Page 22 - Michael 2024 January
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u wanting to completely liquidate the general hospital,   painful as it is mysterious, no quick answer will suf-
        so as to take back the land and buildings, which would   fice.  Only  Christian  faith  as  a  whole  constitutes  the
        then be rightfully theirs. In addition, some elderly   answer to this question...” (CCC, 309). “God is infin-
        Hospitaller  Brothers  lived  there—why  replace  them   itely good and all His works are good. Yet no one can
        with a community that didn’t yet exist? Wouldn’t that   escape the experience of suffering or the evils in na-
        be a flagrant departure from the founders’ intentions?   ture which seem to be linked to the limitations proper
        A petition signed by the most prominent citizens of   to creatures,:and above all to the question of moral
        Montreal, and sent to Count de Maurepas, the Secre-  evil... ‘I sought whence evil comes and there was no
        tary of State, demanded that Madame d’Youville be    solution,’ said Saint Augustine, and his own painful
        expelled from the city. Among the leaders of those   quest would only be resolved by his conversion to the
        who signed the petition were close relatives of Ma-  living God. For the mystery of lawlessness (2 Thess
        dame    d’Youville,   still                          2:7) is clarified only in the light of the mystery of our
        filled  with  strong  resent-                        religion (1 Tim 3:16)” (CCC, 385).
        ment  against  François                                  “In time, we can discover that God in His almighty
        d’Youville  and  his  father                         Providence can bring a good from the consequences
        who,  through  their  traf-                          of an evil, even a moral evil, caused by His creatures.
        ficking, had ruined many                             It was not you, said Joseph to his brothers, who sent
        honest merchants, there-                             me here, but God... You meant evil against me; but
        by disgracing the family.                            God meant it for good, to bring it about that many
            On  All  Saints’  Day,                           people should be kept alive (Gn 45:8; 50:20)” (CCC,
        Marguerite and her com-                              312). Saint Augustine wrote, “For almighty God..., be-
        panions left their  house                            cause He is supremely good, would never allow any
        to  go  to  Mass.  Immedi-                           evil whatsoever to exist in His works if He were not
        ately,  they  were  met  by                          so all-powerful and good as to cause good to emerge
        a crowd of people which                              from evil itself” (CCC, 311).
        railed  against  them  with                              “From the greatest moral evil ever committed—
        shouts and screams, and                              the rejection and murder of God’s only Son, caused by
        then chased them, hurling stones. In the days that   the sins of all men—God, by His grace that abounded
        followed, similar scenes recurred. Always consisting   all the more (Rm 5:20), brought the greatest of goods:
        in invented fabrications, the slander went at a good   the glorification of Christ and our redemption. But for
        pace: the Sulpician priests were accused of furnishing   all that, evil never becomes a good” (CCC, 312). “The
        Madame  d’Youville  and  her  assistants  with  alcohol,   revelation of Divine Love in Christ manifested at the
        which they secretly sold to the Indians, only after hav-  same time the extent of evil and the superabundance
        ing drunk some of it themselves. Consequently they   of grace (cf. Rm 5:20). We must therefore approach
        were called, ironically, the “Soeurs grises,” which is   the question of the origin of evil by fixing the eyes of
        both  “Gray  Sisters”  and  “Tipsy  Sisters”  in  French,   our faith on Him who alone is its Conqueror” (CCC,
        meaning  the  women  were  “grisées,”  or  drunk  from   385). By His Passion and Death, Christ gave redemp-
        alcohol.                                             tive value to suffering and death, and made them into
            At  the  same  time,  one  of  Madame  d’Youville’s   a means of sanctification. United to His, the many
        most devoted companions died on the job. Father      crosses borne by men and women lead to the Resur-
        Normant, practically the only supporter of the grow-  rection.
        ing community, likewise was struck down by a fatal        An unenviable taking of possession
        disease.  Marguerite  d’Youville  herself  was  confined
        to a chair by stubborn knee pain. On top of that, on     Saint Marguerite d’You-
        January  31,  1745,  a  fire  forced  the  little  commun-  ville considered her  trials
        ity out of its home, and left their half-clad group in   in  the  light  of Christ. In
        the snow. Gossips did not fail to see in this a “right-  1747, faced with the hospi-
        eous punishment from Heaven.” But by Divine Provi-   tal’s  effective  bankruptcy,
        dence’s merciful plan, a charitable woman made her   the  regional  administra-
        home available to Marguerite d’Youville so that she   tion made  an  unexpected
        might continue her work.                             and  nearly  unbelievable
                                                             decision—to   temporarily
         A question as pressing as it is unavoidable         entrust the establishment’s
            The  reversals  this  goodly  undertaking  met  with   administration to Madame
        allowed  the  following  question  to  arise:  “If  God  the   d’Youville.  The  taking  of
        Father almighty, the Creator of the ordered and good   possession  was  put  into
        world, cares for all His creatures, why does evil exist?   effect  on Saturday,  Octo-
        To this question, as pressing as it is unavoidable, as   ber 7, 1747, on the Feast

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