Page 77 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 77
u Who makes these weapons? Do you know of After 50 years of independence, the debt was
any African country that makes guns? And why erased only last year, after 50 years. And what does
put guns into the hands of our children? So that the International Monetary System do after that?
we may kill each other? And war has started once They say to our governments, “Listen, we will rate
again. Who are the instigators? They are the multi- you and to rate you here this is the adjusted struc-
nationals. Why? Because, as you may know, there tural plan that you must follow to keep your public
is a product, a mineral, called coltan; it is thanks to expenses down concerning education, health and
coltan if we have GPS, that we have laptops, cell social assistance.” It is always the poor who are
phones, all kinds of gadgets, thanks to it Bill Gates annihilated, whom we make disappear and since
is getting richer, Nokia is it is impossible for the State
getting richer, Samsung to pay its debts to the Inter-
is getting richer, but the Coltan (short national Monetary Fund,
main component comes for colombite- what happens? They pocket
from Congo, in the north- tantalite) is a very the money that used to pay
east region. While our rare mineral that down the debt and enrich
is essential for the
precious minerals are development of themselves more and more,
mined, all the value-add- cell phones, GPS, while we the poor we be-
ed refinements are done laptops, cameras come poorer and poorer.
in developed countries. or other electronic This is the rule of the Inter-
Why the war? It is to cre- devices. Thou- national Financial Mafia. This
ate chaos... sands of children is how we are treated by all
Once again I de- are employed in these freemasons of finance.
nounce the injustice of coltan mines, since their small stature allow And us, we are the apos-
the international mafia, them to crawl in tunnels... On average, ex- tles of the good news of So-
organized and structured tracting one kilogram of coltan causes the cial Credit, we are sent by
to make a population death of two children. Louis Even to denounce this
suffer because of its nat- Mafia – I thank you for it. I re-
ural resources. They fix cently listened to his confer-
the price; they exploit to save their financial inter- ence given in 1957. Already at that time he was an
ests. And this is a mafia that organizes itself with extraordinary visionary. I am captivated and speech-
the political leaders of the country. A scandalous less, he explained the documents of the Magister-
fact, at the airport in Goma, an American airplane ium since Pope Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI,
lands, registered in the USA, with American pilots I would even say today up to John Paul II, and up to
on board, with $300 billion in funds destined to buy Benedict XVI. Looking ahead, I even proclaim him
minerals. And who sells these minerals? It is the war PROPHET OF DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE. I proclaim
lords. They come to enrich the war lords, yet on Louis Even as PROHET OF DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE,
these $300 billion, they will make $2 billion. he understood completely and he made himself
And these war lords, who manipulate these a prophet and envoy of the universal Church and
billions, do you think they will look to negotiate wages the battle that God wanted since the begin-
for peace? Do you think they will look to stop the ning of creation, since creation and since the be-
war? NO! The goods of the earth, as taught by the ginning. What a spiritual vision! He denounced this
Church, and as Louis Even said in his conference, financial system of exploitation, of institutionalized
should profit every human being and they should injustice. And he engaged himself at the vanguard
be at the service of each and every man for his hap- of this war so that the goods of the earth profit and
piness and lead him to his eternal destiny. bring happiness to all mankind.
Joy begins here. I should feel happy, complete- Happiness. This is the battle of Social Credit that
ly fulfilled as a Congolese because God has bless- in my eyes is of divine inspiration. Let us not worry;
ed us with the goods of the earth, but, I am not… we are bearers of this gospel of distributive justice.
I am not because of the unrealistic and speculative For Louis Even, we must work with faith and deter-
economic system of the capitalist bankers. I am not mination in the rehabilitation of the rights of the per-
because of the economic and commercial financial son so that each person does not live in want. How
institutions such as the World Trade Organization I would like to see this dream realized!! Each sitting
(WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that in their home in Africa should say to himself: “I ate
bear a GREAT responsibility in deliberately keeping well, I slept well”. This should no longer be a dream
us poor in poverty when we are a VERY, VERY rich but should become a reality. This is why since last
country! night I told myself: “For me this man is the Prophet May 2013 session 77