Page 4 - Michael 2024 March
P. 4
God or Satan
We must choose
This is from a conference
given in Montreal, Quebec on
January 6, 1974 by Louis Even.
At 89 years of age, Mr. Even
thundered against the agents
of Satan to a large audience,
and he attracted enthusiastic
apostles he would send into
battle. Before this conference,
he asked that the beautiful
hymn, “We want God in our
families, in our schools” be
sung. At this point, Mr. Even
had only nine more months
remaining until his death and
ascent to Heaven.
by Louis Even
We Want God
There is a reason why I
asked that this hymn be sung.
Louis Even in 1971 We must choose between God
and Satan. We must choose be-
tween the two. Those who do not choose God are for
Satan. Those who do not want Satan choose God. And
who can help us to choose God? The Blessed Virgin
Mary can. This is why we call to her. We are soldiers,
but, at the same time, we invoke her as our tender
mother. “Bless, O tender Mother, this cry of our Faith.”
It is a cry of Faith: We want God! God. Each Person is the whole God. This is a mystery.
Today, people say: “We no longer want God.” The second Person of the Holy Trinity, the God
Scientists, people in power, heads of state, diplomats, who created us, by whom all things were made, came
everyone cries out: “We no longer want God!” They upon earth to save us, to reconquer the earth that
may not say those words, but they set Him aside. Satan had conquered in the Garden of Eden.
He is set aside completely: No invocations, no God Those who do not believe this have their religion
served first... none of this. This is why peace cannot all wrong, that is, if they have a religion at all. And
be achieved in this world. there is a lack of religion. They say: “Original sin is an
We are more knowledgeable in physical matters invention; it is made up.”
than were our fathers and grandfathers. But we send
more people to hell than they did, because we our- It is not an invention. God did not create man as
selves are on our way to hell. Not you; when I say we, he is today. Man was perfect when he was created,
I mean people at large. Only a few people are saved and he is no longer perfect. God created Adam as a
from hell. well-balanced, perfect being. He was not an animal,
although his body is that of an animal. Man was cre-
The entire world is corrupt today. This must ated as an animal but God gave him a soul, a soul that
change, because the world belongs to the Lord. Satan is made in the image of the divine God. Our soul is
has no right to remain on earth. Yet he is here. Our an image of God, and God made a perfect soul and
Lord came upon earth. He was the Son of God, the placed it in Adam’s body. Adam’s body was perfect.
second Person of the Trinity.
God gave Adam a soul in order to adore Him; to praise
One God: there is only one God; there are three Him throughout eternity after the soul’s duration on
Persons in God, and each Person is not one-third of earth, and to attain happiness.
4 MICHAEL March/April 2024