Page 57 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 57

“How Is It That the Banks Become the

       Owners, the Masters of What We Produce!”

           Reflections of Bishops After Our Week of Study on Social Credit

            Twice a year,                                                 you added another element, the spirit-
        we invite bishops,                                                ual dimension. It is a battle against evil,
        mostly from Af-                                                   against the devil. Your emblem that we
        rica, to our week                                                 will bring home with us shows this vic-
        of study on Social                                                tory of St. Michael over the devil… Each
        Credit at our head-                                               day in my personal “litany” that I have
        quarters  in  Rouge-                                              composed, I say: “St. Michael, protect
        mont,      Canada.                                                my diocese; St. Gabriel, protect my dio-
        The ten  African                                                  cese; St. Raphael, protect my diocese.”
        bishops who took                                                  I put my diocese under the protection of
        part in our seminar                                               the archangels, knowing that the battle
        last March left us                                                that I fight is  a very difficult one  and  I
        thrilled  and  deter-                                             believe that these protectors that the
        mined  to further                                                 Church gives us are from the Lord. I am
        our cause in their                                                also implicated in this spirituality and
        dioceses.  Here  are                                              it is with joy that I receive this gift, (the
        the comments of a                                                 banner of St. Michael) because this en-
        few of them:                                                      ters also into our spirituality.
            Bishop Etienne                                                    The first problem of the popula-
        Ung’Eyowun  of the                                                tion of my diocese is hunger; it is the
        diocese of Bondo                                                  problem  of food: the people  are  not
        in the Democratic                                                 able to satisfy their hunger. And when
        Republic of Congo:                                                I arrived here and heard this repeated
            Our professor                                                 many times, it touched and struck me:
        Alain Pilote is a real   Bishop Ung’Eyowun with our Directress, The-  the first need is nourishment, to give
        pilot who brought     rese Tardif, receives a banner of St. Michael.   food to the population. What a call for
        us to very high and far places. It was a great pleasure   me! And the theme of the week of study was: the
        to follow him. And in a particular way I would like to   daily bread distributed to all! Thank you very much
        underline the point that struck me: it was the mastery   for  reminding  us of this  crucial  question  of bread
        of the Social Doctrine of the Church by a lay person...   for everyone. For me, this is not an imaginary prob-
        Everything  was presented in a skillful  manner, with   lem; it is a real need of the population. Our profes-
        well-chosen  texts  that  are  arranged  and  orderly,  in   sor quoted St. Thomas Aquinas who said that there
        such a way that it is easy to understand.            must be a minimum of well-being in order to practice
            There are two elements that I have learned here.   virtue; the first point is, that the people eat.
        Firstly, the great question of world indebtedness, with   I will return home with these new ideas that should
        its repercussions on our States  of Africa: we speak   send us on the road and push us to action, we cannot
        many times about our governments but now I am        simply stay with the joy of this knowledge but we must
        starting to understand that the big problem is the bank-  move forward to action… We must influence those who
        ers. Our States have been taken by the throat; perhaps   make  decisions…  it  is  in  this  sense  that  we  must  en-
        they do not realize much but now is the moment to    gage ourselves. We must not simply let the economic
        enlighten them. This is why the proposition to inform   and political operators direct us without worries — this
        the political actors is very important; they should take   reminds me of the intervention by Cardinal Tumi of
        into consideration that the solution is here. Mr. Pilote   Cameroon during the Eucharistic Congress in Quebec
        reminded us that each society, each State, should cre-  in 2008 that Mr. Pilote showed us during the week of
        ate its money without interest! If, at the national level,   study: we must cause them to have an uneasy con-
        we take this confidence and liberate the people, I be-  science! We must reach people in high places, not leave
        lieve that we will have taken a big step.            them in peace. You know about our Episcopal Confer-
            The second point that you showed us is that this   ence, I believe that we will not allow these things to pass
        is a battle against evil. The system is vicious from the   and we will continue the battle because, as much as
        beginning.  This was fully demonstrated  during the   possible, tomorrow must be better; in the sense of your
        week of study. We should put all of our intelligence   magazine Vers Demain (Towards Tomorrow), tomorrow   u
        and strength towards this the task of eradicating it but   will be better. We believe it and I thank you.
                   April, 2011 session                                         57
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