Page 31 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 31

of those who are able to make an end to the misery   apostles of the good news, apostles who announce
        of nations. May God, Who unites us in His church,    that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Amen.
        give us the strength so that we may be His apostles,                       Most Rev. Marie Daniel Dadiet

         “A mission has been confided to me: to be

         an apostle for the Pilgrims of St. Michael”

            During our Congress on Sun-
        day, Sept. 6th, Archbishop Marie-
        Daniel Dadiet repeated his appre-
        ciation and gratitude and let us
        know that he and Cardinal Agre
        are determined to make the Social
        Credit  philosophy  known  in  the
        Ivory Coast:
            Dear father Cardinal Agre,
        Archbishop Emeritus of Abidjan
        in the Ivory Coast, Excellencies,
        our Lords  the  Archbishops, Miss
        General-Directress  of the  Louis
        Even Institute and her collabor-
        ators, Reverend Fathers,  honor-
        able members, friends and bene-
        factors of the Louis Even Institute,
        dear Marcel Lefebvre, dear guests,
        brothers and sisters.
            Before I give you my impres-
        sions on what I have just lived in
        this prestigious Congress of the
        Pilgrims of St.  Michael,  I would
        like  to  read  to you  a  short ex-
        cerpt from the encyclical “God is
        Love” (Deus Caritas Est) of Pope           Archbishop Dadiet with our Directors (Marcel
        Benedict XVI: “The Church is the            Lefebvre, Therese Tardif, Florentine Seguin)
        family of God in the world. In this
        family, no one ought to go without the necessities of   or youth of the diocese of Man, I had a copy and like a
        life… The aim of a just social order is to guarantee to   son, I remain attached to my father. After that he went
        each person, according to the principle of subsidiarity,   to Abidjan where he was Archbishop for sixteen years
        his share of the community’s goods.”                 running, then he was nominated as Cardinal and I had
            I would like  to,  brothers and  sisters and  dear   the occasion to work beside him for four years before
        friends, express all of my gratitude to His Eminence   being appointed myself Auxiliary Bishop of Korhogo. I
        Bernard Cardinal Agre, Archbishop Emeritus of Abi-   would like to take advantage of this occasion to renew
        djan, who is a great friend of the Pilgrims of St. Mi-  to him all of my gratitude.
        chael. If I say thank you to the Cardinal, it is because   The Cardinal received me one day in his private
        he made me discover the Pilgrims of St. Michael, he   home (in Abidjan)  and that day, he gave  me three
        made  me  discover  Social  Credit.  And  this  gesture   books on Social Credit (In this Age of Plenty, the 10
        of our father Cardinal does not surprise  me; I have   Lessons, From Debt to Prosperity). And the Cardinal
        known him since 1976 — I was a seminarian at that    told me: “My son, take these three books and go; read
        time and he was the bishop of Man, in the west of the   them and afterwards come to see me and we will talk
        Ivory Coast — but already in the Church of the Ivory   about them.”
        Coast and also at the level of the universal Church, he   Back home in the Ivory Coast we have the habit of
        had big responsibilities. He was in charge of the Epis-  saying, “All that God does is good.” Before this con-
        copal Commission of the means of social communi-     gress, I could not meet with the Cardinal so that we
        cation in the Ivory Coast and in the Vatican as well…   could speak about these three books. God wanted me
        Every time the Cardinal wrote an article to the faithful   to come to this congress so that I could see it with my

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