Page 5 - Michael 2024 March
P. 5

God or Satan

            God created man through love, as he did the an-
        gels.  He  also created  angels in His likeness, not as
        spirits to be united to a body, but immaterial spirits
        created in the image of God. But some angels fell be-
        cause of their pride.
                        The original sin
            Adam and Eve also fell because of pride, wanting
        to become like gods. They believed Satan who told
        them: “Why not eat of that fruit?” They answered:
        “Because God forbade us, and He told us that if we
        ate of it, we would die!”
            This means that if Adam had not committed that
        sin, he would not have died, and none of us would
        die. We are all related to Adam, and we came from
        Adam after his fall, with his debased nature, broken
        because of his sin. Without this we would not have
        died,  nor would have  He.  We would have  spent a
        number of years upon earth, according to God’s will,        Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden
        and we would have risen to Heaven, body and soul,             of Eden after having disobeyed God
        as did Our Lord and Redeemer. Adam lost this privil-
        ege, the privilege of immortality.                   creation  glorifies God and follows God’s order. The
            He also lost the privilege of integrity. This privilege   elements of nature are not disordered.
        consists of the perfect submission of our body to our    But man was created with a mind and a soul cre-
        soul; the perfect submission of our senses to our rea-  ated in the likeness of God. A soul has both freedom
        son; the perfect submission of our natural animal in-  and responsibility since it has intelligence  and vol-
        stinct to human reason. This represents perfect order.   ition. Man can say either yes or no. He can say yes to
            Adam was in a state of innocence and in a state   one thing and say no to another. He has the power to
        of grace. His sin upset God’s plan, in the same way   choose between matters set before him. I understand
        Satan and the fallen angels contradicted God’s plan.   that at times, this freedom is taken away from him by
        Those who remained faithful were later confirmed in   other men. But, in his nature, he has the freedom to
        grace. Satan was confirmed in sin. It is not God who   choose.
        confirmed Satan in his sin. It is Satan who sinned, and   Adam was free to choose to eat or not to eat the
        was not able to repent.                              apple, and he knew he must not eat it. Whatever the
            Angels are not made like us. They are spirits not   nature of the apple, this is how the Bible presents the
        united to bodies. But they are more perfect than us in   situation. In any case, the Lord’s command was clear.
        their nature. When they decide something, they can-  He disobeyed the Lord and knew he was disobeying.
        not change their mind. Satan disobeyed God, and now   He could have chosen to obey, but he chose to dis-
        he is unable to humble himself before God to ask His   obey. He was tempted. Eve was tempted by the de-
        pardon. Satan has no regret; he hates God. He wants   mon who said to her: “You will not die! This is an in-
        to do God all the harm he can. This is why he visited   vention of the Lord who is jealous of you! He does not
        the Garden of Eden to smear God’s work at the dawn   want you to become gods like He! If you eat this apple,
        of man’s creation.                                   you will become gods! You will know good from evil!”
            This is what sin is. We are born with this original   From that moment on, Adam knew evil. He only
        sin. We did not commit this sin personally; Adam did.   knew good before that moment. Satan said that know-
        For Adam, this was a personal sin. Since he was the   ing good and evil was to be “like God”. This is hor-
        first man,  and  all  of  mankind  rests upon  him,  all  of   rible, and Adam and Eve fell. Instead of listening to the
        mankind was, in fact, broken by Adam’s sin.          Lord’s  command, they took Satan’s  suggestion,  the
                                                             attraction offered by Satan. And we are the victims of
            We are  born with an inclination to sin. This is   that decision.
        called concupiscence. It is concupiscence of the flesh
        that  leads  us to  sins of impurity.  There  is also  the   A woman will crush your head
        concupiscence  of the mind that leads to pride and       But God did not abandon Adam. Adam is not an
        selfishness. There is concupiscence of the eyes: curi-  angel. God knew that Adam could change his mind.
        osity that wants to see and know everything without   God took pity on Adam. He could have left him under
        submitting to the order willed by God.               the influence of the devil forever, and all of Adam’s
            Everything was created for God’s glory: animals,   children would have been born with the original sin
        plants, minerals, mountains, rivers and forests. All of   as we all were. This sin might not have had a remedy,
                                                             but God had pity on man. And from the first day, God  u                                                   MICHAEL  March/April 2024     5
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