Page 15 - Michael 2024 March
P. 15

sible. Wrath is countered by benevolence, openness   the weak, it would mean that the person was not hu-
        of heart, meekness and patience.                     man, much less a Christian.
            But, on the subject of wrath, there is one last      Holy  indignation  exists,  which  is  not  wrath  but
        thing to be said. It is a terrible vice, it was said, that   an inner movement, a holy indignation. Jesus knew
        is at the origin of wars and violence. The Proem of   it several times in His life (cf. Mk 3.5): He never re-
        the Iliad describes the wrath of Achilles, which will be   sponded to evil with evil, but in His soul, He felt this
        the cause of “infinite woes”. But not everything that   sentiment, and in the case of the merchants in the
        stems from wrath is mistaken. The ancients under-    Temple, He performed a strong and prophetic action,
        stood well that there exists an irascible part of us that   dictated not by wrath, but by zeal for the house of the
        cannot and must not be denied. The passions are to   Lord (cf. Mt 21:12-13). We must distinguish well: zeal,
        some extent unconscious: they happen, they are life   holy indignation, is one thing; wrath, which is bad, is
        experiences. We are not responsible for the onset of   another.
        wrath, but always for its development. And at times,     It is up to us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to
        it is good for anger to be vented in the right way.   find the right measure for the passions. To educate
        If a person were never to anger, if a person did not   them well so that they turn to good and not to evil. v
        become indignant at an injustice, if he did not feel
        something quivering in his gut at the oppression of                                                           Pope Francis

                  Never give up                                                    shelter the homeless, visit
                                                                                   prisoners and the sick, etc.
               MICHAEL’s fight for economic                                           Both Louis Even and
           justice for all is a long-term battle, full                             Abbé Pierre’s commitment
           of obstacles.  Even as we are tackling                                  to justice are inspiring ex-
           immense forces, we must never be-                                       amples that a single per-
           come discouraged nor give up. As St.                                    son has a great capacity
           Pope  John  Paul  II  wrote  in  his  1987                              to have a positive impact
           encyclical,  Sollicitudo rei socialis (n.                               in the world.   While Abbé
           30),: “Anyone wishing to renounce                                       Pierre was nobly tackling
           the difficult yet noble task of improv-           Abbé Pierre           the consequences of pov-
           ing the lot of man in his totality, and   erty, such as  homelessness caused by a lack of money, Louis
           of all people, with the excuse that the   Even identified the root of the problem: a financial system that
           struggle is difficult and that constant   creates money in the form of debt by privately-owned banks.
           effort is required, or simply because of   In turn, he presented the  solution in the monetary system
           the experience of defeat and the need   known as Economic Democracy.
           to begin again, that person would be
           betraying the Will of God the Creator.”     St. Pope Paul VI wrote in his 1967 encyclical, Populorum
               Abbé  Pierre  (1912-2007),  from   Progressio  (n. 75): “More  than anyone else, the individual
                                                  who is animated by true charity labors skillfully to discover
           France, was known for his commit-      the causes of misery, to find the means to combat it, and over-
           ment to justice.  Born Henri Grouès,   come it resolutely.”
           he was a Catholic priest who in 1949
           founded  the  Emmaus  Movement,  a         For those who are tempted to be discouraged by the fight
           charity dedicated to helping the home-  against  injustice,  here  are  some  words  of  encouragement
           less and people in difficulty. For more   from Abbé Pierre:
           than 10 years, Abbé Pierre topped      I will continue to believe, even if everyone else loses hope.
           the list of the French people’s most   I will continue to love, even if others spread hatred.
           beloved personalities. Most memor-     I will continue to build, even if others destroy.
           able is a resounding appeal he made    I will continue to speak of peace, even in the midst of war.
           on the radio in February, 1954 to help   I will continue to illuminate, even in the midst of darkness.
           the homeless during that harsh winter   I will continue to sow, even if others trample on the harvest.
           when  men  and  women  were  dying     And I’ll keep shouting, even if others are silent.
           due to a lack of shelter.              And I will draw smiles on tearful faces.
               We often say that there are many   And I’ll bring relief when the pain is seen.
           ways to help our needy brothers and    And I will bring joy where there is only sadness.
           sisters. The Church exhorts us to feed   I will invite to walk those who have decided to stop,
           the hungry, give drink to the thirsty,   And I will stretch out my arms to those who feel exhausted.v

                                                   MICHAEL  March/April 2024   15
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