Treatise of true devotion to Mary
As all perfection consists in our being conformed,
united and consecrated to Jesus it naturally follows
that the most perfect of all devotions is that which
conforms, unites, and consecrates us most completely
to Jesus. Now of all God’s creatures Mary is the most
conformed to Jesus. It therefore follows that, of all
devotions, devotion to her makes for the most effect-
ive consecration and conformity to him. The more one
is consecrated to Mary, the more one is consecrated
to Jesus. That is why perfect consecration to Jesus is
but a perfect and complete consecration of oneself to
the Blessed Virgin, which is the devotion I teach; or
in other words, it is the perfect renewal of the vows
and promises of holy baptism. This devotion consists
in giving oneself entirely to Mary in order to belong
entirely to Jesus through her.
It follows then that by this devotion we give to Jesus
all we can possibly give him, and in the most perfect
manner, that is, through Mary’s hands... It follows then
that anyone who in this way consecrates and sacrifices
himself voluntarily to Jesus through Mary may no long-
er dispose of the value of any of his good actions. All his
sufferings, all his thoughts, words, and deeds belong to
Mary. She can then dispose of them in accordance with
the will of her Son and for his greater glory. This de-
pendence, however, is without detriment to the duties
of a person’s present and future state of life.
It follows that we consecrate ourselves at one and
the same time to Mary and to Jesus. We give ourselves
to Mary because Jesus chose her as the perfect means
to unite himself to us and unite us to him. We give our-
selves to Jesus because he is our last end. Since he is
our Redeemer and our God we are indebted to him for
all that we are.
Our good Master stooped to enclose himself in the
womb of the Blessed Virgin, a captive but loving slave,
and to make himself subject to her for thirty years.
I said earlier, the human mind is bewildered when
it reflects seriously upon this conduct of Incarnate
Wisdom. He did not choose to give himself in a dir-
ect manner to the human race though he could easily
have done so. He chose to come through the Virgin
Mary. Thus he did not come into the world independ-
ently of others in the flower of his manhood, but he
came as a frail little child dependent on the care and
attention of his Mother. Consumed with the desire
to give glory to God, his Father, and save the human
race, he saw no better or shorter way to do so than by
submitting completely to Mary. He did this not just for
the first eight, ten or fifteen years of his life like other
children, but for thirty years.
He gave more glory to God, his Father, during all
those years of submission and dependence than he
would have given by spending them working miracles,
preaching far and wide, and converting all mankind.
Otherwise he would have done all these things. What
immeasurable glory then do we give to God when, fol-
lowing the example of Jesus, we submit to Mary ! With
such a convincing and well-known example before us,
can we be so foolish as to believe that there is a better
and shorter way of giving God glory than by submitting
ourselves to Mary, as Jesus did?
The Blessed Virgin, mother of gentleness and
mercy, never allows herself to be surpassed in love and
generosity. When she sees someone giving himself en-
tirely to her in order to honour and serve her, and de-
priving himself of what he prizes most in order to adorn
her, she gives herself completely in a wondrous man-
ner to him. She engulfs him in the ocean of her graces,
adorns him with her merits, supports him with her
power, enlightens him with her light, and fills him with
her love. She shares her virtues with him - her humility,
faith, purity, etc. She makes up for his failings and be-
comes his representative with Jesus. Just as one who is
consecrated belongs entirely to Mary, so Mary belongs
entirely to him. We can truthfully say of this perfect ser-
vant and child of Mary what St. John in his gospel says
of himself, “He took her for his own.” (cf. John 19:27.)
How much stronger and more powerful are we
in approaching our Lord when we are armed with the
merits and prayers of the worthy Mother of God, who,
as St. Augustine says, has conquered the Almighty
by her love!
Since by this devotion we give to our Lord, through
the hands of his holy Mother, all our good works, she
purifies them, making them beautiful and acceptable
to her Son.
This devotion is a smooth, short, perfect and sure
way of attaining union with our Lord, in which Chris-
tian perfection consists... This devotion is a perfect
way to reach our Lord and be united to him, for Mary
is the most perfect and the most holy of all creatures,
and Jesus, who came to us in a perfect manner, chose
no other road for his great and wonderful journey.
When the Hail Mary is well said, that is, with
attention, devotion and humility, it is, according to the
saints, the enemy of Satan, putting him to flight; it is
the hammer that crushes him, a source of holiness for
souls, a joy to the angels and a sweet melody for the
devout. It is the Canticle of the New Testament, a de-
light for Mary and glory for the most Blessed Trinity.
The Hail Mary is dew falling from heaven to make the
soul fruitful. It is a pure kiss of love we give to Mary.
It is a crimson rose, a precious pearl that we offer to
her. It is a cup of ambrosia, a divine nectar that we
offer her. These are comparisons made by the saints.
I earnestly beg of you, then, by the love I bear you
in Jesus and Mary, not to be content with saying the
Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin, but say the Rosary
too, and if time permits, all its fifteen decades, every
day. Then when death draws near, you will bless the
day and hour when you took to heart what I told you,
for having sown the blessings of Jesus and Mary, you
will reap the eternal blessings in heaven.
When Mary has taken root in a soul she produces
in it wonders of grace which only she can produce;
for she alone is the fruitful virgin who never had and
never will have her equal in purity and fruitfulness.
Together with the Holy Spirit, Mary produced the
greatest thing that ever was or ever will be: a God-
man. She will consequently produce the marvels
which will be seen in the latter times. The formation
and the education of the great saints who will come
at the end of the world are reserved to her, for only
this singular and wondrous virgin can produce in
union with the Holy Spirit singular and wondrous
When the Holy Spirit, her spouse, finds Mary in a
soul, he hastens there and enters fully into it. He gives
himself generously to that soul according to the place
it has given to his spouse. One of the main reasons
why the Holy Spirit does not work striking wonders in
souls is that he fails to find in them a sufficiently close
union with his faithful and inseparable spouse. I say
“inseparable spouse”, for from the moment the sub-
stantial love of the Father and the Son espoused Mary
to form Jesus, the head of the elect, and Jesus in the
elect, he has never disowned her, for she has always
been faithful and fruitful.
The Mother of God requires our cooperation
Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more
so in the future. The conflict with Hell cannot be engaged
by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has
from God the promise of victory over Satan.
However, assumed into heaven, the Mother of God now
requires our cooperation. She seeks souls who will conse-
crate themselves entirely to her, who will become in her
hands effective instruments for the defeat of Satan and the
spreading of God’s kingdom upon earth.”
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Jacinta Marto, one of the three children who received
messages from the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, in
1917, died at the age of 9 on February 20, 1920, and
was declared blessed by John Paul II in Fatima on May
13, 2000. Not long before her death, she said the follow-
ing to her cousin Lucia, who was also present during
the apparitions of Mary:
“Soon I shall go to Heaven. You are to stay here
to reveal that the Lord wants to establish throughout
the world the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary. When you start to reveal this, don’t hesitate. Tell
everyone that Our Lord grants us all graces through
the Immaculate Heart of Mary; that all must make
their petitions to Her; that the Sacred Heart of Jesus
desires that the Immaculate Heart of Mary be vener-
ated at the same time. Tell them that they should all
ask for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as God has placed it in Her
hands. Oh, if I could only put in the heart of everyone in the world the fire that
is burning in me and makes me love so much the Heart of Mary ! ”
MICHAEL October/November/December 2013
MICHAEL October/November/December 2013 www.michaeljournal.org15