Page 67 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 67

instead, the goal of Social Credit is that we come   the Resurrection: “Pax vobis” (peace be with you),
        to see how money can be a service to us. That is     it is almost without sound, this is the power of the
        very different!                                      Resurrection.
            Historically, Social Credit was founded, and         This is why I invite you, my friends, to take a look
        proven to be anthropological, but let me say that it   closer in history, so that you will understand what
        also has its biblically roots. St. Paul says, “For this is   I mean when I say: power of the Resurrection! Let
        not for the ease of others and for your affliction,   us look at the country next to us (the United States):
        but by way of equality — ”And he continues, “at      Martin Luther  King;  power of the  Resurrection!
        this present  time your abundance  being a sup-      Let us return to Africa: Nelson Mandela; power of
        ply for their need, so that their abundance also may   the Resurrection! Let us even go to those who are
        become a supply for your need, that there may be     not Christian: Gandhi; power of the Resurrection!
        equality;  as it is written, He who gathered much    Mother Teresa  of Calcutta…  and  how could we

        did not have too much, and he who gathered little    not say; power of the Resurrection; Clifford Hugh

        had no lack.” (2Cor. 8:13-15)…”for we have regard    Douglas! power of the Resurrection; Louis Even!
        for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the      My friends, the easiest way to make serious
        Lord, but also in the sight of men.” (2 Cor. 8:21)   mistakes is by disregarding the foundations. Those
            Certainly our goal is heaven, but we also aim for   who were the first to perceive this idea of Social
        the good of mankind.                                 Credit had a certain method of procedure, and the
            You will go, we will all go to work. “Now this I   closer  we  remain  in  conformity  with  their  initial
        say,  he who sows sparingly  will also reap  spar-   methods (of the  founders), the  more  we  will  be
        ingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap    guaranteed  to one day experience  Social Credit.
        bountifully.” (2 Cor. 9:6) This is why, if Satan him-  By not continuing in conformity with the founders,
        self disguises himself as an angel of light, it is not   i.e. converting Social Credit into a Party, it will not
        surprising if his ministers disguise themselves also   survive.
        as angels of justice, but your justice does not come     Therefore my friends, if in the present system, a
        from the angel of light (Lucifer), but rather from God.  very small number of people are able to fool most
            Consolation: your system, dear Pilgrims – or     of humanity, would it not be more just to say that
        rather our system, since we are in your school – I   with a  system such as Social Credit we could do
        can attest that it has a guaranteed longevity. This   so much more for humanity?… There  is a com-
        system (Social Credit) works of its own. It has its   mon denominator for all humanity, we learned this
        roots in the very foundation of the human family     here, and others have said it before me: whether
        desired by God. This system is desired and found-    we are of the first world, the second world, the third
        ed by God Himself, and who can go against some-      world, or the fourth world countries, can we name
        thing desired by the Divine Will? No one on earth,   one country, one single country where there is no
        in Heaven, or under the earth.                       poor? We all stagger under this one common de-
            But, beware! The power of the Resurrection is    nominator called POVERTY.
        neither  synonymous nor paralleled  to that  of the      But,  of  what  are  we  poor?  “My  people  have
        Crucifixion. The power of the crucifixion resounds   been silent, because they had no knowledge..”
        — “cross, whips, crucify Him”— but the power of      (Hosea 4:6).  Whether north, south, east or west,   u

        Bishop Mathieu (center) at the parish church of Marieville, concelebrating with the other Bishops and priests who
        took part in our week of study. (At the far left: Canon Gerald Ouellette, parish priest of Marieville and Rougemont.)

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