Page 18 - Michael 2024 March
P. 18

Economic Democracy, or Social Credit

         is necessary for a healthy economy

              Developed by Major Clifford Hugh Douglas

                             and explained by Louis Even

                         by Louis Even                       racy, and more popularly, Social Credit.
            Readers of  this publication,  MICHAEL,  may be      Philosophically, Douglas was a student of Aris-
        curious by the ideas expressed herein regarding      totle, and as such considered the various functions
        economics and finance. The ideas are logical al-     of the economy in relation to their logical and nat-
        though novel.  Their application to national econ-   ural ends.  Means were subordinated to ends in his
        omies would deliver hope to societies. Where did     formulation. With an engineer’s ingenuity, he articu-
        these theories originate? What is Social Credit , a   lated elegant and efficient proposals. There is, he
        term not found in economics textbooks? Is it a fanci-  said, a “canon” that should not be violated; a natural
        ful concept developed by the editors of MICHAEL?     law, as it were. Douglas was concerned that indi-
            No! MICHAEL earnestly spread                                     vidual freedom and responsibility
        these ideas but did not conceive                                     be preserved, and individual natural
        them. We believe a Social Credit                                     rights retained. Institutions of every
        monetary system would resolve                                        nature, whether political, economic
        most of the economic and social                                      or social, must serve the individual
        problems in the world today, but                                     and not dominate or control him, he
        our publication is not the author of                                 believed; systems must not restrict
        this system.  The author and origin-                                 freedom.
        ator was a Scotsman, Clifford Hugh                                      These principles are not con-
        Douglas, born in 1879.                                               sidered in the current economic sys-
            Major Douglas was an engineer                                    tem which operates as a monopoly.
        commissioned with various pro-                                       Douglas’ Three Proposals would put
        jects during his career. He served                                   financial credit at the service of the
        as Chief Engineer and Manager for                                    population. Ultimately, if gradually,
        the British Westinghouse Company                                     free association would ensure the
        in India. He was the  Deputy Chief                                   supply of goods and services to re-
        Electrical Engineer for the Buenos       Clifford Hugh Douglas       spond to a population’s needs. The
        Aires and Pacific Railway, and in              1879-1952             individual would have restored to
        England he was employed in the                                       him or her the freedom to accept or
        construction of the London Post Office Tube Rail-    refuse each undertaking that was presented.
        way.                                                     The money and credit monopolists immediately
            During World War I, he was Assistant Super-      recognized  in  Douglas’  proposals  a  threat  to  their
        intendent at the Royal Aircraft Factory in Farnbor-  privileged  position.  Determined  to  maintain  their
        ough, England.  The British government had asked     control, even though it was harmful to society, the
        him to address “a certain amount of muddle” in the   financial elite used their powerful influence over
        factory’s accounts.                                  governments, institutions and the channels of com-
            Douglas  never  considered  himself  an  econo-  munication to boycott and malign Douglas’  teach-
        mist, yet he proved himself to be a natural with his   ings. First, it was a conspiracy of silence followed by
        diagnosis of the major flaw he discovered at Farn-   a misrepresentation of Douglas’ theories. After, they
        borough, and realized it applied generally to today’s   threw the public into confusion by denigrating the
        economic system. Douglas proceeded to develop a      term  Social  Credit.  Finally,  they  pushed ambitious
        solution that became known as Economic Democ-        people to launch a political party.
                                                                 But Douglas had a written legacy and developed
        1    Social Credit can also be called Social Money, or   a following in several countries, including Canada.
        Economic Democracy to ensure there is no confusion with   As a result, his teachings continue to be advanced.
        China’s ‘social credit’ system.  China’s system is the op-  Governments have had to concede the veracity of
        posite of Douglas’ and Louis Even’s formulation.

        18     MICHAEL  March/April 2024                                      
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