Page 6 - Michael 2024 March
P. 6
God or Satan
u promised Adam and Eve He would come to their res- bers of Catholics, we find numbers dropping in favor
cue to repair the evil they had committed. He told the of sects that are protestant. How far away from God
devil: “A woman will crush your head.” some people are! This is a genuine pity when con-
She will do so! This woman will crush the devil’s sidered over twenty centuries of Christianity.
head. He won in the Garden of Eden. He was master The more educated people are and the more
on earth for centuries until Christ was born. But since progress is achieved, the more God has allowed our
Calvary, Our Lord has re-conquered the earth. minds to develop and the more perverted our minds
But men must side with Him. Men are still free have become. Why? Because God is not given His
today, as was Adam in the Garden! Men are still free proper place. God must come first.
to tell God: “I do not want You! I would rather serve We recite, in our consecration to Saint Michael,
myself and my ego.” that we are pilgrims who pursue on earth the establish-
For all sins are a disobedience to God, a prefer- ment of a freedom and prosperity willed by God who
ence given to the sinner rather than to God. The sin- certainly wants men to achieve some prosperity. God
ner chooses himself over God, as Satan made Adam is Providence. He has placed on earth all the things we
choose himself rather than God, need. On the earth, underground, deep underground,
just as Satan had chosen himself in the sea, deep under the sea, in
over God. But Satan has learned forests, high on the mountains,
his lesson: he is not redeemed. He has created all that is needed
Today, after twenty centur- for man’s material well-being.
ies of Christianity, all men have And He has given us all we
not sided with God. As far as need, mostly since Calvary, for
structures and groups are con- our spiritual well-being. God
cerned, there is in the world Himself, the second Person of
approximately one Catholic for the Trinity, assumed a human
every six people. That is, five body and soul, and was born of
people are not Catholics. the Blessed Virgin Mary, through
As for Christians, many are the action of the Holy Spirit. His
human soul was received direct-
baptized without belonging to ly from the Divine Trinity, as is
Christ’s Church, the Roman Cath- each of our souls. With a human
olic Church. One person out of soul He had what was needed to
three is baptized. Meaning that suffer — imagine, He! God!
two people out of three have not
received the sacrament of baptism As Son of the eternal God,
that erases original sin. This does He could not suffer. The Son of
not mean they will go to hell, but God non-incarnate cannot suf-
they do not have the sacraments fer, since He is in glory, in infinite
for purification. Other means will and absolute happiness.
be needed to allow them individ- But He took on a human
ual salvation through God’s grace. By his sacrifice on the Cross, body and a human soul so he
However, they will not be saved by Jesus redeemed mankind and could suffer physically and mor-
the religions to which they belong. defeated Satan definitively ally until death for our salvation,
There is but one religion that saves men. We must an excruciating death, after hanging from the cross for
proclaim it always: it is the Roman Catholic Church three hours under His Mother’s gaze who shared in
that saves men, because it is Christ’s Bride. This the His suffering. This is how He salvaged mankind. He
religion that was established by Our Lord. Christ did sent His apostles. Millions became Christians who
not tell the crowds: “Upon you I found My church.” He succeeded in spreading His religion everywhere, and
told Peter: “Peter, you are Peter, and upon this rock who practiced it well.
I will build My church. And the gates of hell will not We benefit from the material goods created by
prevail against Her.” God when we discover His creation on earth which
And when I say that there is one Catholic for we can exploit. This is true when we make discov-
every six people in the world, does this one person eries created by God, and made possible by the ac-
practice his faith? There are lukewarm Catholics, tions of angels who have charge of the universe, such
and Catholics on a downward descent, who capitu- as electricity, steam power and the atom. Instead of
late and pervert themselves and who wander while thanking God, we use these gifts to stuff ourselves
spending their lives in all manner of sin. They do not or to bring harm to others. How ungrateful we are.
follow their ancestors’ ways. We have received visitations of the Blessed Virgin
As for conversions, instead of increasing the num- upon earth more frequently as man becomes more
6 MICHAEL March/April 2024