo- in electronic devices such as cell phones and laptop
lese population in the cruelest ways. Raping women is computers. This is the true reason for the war in Con-
already serious enough, it is inadmissible, intolerable; go, so that they can continue to exploit the people of
but worse than that, is that soldiers who are afflicted Congo, continue to balkanize the people, weakening
with the AIDS virus, are sent out on a “mission” to sys- them until they are no longer able to exist as a State.
tematically rape the most women possible: therefore, My dear brothers and sisters, we will ask our Lord
attacking the very future of these people. to helps us, and that Social Credit will triumph. But
You can see with what cynicism they claim to do even there, we must be very careful: Social Credit
good, yet, this is not true, this is false charity! This is not a magic potion, it is not a miracle drug; Social
is pharisaic, it is to be an agent of death; they are all Credit needs to be applied by man. Therefore, this
agents of death… man who applies it, must apply it in truth. If it is not
We too though, are Pharisees of modern times, we done in truth, then it could even make things worse.
each have a Pharisee that sleeps within us. In each one We will pray for the Pilgrims of St. Michael; that the
of us there is also a goldsmith (in reference to the text Lord will give them the strength and courage to con-
of Louis Even that explains how the goldsmith became tinue their battle, that they may become invaluable
a banker). We need to look more closely at ourselves, instruments, the spearheads used by the Church, for
at the actions we perform, being sure that they are ac- justice, for truth, for love.
tions performed in truth. That the actions are truly per- We will pray for all those who are victims of the
formed in charity, and not with selfish motives. bankers, as much here in Occident, as in our own
When we do look more closely at ourselves, each country Africa.
one of us, we see that we are not far from being Phari- We will pray for our children who will be receiv-
sees. After all, the Pharisees, the large financial ones, ing the Sacrament of Confirmation today. That this
the bankers, do not act alone, they act with us. They sacrament may confirm them as Christians. That they
act with the collusion of the politicians, with the col- may continue to be educated in a Christian environ-
lusion even of those uninformed people who accept ment enabling them to develop to their full potential
that his/her children engage in wars, believing it is a as Christians, so that later they may be true soldiers of
justice, true soldiers of the advent of the reign of God
Procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the streets of Rougemont after the Sunday Mass, Sept. 2, 2012.