Page 7 - Michael 2024 March
P. 7

God or Satan

        and more corrupt. She began her visits in 1830; polit-
        ical visits I might add, in the true sense of the word –
        visits to change the state the world is in; to try to bring
        the world back on track.
            No longer do we hear, in our churches on Sunday,
        priests who remind us of our final end: death, judge-
        ment, heaven and hell. “We must no longer speak of
        these things. These topics scare people! They could
        be traumatized!”
            We surely  need to be traumatized  a little  bit.
        People should be a little afraid, for they know no fear.
        The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We must
        fear God to love Him. We must believe in Him. And
        belief no longer exists. Of course, they will say: “We
        believe in God.”
            What did you just say: “I believe in God.” — You
        believe in God, yet you live like an animal! You be-
        lieve in God but you do not act like an intelligent be-
        ing, as a person governed by reason!
            I do not wish to insist on the topic. This only goes
        to show how, today, the Kingdom of God is not yet
        established  upon earth.  It was earned,  but it is not
        established because men are opposed to it and they
        serve the  enemy  instead.  They  serve the  devil.  We
        must choose: God or Satan. If we choose Satan, we
        choose hell for eternity. Better that we should choose
        God and Heaven.
            You will die! After death comes your judgment!
        After the judgment, there are only two places to go                  The Final Judgment
        for eternity. Some may go to purgatory, the ante-            taken from the Illustrated Catechism
        room to Heaven, a small prison where we complete     that the hymn “We want God” be sung, it is because I
        our sanctification. In the end, there is only Heaven or   know that you want God. If people outside do not want
        hell. After the end of the world, there are only two   God, you want Him. You want Him; you want all things
        destinations for eternity. And those who enter either   to belong to Him: families, schools, homes, earth, cot-
        of the two will never leave.                         tages,  mountains,  large  and small rivers. The whole
            Some  people  say: “God could not  have  created   world belongs to the Lord. We sang these words ear-
        an eternal hell!” They who speak thus have no idea   lier, “Earth belongs to the Lord.” Therefore, no part of
        of God’s nature. God, the great eternal Being created   the earth must remain for Satan. We are taking part in
        all things for the good of the spirits created in His im-  a battle against Satan since we are in a battle for God.
        age, in order that they be with Him in Heaven, so that                Moses’ prayer
        they might lead a divine life for eternity. They turn their
        back on Him, go against His will, and this should not    The Hebrews were busy fighting against an enemy,
        be serious? Those who go to hell go there because    the Amalekites. The enemy was greater in number but
        they have chosen to do so, since they have chosen    the Hebrews had their little country to defend. And
        hell over God. They have chosen Satan over God.      so Moses walked to the mountain top. He went there
                                                             to pray to the Lord. He prayed that the Hebrews be
            You might say that they have not written the fol-
        lowing on a piece of paper: “I choose Satan.” — No,   saved. He knelt and raised his hands toward Heaven
        they listened to Satan’s inspirations, to the concupis-  asking God’s mercy in helping the Hebrews.
        cence of the flesh, and they fell into hell. And there   The  moment he  raised his hands,  the  Hebrews
        they will be forever! That is terrible. While on earth,   advanced. When tired, his arms would fall. The Heb-
        we can confess, we can change, we can improve our-   rews would retreat  and  the enemy  would advance.
        selves. But when we die, it is over. When we die, when   The Hebrews soon realized that it was Moses’ prayer
        our soul leaves our body, it is over. Our body returns   that  would lead them to victory, more so than  their
        to the ground while our soul goes to the place where   weapons. They were not to drop their weapons, for
        it will live for all of eternity.                    they played a part. But the greater part, the victory,
            All of these truths must be taught! People need to   would come from God. So that Moses could keep his
        be taught. We have a major role to play. When I asked   hands raised toward Heaven,  Aaron and Hur joined  u                                                   MICHAEL  March/April 2024     7
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