Page 10 - Michael 2024 March
P. 10

Louis Even from 1885 to 1935

            In the previous issue  of MICHAEL, in  an article
        on the 50th  anniversary of the death of Louis Even,
        founder of the MICHAEL magazine, we talked about
        the event that changed his life in 1934 when he was al-
        most 50 years of age: his encounter with the concepts
        of Economic Democracy, or Social Credit, developed
        by the Scottish engineer Clifford Hugh Douglas.
            This article follows the first 50 years of Louis Even’s
        life, and aims to highlight the extent to which he was
        a figure with extraordinary qualities from an early age
        and throughout his entire career. He came from a large
        Catholic family which instilled in young Louis the val-
        ues that won the admiration of all who knew him and
        led thousands of people to follow him in this Move-
        ment for the financial and social liberation of all.
                       by Thérèse Tardif

                            His birth
            Louis Even was born on March 23, 1885 in Mont-
        fort-sur-Meu, near Rennes, in Brittany, France. He was
        baptised the following day in the parish church which
        was then dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.
            Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673–1716)
        was the great apostle of Brittany and was blessed with
        a devotion to the Virgin Mary.  He was born in the par-     The parish church of Montfort-sur-Meu,
        ish of Montfort-sur-Meu, like Louis Even. It was in his     first dedicated to Saint John the Baptist,
        honour that the future founder of MICHAEL was given      then to Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
        the name Louis-Marie, and it can be said that he was
        a faithful imitator of his patron saint, for he too had a   parents  knew  how to bring up  their  family  to love
        great devotion to Mary.                              God and, because of that a veritable garden of saints
            The church’s name was changed to honour Saint    resulted: seven of the children entered the religious
        Louis-Marie-Grignon de Montfort after his canonisa-  life, including four in the Company of Mary (founded
        tion in 1947.                                        by Saint Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort) and three
            During his lifetime, Saint Louis-Marie Grignon had   others became priests.
        a burning desire to come to Canada, but the Holy Fath-   Of the seven religious, six died between the ages
        er reserved him for France, which was in great need of   of  20 and  26. They  had  scarcely  consecrated  them-
        missionaries at the time. Two centuries later, seeing the   selves to God by profession or perpetual vows when
        needs of Canada, perhaps Saint Louis-Marie and Saint   the Divine Redeemer seized these fresh roses to adorn
        John the Baptist (patron saint of French Canadians)   his glorious Paradise. Did he want to protect them
        consulted each other in heaven to send Louis-Marie   from the  religious  persecution  raging  in  France,  or
        Even de Montfort to Canada. St. John the Baptist was   did he take them as victims, so that from heaven they
        not afraid and was ultimately martyred by beheading.     could, with divine means, assist their brother Louis in
        Louis Even too, was not afraid, and also proclaimed,   his special and difficult mission?
        like John the Baptist, “You don’t have the right!”       When the Militia of the Immaculate was founded
                       A family of saints                    by Saint  Maximilian Kolbe, one of its first members
                                                             died. The founder of the movement was delighted be-
            Louis Even’s parents, Pierre Even and Marguerite   cause, he said, “one of our own must be up there with
        Vitre, had 16 children. Four died at birth; the others   his celestial powers to help the Work develop.”
        were  Pierre,  Aimée-Marie,  Marie-Joseph,  Marie-
        Sainte, François, Ernest, Philomène, Émile, Françoise,   Louis-Marie Even had great affection for his par-
        Louis-Marie, Marie-Louise, and Léon. Louis-Marie was   ents. He said with admiration that his mother did not
                                                             tolerate any sins in the house. Despite her kindness,
        the fourteenth in the family.                        his  mother  knew  how  to  be  firm in  shaping  charac-
            Such a large family was already remarkable, but   ter and correcting faults. She never hesitated to take
        what was even more exceptional was that the good     a small branch of wicker to drive her little Marie-Lou-

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