Page 68 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 68
nominator of our poverty is: awareness. This And, as a priest, as one having been baptized –
is why I offer to all of you, I offer to all of us, the the priest, who sacrifices to God -- they would prefer
One who is all the wealth of the entire universe; all that we would sacrifice to the world. And as proph-
awareness, and all the knowledge...Jesus. ets, who prophesy the Will of God, they would want
us to prophesy the will of man. Christianity no long-
Excerpts from Sunday, September 2 er has the right to speak out, whatever is Christian is
Excellencies, Brother Bishops, Dear Therese hated, criticized, even fought against; it is that which
Tardif, Directress, Dear Marcel Lefebvre, Director, is not Christian that must be proclaimed: freedom
Brothers in the Priestly Ministry, and the baptized for others, yes, but for Christians, no!
brothers in the common vocation, Because of our dignity as children of God, they
It pleases me would wish to con-
to recite to you the taminate us. They
last words of our envy us because
National Anthem we have so much;
(Gabon, Africa): “At we possess Heav-
last we rise up to en and earth. They
attain happiness.” fight us because we
Since I do not want are strong with the
to keep you too strength of God,
long, I would like to the strength that
ask you a question; He gives us. We
first to the Africans, are criticized be-
and then to our cause we have the
friends from the secret to Eternal
West. In regards to Life. And finally, we
what we have just are indebted, that
heard, and in what is robbed, since
our lives should taking something,
consist; should we Bishop Mathieu reçeives a St. Michael banner from our Direc- while representing
then be to the right tress general, Miss Therese Tardif, and from one of the assistant dir- something else in
or to the left? – ectors, Marcel Lefebvre. glowing colors, is
Therese Tardif an- organized robbery.
swers the question, “In the Truth!” But, now I say In this context, the poor, who need to submerge
to our friends from the West the following: When themselves into the living waters of salvation, are
a person suffers, it is no longer ideals that concern forced to drink, despite themselves, from the wells
him, rather, it is what would appear to him to resolve of the international finance… with its by-products,
his immediate problems; at least in appearance. called debt, structural or economic changes, the
Faced with poverty, following one’s instincts arms race, contraception, promotion of fashions
has become the criteria for judgment, and we de- and of ways of life radically opposed to the Gospel.
mand a “quick-fix”, hence, without sufficient reflec- So, my friends, let us open our ears and become
tion, we lose sight of the future, now hidden by the SOCIAL CREDITERS.
thick fog of materialism,.
Let us open our ears to Christ and become SO-
Our hearing is becoming impaired, as we are CIAL CREDITERS.
deceived by subliminal messages spread by the
“enemy” of the Gospel. Our sense of smell embra- Let us open our ears to the magisterium of the
ces odors of perfume, but not that of Holy Chrism, Church, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, and be-
but rather the odor of paper money, sometimes ar- come SOCIAL CREDITERS.
riving hidden under the cover of a Christianity op- Let us open our ears to Clifford Hugh Douglas’
posed to the Catholic Church. intuition and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
Eureka! Oh yes, I do understand! It is not you Let us open our ears to Louis Even’s message
whom they are attacking, it is Christ whom they are and become SOCIAL CREDITERS.
attacking. It is God whom they are attacking. Under- Let us open our ears to the suffering of our
stand well that it is the Divine Life that is in us, it is brothers and sisters – let us be attentive to them
our dignity as children of God whom they attack. all, without exception, even those who hate us and
68 2012 session