Page 21 - Michael 2024 March
P. 21

Most economists think in terms
         of money.  Douglas, trained as

         an engineer, thought rather in

         terms of realities.  Money is the
         symbol that should reflect real-
         ity.  The human person comes

         before money.

        son is entitled to a share in the material goods that a   be collectively equal to the collective cash prices for
        nation’s economy can provide. The Dividend, issued   consumable goods for sale in that country, and such
        to each citizen to ensure the basic necessities of life,   cash credits shall be cancelled on the purchase of
        is an apt “juridical form”.                          goods for consumption.”
            The Dividend is not conditional.  It harms no one.   Before  Douglas’  forumulation,  orthodox  econo-
        Consider the alternative to a Social Credit economy:   mists, parroting Say’s Law, said: “Sir, it is so, and it
        governments imposing every manner of taxation on     has always been the case; the price of any good is the
        the population to cope with the festering wounds of   sum of the money spent during its production, so the
        the present system.                                  total amount of the money distributed to the consum-
                              Prices                         ers is always equal to the total of the prices.”  Econo-
            Douglas wrote that any financial reform that ig-  mists have been saying that for over a century, but
        nored the issue of prices was doomed to fail. Would   facts have shown the contrary for just as long.
        reforms that increased consumers’ revenue be bene-       Conventional economists do not bother with
        ficial if prices also increased?                     facts; they only repeat axioms. To the contrary,
            Purchasing power has two components: money       Douglas reviewed the facts and then applied reason
        in consumers’ pockets and retailers’ prices. The ratio   to construct an explanation. He sought a way to cor-
        between these two is important with 1 as the ideal,   rect what was correctable. Douglas conceived a tech-
        wherein Means of Payment and prices are equiva-      nique to prevent inflation, which was caused by price
        lent. Douglas’ 1st proposal reads: “The cash credits   increases called the Compensated Discount. This will
        of the population of any country shall at any moment   be the topic of a future article.. v
                                                                                                                      Louis Even

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                                                      Seen in the Light of The
                                                     Social Doctrine of the Church

                                                    Pius XI  Pius XII  John XXIII  Paul VI  John Paul II
                                                      A study prepared by Alain Pilote
                                                    Published by  the Pilgrims of St. Michael, Rougemont, Canada

               We encourage the reader to visit our website ( to read the
           full text of our various books and brochures in order to better understand the principles of
           Economic Democracy.  If you prefer a print version of these resources, visit our website
           and follow the links to order copies from our Rougemont, Canada office.  We especially
           recommend new editions of two of our classics: Economic Democracy (in 14 lessons) $8;
           and In this Age of Plenty: $10.

                                                   MICHAEL  March/April 2024   21
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