Page 16 - Michael 2024 March
P. 16

Unpayable debts bear bad fruit

          Debt-free financing through Economic Democracy

                         by Louis Even                       other than that received through taxation and loans,
                                                             did not create it.
            Materially speaking, which is the richest coun-
        try in the world?                                        Neither was this $1 billion made by farmers,
            Everyone would agree the world’s most pros-      workers or industrialists. These people make agri-
                                                             cultural and industrial products; they do not make
        perous country is the United States of America. The   money.
        United States has the best equipment, the greatest
        production, and can offer other nations the greatest     The extra $1 billion came into being because pri-
        range of products. It is the country most capable of   vate or public borrowers were granted loans that to-
        expanding its productive capacity.                   talled $1 billion. These loans were created by simple
            What country has the largest national debt?      bankbook entries, that is, figures were entered by
                                                             the banker to the credit of a borrower who came to
            The United States has this distinction with a na-  the bank to obtain money (and not because a de-
        tional debt exceeding $34 trillion (in 2024).        positor brought money to the bank).
                      The game is rigged                         More precisely, one would have to say that loans
            Is this not contradictory? How can the rich-     would  have  totalled  more  than  $1  billion  over  the
        est country be the country with the largest public   year, since loan repayments were also made during
        debt?                                                this period.
            In all logic, this is contradictory. But with the    Repayments remove money out of circulation.
        present financial system, it is inevitable. The more   Loans add money to circulation. The total amount of
        a country increases its productive capacity and be-  money in circulation increased by $1 billion because
        comes richer, the more indebted it becomes finan-    the total value of loans exceeded the total value of
        cially.                                              repayments by $1 billion.
            The same applies to Canada. Compare the coun-        Loans are debts that must be paid back. Repay-
        try’s present wealth to what it was 300, 200, 100,   ments cancel debts. If loans exceeded repayments
        50 or 25 year ago. You will see that although real   by $1 billion, the debts incurred exceeded the debts
        wealth has continuously increased over these years,   paid back by the same amount.
        the national debt has also been increasing. This is      This is how any increase in money creates an
        true for provincial and municipal debts as well.     increase in debt.
            How can this be?                                     Does the total of repayments sometimes ex-
            In a system in which money is only issued in the   ceed the total of loans?
        form of a debt, there can be no increase in money        Yes, for a short period of time. This occurs when
        unless it is by increasing the amount of debt. The   banks, taken as a whole, refuse to lend money while
        greater the volume of production, the more money     insisting they be paid back. In this case, the money
        is needed not only to produce but to consume prod-   in  circulation  decreases,  and  soon  a  recession  re-
        ucts.                                                sults. There is then less money to make purchases
                      Loans and deposits                     and pay wages. An economic crisis begins.
            What do you mean by “more money is needed”?          But the entire debt can never disappear. All
            “More money” refers to the volume of money in    debts cannot be paid back even if all the money that
        circulation.                                         was put into circulation through loans were to be
                                                             used. The reason is that the borrower goes into debt
            If  there  was  $5  billion  in  circulation  last  year,   for an amount greater than the amount borrowed.
        and this year there is $6 billion, $1 billion must have   This is due to the charging of interest on loans.
        been added. The $1 billion that did not exist last year
                                                                 Since money  enters  circulation  through  loans,
        but that now exists is $1 billion of new money.      and since money disappears through repayments
            This $1 billion did not materialize on its own.   that are larger than the loans, this means that, as
        Money is not born spontaneously, nor does it fall    a whole, more money must be paid back than the
        out of a tree or fall from the sky as does rain or snow.     money found in circulation. This is not mathemat-
            The Government, which asserts it has no money    ically possible.

        16     MICHAEL  March/April 2024                                      
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