Page 62 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 62

The bishops, priests and lay faithful who took part in our week of study last August
       Picture taken after a Mass in St. Michael’s parish church in Rougemont

   u  study of Social Credit. I believe that this is very    overcome Goliath one day. I am convinced! With faith,
      important. It must be diffused in all levels of society.   my friends, the financial world will be improved.
      Whether in universities, even in very modest areas, it    Most Rev. Jean Zerbo, Archbishop of Bamako,
      does not matter; this doctrine must be made known,     Mali:
      particularly so that the vices of the global system –     So, thank you to all those who allowed us to live
      today the world economic system – will be revealed,    here like a family in this house dedicated to our Mother
      manifested, and that the people will know the truth. As   (the House of the Immaculate). When the children are
      the prophet Hosea said (4:6): “My people are destroyed   found where the mother is, it is truly a great fraternity.
      for lack of knowledge”… It is really something harmful   Thank you for doing all you could so that we could also
      and vicious. And we must fight this. May the light     live this fraternity… Thank you to our pilot (Mr. Alain
      spread everywhere! This is everybody’s fight! We       Pilote, who was the lecturer during the week of study)
      must spread the truth of what is the real nature of this   who helped us to take off when we were confused,
      system.                                                who knew how to help us have a gentle landing. When
         Most  Rev.  Jean  Pierre  Kutwa,  Archbishop  of    he sensed that the passengers were sleeping, he knew
      Abidjan, Ivory Coast:                                  how to immediately introduce another element so that
         We must never stop giving thanks. With the others, I   we would digest well what he was teaching. I tell you
      would like to thank the initiators of this meeting… This   that these takeoffs and landings were successful.
      is very dangerous ground, this area of finance. And you   Thank you in a special way to the families that took
      have helped us to understand; we all see for ourselves.   the  risk  of  bringing  their  children.  Someone  earlier
      You  are  fighting  with  unequal  weapons,  speaking  in   spoke to us of the future, of the next generation. I
      material terms. The financiers have a lot of material   congratulate the families. The presence of children in
      means; you have very little, but it does not discourage   our midst gives a youthful air, a vitality to our week
      you. You wish to go to battle against them.            of study, and I encourage them. Yes! From now on
         It is not only a material battle, but it is also a spiritual   we must sow in their hearts a good seed, that of the
      battle.  There  again  you  are  struggling  on  unequal   Word of God, the Love of God, that of giving ourselves
      terms. But this time, it is in our favor because they have   for the other. I wish also that the efforts that you are
      the support of the devil, Satan, Mammon, who is a      making to accompany them will reap a good harvest in
      created being. You, on the other hand, have the Creator   their hearts and bear fruit, for the future of our battle
      as your support, so you are the stronger ones. What    for the civilization of love.
      causes me to rejoice is this: you have established this   What type of resolution can we make? I said that
      struggle, you have started the beginning of this fight in   Mr. Pilote guided us well with a good  pedagogy.
      God. I believe that this rooting in God will permit you   He provided us with appropriate documents… The
      finally, in the face of Goliath, (because it is a Goliath) to   resolution that I will make now is to leave here to fight

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