Page 24 - Michael 2024 January
P. 24

u consoled his daughter: “Nothing can come but that         At the end of her life, Mother said to her daugh-
        that God wills. And I make me very sure that what-   ters, “My dear Sisters, constantly remain faithful to the
        soever that be, seem it never so bad in sight, it shall   state which you have embraced: always walk the paths
        indeed be the best” (cf. CCC, 313). Saint Francis de   of steadfastness, obedience, and mortification—but
        Sales wrote to one of his                            above all, make the most perfect union reign among
        correspondents, who was                              you.” Then she added, “Ah! How happy I would be if I
        afflicted  with  trials:  “You                       saw myself in Heaven with all my Sisters!”
        must  throw  yourself  with                              On December 9, 1771, she suffered a stroke. On
        utter   self-abandonment                             the 13th of the same month, she had a second at-
        into  the  arms  of  Provi-                          tack. She died on the 23rd, at the age of seventy. The
        dence, for this is the de-                           testimony of numerous individuals worthy of faith re-
        sirable  time  for  it.  Prac-                       ported that at the moment when her soul departed
        tically  everyone  knows                             from her body to enter into Heaven, a bright light
        how to entrust himself to                            shone, in the shape of a cross, above the hospital.
        God amid the comfort and                             Seeing this, and not knowing of the foundress’ death,
        peace of prosperity; but                             a learned and distinguished citizen exclaimed, “Ah!
        to commit oneself to God                             What cross will the poor Gray Sisters have? What is
        in the midst of storms and                           going to happen to them?”
        tempests is proper to His
        children. I say, to commit                                         Rooted in the Cross
        oneself to Him with com-      Famine was rampant         The  holy  foundress’  congregation,  deeply  im-
        plete abandonment.”       in Montreal. One day,      planted  by  her  life’s  work,  fertilized  by  her  merits,
            Marguerite d’Youville’s  when the Hospital was   has received, through her intercession before God,
        confidence  would  yet  short of bread, Marguerite   the abundance of heavenly fecundity. It extends from
        again bear astonishing  d’Youville and her sisters   the Atlantic to the frigid Arctic Ocean, and from Can-
        fruit. Less than a month  came into the dining room   ada to southern Africa. It continues today through the
        after the fire, reconstruc-  and saw several barrels   religious  communities  born  of  Mother  Marguerite’s
        tion on the hospital had  of  fine  flour,  the  origin  of   initiative and formed in her spirit: the Sisters of Char-
        begun. Four years later,  which they would never     ity of the Montreal Hospital (“Soeurs grises,” founded
        in  1769,  everything  was  discover. Providence came   in 1737, now approximately 700 Sisters); the Sisters
        once again in place,  to their rescue.               of Charity of Saint-Hyacinthe (founded in 1840, now
        and Mother Marguerite                                about 230 Sisters); of Ottawa (founded in 1835, now
        d’Youville  was  completely  free  of  debt.  Many  mir-  about 840 Sisters); of Quebec (founded in 1849), of
        acles  followed  the  disaster,  such  as  the  multiplica-  Nicolet  (founded  in  1886,  merged  with  Montreal  in
        tion of necessary wine in a barrel come across under   1941),  of  Philadelphia,  USA  (founded  in  1921,  now
        the debris, and the inexplicable presence of coins   around 180 Sisters); and of Pembroke (founded in
        in  the  foundress’  pockets—Providence’s  comfort-  1926, now approximately 180 Sisters). Pope Leo XIII
        ing responses to the Mother’s total submission and   solemnly approved the Congregation of Gray Sisters
        confidence. Again through concern for the poor, in   on July 30, 1880.
        order to arrange means for them, she acquired an im-     We firmly believe that God is the Master of the
        mense piece of land, where she built a water mill. To   world and of history. In eternal life, we will fully know
        operate it, she had a three-meter-high barrier and a   the  wonderful  ways  of  Providence.  Here  on  earth,
        canal built in the rapids. During a difficult time in Can-  these ways are often unknown to us, but the Word
        adian history, while others lost heart and faith, giving   of God assures us that all things work for good for
        themselves over to discouragement, this foundress    those  who  love  God  (Rm  8:28).  May  this  certainty
        demonstrated  through  her  works  the  inexhaustible   light our path to Heaven, under the protection of the
        reserves of Christian energy.                        Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help!
               On the verge of having nothing                    We will pray to Saint Joseph for all your inten-

            A year before her death, Mother Marguerite       tions, including your beloved deceased. v
        d’Youville  wrote,  “We  are  eighteen  Sisters,  all  dis-                                       Dom Antoine Marie OSB
        abled, who direct a house where there are one hun-       This article is reprinted with permission from the
        dred seventy people to feed, and nearly as many to   Abbey of Clairval, France, which every month pub-
        look after... always on the verge of having nothing, we   lishes a spiritual newsletter on the life of a saint in
        have everything, or at least we have everything we   English, French, Italian and Dutch. Their postal ad-
        need. Every day, I praise Divine Providence, which   dress  is  Abbaye  Saint-Joseph  de  Clairval,  21150
        wishes indeed to make use of these poor subjects to   Flavigny sur Ozerain, France. The website is: www.
        do some small good!”                       

        24     MICHAEL  January/February 2024                                 
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