Page 19 - Michael 2024 March
P. 19

Douglas found defects in the

        workings of the financial sys-

        tem. He developed principles
        to rehabilitate capitalism so
        that it would be a servant of

        the people and society alike.

        Marxism and Fabian Social-
        ism are tyrannical forms of
        managing economies and

        populations, and cannot com-

        pete with Social Credit.

        several of his assertions. For instance, the gold stan-                    Credit
        dard as a basis for the volume of money is no longer     Douglas exposed the defects of the present cap-
        considered viable.  Another abandoned sacred cow     italist  system  and  flaws  inherent  in  the  bookkeep-
        is  the  “balanced  budget”.  Orthodox  economists   ing of the price system (even when the bookkeeping
        advanced this idea as if it was a matter of life and   was accurate). He recognized that ends and means
        death, but if governments did not have recourse to   in the realm of economics were inverted, and illus-
        deficit spending, economic life would be choked in   trated that these various defects interfered with the
        the current system.                                  good functioning  of  the  economy  and society. He
            When governments are in trouble, they borrow     indicated that capitalism could be rehabilitated to
        from Douglas’ teaching but marinate the principles   make it a servant of individuals and society alike in
        in the stew of the extant financial system, such as   a system that would liberate all, as opposed to the
        in the case of balanced budgets and the head chef,   popular models of Fabian and Marxist socialism.
        John Maynard Keynes. Consider that the creation of   Social Credit would make these tyrannical schemes
        community assets, such as infrastructure and public   pathetic  contenders.
        projects, results in public debt: a distortion of reality   This article will cite some of the discoveries that
        as schools, hospitals and roads are public assets!   brought Douglas to the Social Credit proposals.
        Students of Douglas’ teachings must acknowledge          The first concerned credit. He had been routine-
        reality,  and  not  simply  accept  that  a  proposal  for     ly stymied from completing engineering projects
        social security measures is a step toward a Social   due to a lack of financial credit. These projects were
        Credit economy.                                      needed by the population and were physically pos-
            A tranquilizer may relieve suffering but it does   sible to complete (i.e. manpower and materials were
        not cure pain. This is true for the current financial   in ample supply) but were halted simply because
        system: there may be medicines to relieve an ache    money was lacking. Herein, money assumed magic-
        or strain in the system but the sickness remains.    al proportions.  Its absence or presence affected so-
        Instead, we must insist on a Social Credit economy.   ciety and peoples’ lives, almost as if it were a natural
            In 1917, at Farnborough Aircraft Factory, Doug-  phenomenon, like weather or gravity.
        las determined the problem with the economic sys-        Douglas  soon  realized  that  virtually  all  the
        tem and established by his Three Proposals how the   money upon which economic life depended is
        proper ends of an economy could be met. His first    only entries in bank ledgers credited to borrowers.
        writings were published in 1918 in the form of arti-  These credits circulated via cheques and transfers
        cles in various journals and in the economic sections   with  sums  moving from  one account  to another.
        of newspapers. In 1919, his book, Economic Dem-      Why must society accept a restricted supply of
        ocracy, was published. Other books and pamphlets     these credits, when they are necessary to mobilize
        followed and he had lecture tours in England, Aus-   a productive capacity that exists to meet the popu-
        tralia, Japan, Sweden, and Canada. Douglas died on   lation’s real needs?
        September 29, 1952.                                      Not  long  afterwards,  Douglas  determined  that
                                                             the true basis of all money, whether coins, cash or                                                   MICHAEL  March/April 2024   19
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