Page 23 - Michael 2024 January
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of Our Lady of the Rosary. The foundress, who was                             church was completed. Its
        sick that day, had to be transported there on a mat-                          doors were open to all the
        tress laid in a cart. Her five companions and nine poor                       poor, and to all those who
        persons followed. The building entrusted to her was                           were  accepted  nowhere
        in  a  pitiful  state—the  walls  were  full  of  cracks,  the                else:  epileptics,  lepers,
        roofs had holes in them everywhere, 1,226 windows                             women of ill-repute to be
        were missing... Two very elderly Hospitaller brothers                         rehabilitated,  wounded  or
        lived there, serving four poor, sick persons. Thanks to                       sick  English  prisoners.  In
        help from many individuals, Marguerite and her com-                           1761,  Mother  d’Youville
        panions gradually rectified the situation. However, it                        established  a nursery for
        remained precarious.                                                          foundlings and received
            The idea to merge the hospital in Montreal with                           328  of  them  in  eleven
        that in Quebec dawned on the Canadian administra-                             years. For these poor little
        tion.  One  fine  morning  in  1751,  Madame  d’Youville                      ones, wet-nurses were lo-
        learned from a town crier that the 1747 contract that                         cated and paid.
        entrusted her with the administration of the hospital    On June 15, 1755,        Yet,  the  series  of  or-
        had been nullified, and that she was to give up her   Monseigneur  de   Pont-  deals had not come to an
        position to the nuns of Quebec. But Marguerite did   briand, Bishop of Quebec,   end. In 1756, the French
        not see things that way—with fearless eloquence, she   approved the new institute   and Indian War began
        pleaded her case before the civil and religious author-  and, on  August 25, Mar-  between  France  and  Eng-
        ities. From then on, she was able to depend on public   guerite d’Youville and her   land, who had long fought
        opinion. For four years, the people had observed the   eleven companions donned   over  the  New  World.  It
        work carried out by her companions in the hospital.   the grey dress and black   ended with British victory,
        They  had  seen  how  the  women  were  peaceful  and   headdress they had chosen   sanctioned by the Treaty
        good, merciful towards all human misery.             as their distinctive costume..  of Paris in 1763. The evils
            In  addition,  Marguerite,  with  her  feminine  intui-                   stemming  from  the  war
        tion, found the means of making opposition fall—she   were numerous—famine, price increases in Montreal
        offered  to  pay  all  the  state’s  debts  in  the  business,   which was flooded with refugees, fear for the future
        down to the last penny, and these debts were enor-   and for the survival of religious communities, an exo-
        mous. In 1753, she could finally take the hospital back   dus of protectors, friends, and relatives to France, re-
        into her hands. Two years later, the bishop elevated   sulting in a perceptible decrease in collections despite
        Marguerite’s little group of companions to the status   the increasing numbers of poor to relieve, the devalu-
        of a religious community. In the spirit of humility and   ation of the currency, etc. Marguerite d’Youville and
        forgiveness for the ridicule endured at the beginning   her Sisters sacrificed themselves to the best of their
        of the  foundation,  the  name  chosen  for  the  Sisters   ability.
        was “Gray Sisters,” (Soeurs grises), and their chosen                  “Be calm...”
        habit  was,  indeed,  the  color  gray.  They  had  had  to   But another calamity struck: the blaze of May
        endure  sixteen  years  of  hard  work,  bitter  struggles,   18,  1765  which,  after  having  consumed  more  then
        and trials of every kind in order to arrive at this official   one  hundred  homes  in  the  city,  reached  the  hospi-
        recognition.                                         tal, destroying it and forcing 118 individuals onto the
                    Overwhelming activity                    streets. In this desperate situation, Mother Marguerite
            Madame  d’Youville  did  everything  possible  to   d’Youville drew from her faith the courage to set to
        help  the  hospital  grow.  She  accommodated  women   work again without any fuss. First, she gathered her
        pensioners. She and her daughters busied themselves   frightened daughters and told them, “My children, we
        with all sorts of sewing work, including clothing for   are going to thank God on our knees for the cross He
        the king’s troops, dress for the Indians, ornaments for   has just sent us, by reciting the Te Deum (prayer of
        the tribal chiefs. They embarked upon the production   thanksgiving).” After that, as she was getting up, she
        of hosts and candles, the restoration of an abandoned   said these words, inspired by Heaven: “Don’t worry,
        brewery, the sale of lime, building stone, sand... All   the house will not burn again.”
        the poor in the hospital who could help were occu-       Saint Marguerite d’Youville’s attitude in the face
        pied in some sort of useful work. At the restored farm   of this disaster is an heroic example of faith in Divine
        at Saint Charles’ Point, pastures for animals were set   Providence, which overlooks nothing. Saint Catherine
        up. A boat for voyages and excursions was brought    of Sienna said to those who are scandalized and rebel
        into commission for the public, with profits going to   against  what  happens  to  them:  “Everything  comes
        the hospital. All this activity bore fruit. The Brothers’   from  love,  all  is ordained  for  the  salvation  of  man;
        debts were paid in full, and money was put into sav-  God  does  nothing  without  this  goal  in  mind.”  And
        ings to ensure the security of the poor. Many buildings   Saint Thomas More, shortly before his  martyrdom,  u
        were constructed; the hospital was expanded, and its                                             MICHAEL  January/February 2024    23
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