Page 22 - Michael 2024 March
P. 22

The extraordinary

                         Vision given to

                  George Washington

            What Happened that Winter at Valley Forge? was first published in the last edition of the Michael magazine in 2020 and was
        written by Anne Marie Jacques. We’ve added some additional thoughts to the original article in the form of footnotes.
            Considering historical events in the U.S. in the past centuries, this writer believes that George Washington’s visions of a
        “Beautiful Lady” were indeed Our Blessed Mother and that she was predicting coming events in this country.
            Balkanization is a very old and infamous ruse. The appearance of disunity can be engineered and differences among a har-
        monious but diverse people can be exaggerated. Such deliberate manipulation fosters a disingenuous sense of isolation, chaos
        and confusion necessary to pave the way for the institution of a totalitarian, atheistic, One World Government as planned by the
        United Nation’s Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
            There are two diametrically opposed groups in the U.S.: a small cadre of powerful, well-funded and well-organized globalists
        and the overwhelming majority who are American patriots. You will recall that America, united under one flag, one currency, and
        one language defeated the threat of worldwide totalitarianism in the 1930s and 1940s. The unelected Deep State and their minions
        in the radical left know very well that our United States can defeat tyranny again! Will we avoid God’s wrath in His staying of the
        third peril? What needs to happen for Americans to realise we must reunite as a nation against the globalist forces that will be ar-
        rayed against the American way of life?
            May we all now consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, repent and offer reparation for our personal sins, and
        be faithful to the Gospel.                                                                Ann Marie Ziniti
                                                                                             Stephen P. Ziniti, CFP
              What Happened that Winter at Valley Forge?

                                                 by Anne Marie Jacques
            The winter at Valley Forge in 1777 was a brutal ex-  and, of course, to pray. The American forces up until
        perience for General George Washington and his Con-  then had fought fiercely and bravely to gain indepen-
        tinental army. The soldiers endured not only the bit-  dence  from corrupt British rule.  They  now  felt  very
        ter cold but also disease and hunger. Many deserted,   much alone and increasingly desperate. It is said that
        and by the following March more than 2,500 had died.   at one point General Washington knelt in the snow be-
        By this point, the Continental army had already suf-  fore his weary, starv-
        fered several significant defeats.  The British army was   ing,  pitiful  army  and,
        encamped only 18 miles away, in relatively comfort-  with tears stream-
        able Philadelphia, preparing to wipe out the remaining   ing down his cheeks,
        Continentals as soon as the weather allowed them to   prayed to God for
        mount an attack.                                     blessings upon his
            General Washington used that time at Valley Forge   dedicated and suffer-
        to plan his military strategies, get his troops back in   ing men.
        order and ready for any impending enemy encounters       Recorded in the
                                                             Library of Congress,
                                                             and first published in
                                                             1861 (we find it again
                                                             in the National  Trib-
                                                             ute,  Washington,  D.
                                                             C., December  1880)
                                                             is the eyewitness ac-
                                                             count  by colleague
                                                             Anthony  Sherman  of
                                                             Washington’s  vision
                                                                                         From the Library of Congress
                                                             of a “Beautiful Lady”.    The National Tribune, 1880
                          Valley Forge, 1777
        22     MICHAEL  March/April 2024                                      
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