Page 21 - Michael 2024 January
P. 21

1763). Her father, a Breton gentleman who had lived   her, at the beginning of her mourning, “Console your-
        in New France since 1687, was an army officer. Mar-  self, Madame, God has destined you for great works,
        guerite’s mother, Marie-Renée de Varennes, was the   and you will rebuild a crumbling house.” Indeed, in
        daughter of an officer, René Gauthier de Varennes, a   the city of Montreal, a hospital founded in 1692 and
        knight in the Royal Order of Saint Louis.            named Charon Hospital, after its founder, was deca-
            Marie-Marguerite (custom dictated that she be    dent.  Two  Sulpician  priests,  Father  de  Lescöat  and
        called “Marguerite”), was the eldest in a family of six   Father Normant, successive pastors at Notre-Dame
        children. Orphaned by her father at the age of seven,   Parish,  hoped to recover possession  of  and save
        Marguerite entered the school of poverty at a yet ten-  this institution, which was indispensable to the city’s
        der age. Her father had never had more than an offi-  poor. Unlike today, the eighteenth century hospitals
        cer’s meager salary to support his family, that is to say,   did not specialize in medical care; rather, they were
        just enough to keep the family from starvation. Upon   places of welcome for all manner of poor people.
        his death, his widow and her six children were forced    Upon Father de Lescöat’s death, Father Normant
        into beggary. Six years of painful waiting passed be-  became  Madame  d’Youville’s  spiritual  director.  He
        fore a derisory pension was paid to Madame Dufrost   noticed  the  piety  of  the  young  woman  who,  with
        to raise her family. Thanks to the support of charit-  tears of sincerity, mourned the husband who had so
        able individuals, Marguerite was sent to an Ursuline   little deserved her. He considered the mother sparing
        boarding school for two years in Quebec. She gained   no expense for the education of her two sons, Fran-
        a strong religious education there, in keeping with the   çois and Charles, future priests. He saw this woman
        formation  she  had  received  from  her  family.  At  the   visit the poor and the sick; he saw her go to the gen-
        age of twelve, she returned home to help her mother   eral hospital to mend the rags of some neglected and
        in household tasks and the raising of her brothers and   filthy poor; he observed this charitable person’s in-
        sisters.                                             genuity and her marvelous spirit of initiative. In addi-
            On August 12, 1722,                              tion to the great personal traits that God had given
        she   married   François                             her was yet added an intimate love of God the Father.
                                                             She entered into a spirit of adoption, through which
        d’Youville,  who  was  a                             we cry, Abba, Father! (Rm 8:15), with an almost reck-
        handsome knight, but                                 less confidence in the Father’s Providence, which is
        also an adventurer of                                never lacking for those who work for the sanctifica-
        questionable morals, the                             tion of His Name and the coming His Kingdom.
        son of a fur and alcohol
        trafficker,  and  himself                                In  Father  Normant’s
        also  a  trafficker.  In  a  few                     eyes,  this  woman  was
        years, he had squandered                             capable of rebuilding the
        his fortune and destroyed                            hospital, and to this end
        his  health  as  well  as  his                       God would perhaps make
        wife’s happiness. He died                            her the mother of a reli-
        in 1730, at the age of                               gious  family.  Filled  with
        twenty-eight,  after  eight                          these ideas, he suggested
        years of an unhappy marriage. He bequeathed debts    to Marguerite d’Youville to
        to his wife, leaving her two young children and preg-  take some poor persons
        nant with a third—four others had died in infancy.   into her home; this would
                                                             be a novitiate suitable
            Marguerite accepted all these trials with courage,   for the task to come. The
        in a spirit of faith. She knew that Divine Providence’s   priest then recruited her a
        care is tangible and immediate, that it sees to every-  fellow  worker.  Soon,  two
        thing, from the smallest matters to the greatest world   other young women joined
        and  historical  events.  In  fact,  Jesus  asked  for  filial   them. They moved into   On November 21, 1737,
        abandon to the Providence of the heavenly Father,    a  rented  house,  with  five   the feast of the Presentation
        who meets the least of His children’s needs: So do   poor  persons  who  would   of Mary in the Temple, Mar-
        not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are   quickly become ten. And   guerite welcomed a blind
        we to drink?’... Your heavenly Father knows that you   thus was formed the core   woman into her home. This
        need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and   of a new community. This   gesture of hospitality was
        His righteousness, and all these things will be given   was in 1737. But this char-  the starting point of a great
        you besides (Mt 6:31-33).                            itable  undertaking  was  to   adventure in the service of
                “Console yourself, Madame...”                undergo serious trials.    the poor.
            Trials were to bear the fruit of sanctification in Mar-     Intoxicated from alcohol?
        guerite’s life, which seemed to have begun so badly.     Certain individuals cast a disapproving eye on the
        Father de Lescöat, the young widow’s confessor, told   Sulpician Fathers’ initiative. They were suspected of  u
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