Page 3 - Michael 2024 March
P. 3

Letter from the Editor

                        2024, a year dedicated to prayer

            On January 21st, the Sunday of the Word of       prayer, one of his disciples asked: “Lord, teach
        God, Pope Francis announced the beginning of a       us to pray, as John taught his disciples” (Lk 11:1).
        year of prayer to prepare for Holy Year 2025, the    It was then that Jesus entrusted to his disciples
        Great Jubilee Year. According to the Holy Father,    and to the Church the Lord’s Prayer, the beautiful
        2024 should allow “a rediscovery of the great value   Our Father which contains seven requests, includ-
        and absolute necessity of prayer. I ask you to inten-  ing that His will be done, that He give us our daily
        sify your prayer in order to live this time of grace.”  bread, that we be forgiven as we forgive others,
            The Catechism of the Catholic Church has an      and so on.
        entire section on prayer. St. John Damascene said:       There are several forms of prayer recom-
        “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to    mended  by  the  Church,  including  the  Liturgy  of
        God or the requesting of good things from God.”      the Hours (Lauds and Vespers) and the recitation
        Prayer is what unites us to God, and the means of    of the psalms.  The  most accessible prayer,  the
        obtaining His graces, because it allows us to hum-   one recommended by the Blessed Virgin Mary in
        bly acknowledge that we need                                             all her apparitions, is the Ros-
        God’s help  and  forgiveness,                                            ary. We recite the Hail Mary,
        and  that  without  Him  we  can                                         Our Father and Glory Be while
        do nothing.                                                              meditating on the mysteries in
            There are prayers of praise                                          the lives of Jesus and Mary. In
        and  of  thanksgiving,  but  the                                         these difficult times, praying
        fundamental prayer is that of                                            the Rosary is much needed.
        petition. “Ask and you shall re-                                            In this issue, we continue
        ceive,” Jesus tells us. However,                                         to  reflect  on  the  various  as-
        as well as asking favours for our-                                       pects of the life of Louis Even,
        selves, we can and should also                                           the founder of MICHAEL, who
        ask for help for others: peace                                           passed away 50 years ago.
        in the world, the conversion of                                          The whole earth belongs to the
        sinners, the deliverance of souls                                        Lord, and if Jesus reigns in our
        in purgatory, etc. This is known                                         hearts, Satan will have no place
        as intercessory prayer.                                                  there, and God’s justice will be
            God’s grace can also be ob-                                          accomplished  in  our  actions
        tained through the sacraments,  In prayer, we entrust our hearts to Jesus  and in society. This  is  what
        but even in the absence of a                                            Louis Even explained by medi-
        priest, prayer is accessible to everyone at any time   tating on the hymn “We want God” (see page 4).
        and in any place. St. John Chrysostom wrote: “It         Louis Even was born into a family of saints (see
        is possible to offer fervent prayer even while walk-  page 12). Love of Jesus and love of neighbour in-
        ing in public or strolling alone, or seated in your   spired him to establish the work of MICHAEL (see
        shop ... while buying or selling ... or even while   page 9), and to be indignant in the face of injustice
        cooking.” Praying is a vital necessity. St. Alphon-  (see page 14).
        sus de Liguori said: “Whoever prays will certainly       The Movement Louis Even began denounces
        save himself; whoever does not pray will certainly   anything which stands in the way of God’s plan.
        be damned.”                                          First and foremost is the current financial system,
            It is enough to start talking to God, to say “I   which creates money in the form of unpayable
        love you” or “Help me, please come to my aid.”       debts (see page 16). The solution provided in the
        As Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus said, “For me,   system of Economic Democracy (see page 18), en-
        prayer is a surge of the heart. It is a simple turn   sures that the goods of the earth reach all human
        toward heaven, a cry of recognition and love, em-    beings. God is always at work, ready to help us if
        bracing both trial and joy.” Even by saying, “Lord I   we pray and ask Him. This is what the lives of the
        don’t know how to pray,” we have begun to pray.      saints show us, like that of Saint Mary of the Incar-
            One day, when Jesus had finished a time of       nation (see page 28). Enjoy reading! v
                                                                                         Alain Pilote, Editor
                                                   MICHAEL  March/April 2024     3
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