Page 14 - Michael 2024 March
P. 14

The only anger that is righteous

                        is anger against injustice

            During  his Wednesday general audiences this     throws everything into the  cauldron. It is the other
        year, Pope Francis has addressed the themes of vices   person, the other as he or she is, the other as such,
        and virtues, reminding us that life is a spiritual battle   who provokes anger and resentment. One begins to
        and that we must continually flee vice, or capital sins,   detest the tone of their voice, their trivial everyday
        by encouraging the virtue that is their opposite. After   gestures, their ways of reasoning and feeling.
        addressing gluttony and lust in previous audiences,      When the relationship arrives at this level of de-
        on January 31st the Holy Father focused on wrath,    generation, lucidity is lost. Wrath makes us lose lu-
        stating it is always bad except in the case of the in-  cidity, doesn’t it? Because one of the characteristics
        dignation we experience when                                          of wrath, at times, is that some-
        faced with injustice.  Jesus, gentle                                  times it fails to mitigate with time.
        and  humble  of  heart,  displayed                                    In these cases, even distance and
        holy anger when he drove the                                          silence,  instead  of  easing  the  bu-
        money-changers from the Temple,                                       rden of mistakes, magnifies them.
        saying  to  them:  “You  have  made                                   For this reason, the Apostle Paul –
        my Father’s house a den of thieves”                                   as we have heard – recommended
        (Mt 21:12-13).                                                        to Christians to face up to the prob-
            Pope Francis added that this                                      lem straight away, and attempt rec-
        kind of anger, this indignation, is                                   onciliation: “Do not let the sun go
        even desirable and necessary, be-                                     down on your anger” (Eph 4:26).
        cause if a person never gets angry,                                   It is important that everything dis-
        if  he  is  not  indignant  at  an  injus-                            sipates before sundown. If some
        tice... “it would mean that this per-                                 misunderstanding arises during the
        son  is not  human,  much  less  a Christian.” We  can   day, and two people can no longer understand each
        say, for example, that Louis Even was filled with this   other, perceiving themselves as far apart, the night
        holy indignation at injustice, this zeal for God’s inter-  cannot be handed over to the devil. The vice would
        ests, and that in this he is a model for us all. Here is   keep us awake at night, brooding over our reasons
        the Holy Father’s presentation on the topic on Janu-  and the unaccountable mistakes that are never ours
        ary 31, 2024.                                        and always the other’s. It is like that: when a person is
            Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! Today   enraged, they always, always say that the other per-
        we will  pause to  reflect  on  the  vice  of wrath.  Now   son is the problem. They are never capable of rec-
        we are talking about vices and virtues. Today, it is   ognizing their own defects, their own shortcomings.
        time to reflect on the vice of wrath. It is a particularly   In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus makes us pray for our
        dark vice, and it is perhaps the easiest to detect from   human relations, which are a minefield: a plane that
        a physical point of view. The person dominated by    is never in perfect equilibrium. In life, we have to deal
        wrath finds it difficult to hide this impulse. You can   with trespassers who are in fault with us, just as we
        recognize it from the movements of his body, his ag-  have never loved everyone to the right measure. To
        gressiveness, his laboured breathing, his grim and   some, we have not returned the love that was due to
        frowning expression.                                 them. We are all sinners, all of us, and we all have ac-
            In  its most  acute manifestation, wrath  is  a  vice   counts to settle. Do not forget this. We are indebted,
        that concedes no respite. If it is born of an injustice   we all have accounts to settle, and therefore we all
        suffered (or believed to be suffered), often it is un-  need to learn how to forgive so as to be forgiven.
        leashed not against the offender, but against the first   Men do not stay together if they do not also practice
        unfortunate  victim.  There  are  men  who  withhold   the art of forgiveness, as far as this is humanly pos-
        their rage in the workplace, showing themselves to
        be calm and composed, but at home they become
        unbearable to their wives and children. Wrath is a      Make sure MICHAEL moves when you move.
        pervasive vice capable of depriving us of sleep and        If you are a subscriber and have moved,
        barring the way to reason and thought. Wrath is a       or plan to move, please send us your new ad-
        vice that destroys human relationships. It expresses    dress as mail that is undeliverable is returned
        the incapacity to accept the diversity of others, espe-  to us and we incur extra costs.  Thank you.
        cially when their life choices diverge from our own. It
        does not stop at the misconduct of one person, but

        14     MICHAEL  March/April 2024                                      
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