Page 79 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 79

“Wake up Mankind, Refuse Usury, and You Will Have a Future”

         Reflections of Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan of Gabon

            Most Rev. Bishop Ma-                                                   blindfolded to reality .
        thieu Madega Lebouakehan ,                                                     Why is it that  Govern-
        Bishop of Mouila  and  Apos-                                               ments of wealthy  countries
        tolic Administrator of the Dio-                                            that  claim to be the cham-
        cese of Port-Gentil, in Gabon,                                             pions of democracy and  in
        came for the second time to                                                a position to teach lessons
        Rougemont  to  participate  in                                             to other nations, are also
        our study session on econom-                                               crushed under the burden of
        ic democracy (also known as                                                debts that are mathematically
        Social Credit). Enthusiastic as                                            impossible to pay back? Yet,
        ever,  this time  he  even  be-                                            these  wealthy  nations  pos-
        came the professor for a few                                               sess faculties  of  economics,
        lessons, and demonstrated                                                  great  schools of manage-
        that he mastered the subject                                               ment, centers of strategic re-
        very well. Here  is what  he                                               search, etc. If they really know
        said on August 30, 2013,  at                                               what they are doing, they
        the end of the study session.                                              therefore  knowingly support
        (Please  note  that  the  next                                             the  present  debt-money  sys-
        study sessions in Rougemont                                                tem and are its accomplices.
        on economic democracy will                                                 Dear friends, since we already
        take  place May 7-17, 2014,                                                know  this  is unjust,  let  us
        and August 20-28, 2014.)                                                   break the  chains of this sys-
            A   widespread   opinion                                               tem of slavery through debts
        blames the lack of money for                                               and interest.
        poverty, lack of purchasing    On this photograph, Bishop Mathieu explains     We have seen (in Lesson
        power, the economic crisis,     Lesson 5 (taken from the book “Social Credit   2) that monkeys in the jungle
        and so on. To this lack of      explained in 10 lessons”), which deals with   can seem to be more intelli-
        money, one may also add cor-       the lack of purchasing power and how    gent than we humans — even
        ruption, mismanagement, and          automation replaces human labor.      though they have no universi-
        other ailments of the same or-                                             ties  and  know nothing  about
        der .                                                our various political and economic systems, do not
            This lack of money forces so-called “solvent”    deal with money or bank loans, and never experience
        individuals  or nations  to borrow loans from banks,   inflation nor deflation — since when they are hungry,
        which creates in most cases unpayable debts. Large   they simply go and get bananas in the trees, without
        developed nations are also the victims of this system.   using any paper money.
        How much money do all nations owe? The numbers           Dear monkeys, please come and teach human be-
        make us feel dizzy. And for a significant amount of in-  ings who are  destroying the environment  and  their
        dividuals the situation is no less worrying.         fellow citizens that the truth is simple, that God-given
            Let  us  stop and  think  for a  moment.  Physically   wisdom and common sense, the order wished by God
        where is this money owed by nations or people? No-   in nature, is more profitable than  all the  false man-
        where! Can the total amount of cash in circulation in   made  theories that  justify the  present  debt-money
        the world and present in bank vaults be enough to pay   system.
        back all the debts in the world and allow people to live   To abandon freedom and create our own jail (as
        decently?                                            we humans do by accepting the chains of the present
            From what we have learned here, the answer is    debt-money  system) is the  logical  conclusion of a
        NO! So where will this money demanded by the bank-   mental perversion or muddled brain. This perversion
        ers from nations and individuals come from? Go fig-  cannot  be  simply human,  it  is diabolical.  It is more
        ure! National governments cannot answer this ques-   than a structure of sin, it is even the perversion of a
        tion, so they will put on a theatrical performance to   structure of sin or, in other words, a double perver-
        mislead their respective populations. However, when   sion.  Wake  up,  mankind,  refuse  usury,  and  you  will
        decision-makers and political authorities have to be-  have a brighter future!
        come magicians and offer illusory solutions in mat-             Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan
        ters of life and death for the population, they are really

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