Page 8 - Michael 2024 March
P. 8
God or Satan
u him on the mountain. They held his arms up. Moses’ grants victory.” He grants victory to soldiers who are
arms were held raised long enough and the Hebrews Christians, who pray and engage in battle. We are the
were granted victory. soldiers of the Blessed Virgin. Each one of you is an
Prayer together with action: this is our Move- officer, a soldier of Mary at the service of the Father.
ment. We are a Movement of action as well as a The devil does not sleep. All day and all night he
Movement of prayer. is awake. He has well-designed plans to destroy the
Like the prophets Church as much as he can. Even more so today, he
plots to destroy the Church from the inside, the only
Catholics, or at least the Pilgrims of Saint Michael Church capable of leading us to Christ. The devil has
who have joined in the battle, will have to speak like plans to divide and conquer.
the prophets of old: “You do not have the right to do In the face of all this, we must engage in battle. We
such things!” Prophets do not only foretell the future. cannot go on sleeping. Yes, we must rest eight hours a
They also call people back to order. One such proph- day and we must earn a living, but we must do as little
et is the patron saint of French Canadians, St. John of this as is required to feed our family. One must set a
the Baptist. He was not afraid to tell Herod, before his limit to these activities in order to have more time for
court and before the world: “You do not have the right our apostolate work.
to act as you do. You do not have the right to live with
When we think and speak of, and when we work
your brother’s wife!” for the Blessed Virgin, if we love her in the least, if we
Our work and prayers understand how great Our Lady is, if we know how
We must return to a Christian civilization and to a great is the Son of God made man, we are pleased to
financial system that is in conformity with justice and have the honour to do so. This is so even though it will
the common good. For this to happen, we must work cost us, even if sacrifices are asked of us, even if it is
and pray. The work consists of spreading the Michael tiring, and even if we have the odd accident.
Journal, our literature and our Michael offprints. We Ask God for the strength, courage and the energy
must also pray and sanctify ourselves. to be someone who accomplishes things; to be some-
Our work, as Pilgrims of Saint Michael, is to en- one who devotes himself and who does not stop;
gage in battle. St. Joan of Arc told her soldiers: “Sol- someone who endures whatever comes! v
diers are meant to fight wars, but God is the One who Louis Even
The Spirituality of Louis Even
by Alain Pilote When in 1934 Louis Even discovered what he
called the “great light” of Economic Democracy, he
This year is the 50th anniversary of the death of
Louis Even. It is good to explore the depth of the immediately recognized that the Dividend was the
mechanism to incarnate the Christian principles of
spirituality that enlivened the man who founded the social justice in the realm of economics, particularly
Pilgrims of St. Michael. Without his solid faith in God relevant to each person’s right to the use of material
and immense love for his neighbour, Louis Even goods and the distribution of daily bread to all. He
would not have undertaken the work of educating made it his duty to make this known to all people.
the population with the aim of freeing them from the
Clifford Hugh Douglas once said that Econom-
tentacles of financial dictatorship. ic Democracy could be defined by two words: ap-
Economic Democracy is “applied Christianity” plied Christianity. As has been discussed in previous
Some people would like the journal, MICHAEL, issues of MICHAEL on Economic Democracy and
to discuss monetary reform without any mention of papal teachings, a comparative study of Economic
religion, and others would prefer that the magazine Democracy and the social doctrine of the Roman
addressed matters of religion, without reference to Catholic Church shows how well Douglas’ financial
monetary reform. proposals would apply the Church’s teachings on
Yet, we all possess both a body and a soul and social justice.
are on earth only a short time. While on earth we Mr. Even knew the Church’s social teachings, and
are pilgrims moving toward a spiritual destiny, that never missed an opportunity to comment on them in
is, to live in union with God in Heaven forever. Ma- the light of the Economic Democracy, or Social Cred-
terial goods are indeed an end, but the ultimate end it, proposals. We, Social Crediters, know that money
is God. The reason for the existence of all of creation should be an instrument of service, but the bankers,
is to glorify God. in appropriating control over its creation, have made
8 MICHAEL March/April 2024