Page 32 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
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own eyes, so that I could personally hear and on the   what can we bring you?” But this is family! When a
        return to Abidjan, we will sit and assess this congress,   family is solid, when a family is united, we no longer
        and see how to announce and diffuse social credit in   know who  is the  father,  mother  and  grandchildren.
        the Ivory Coast. Thank you, Eminence, for this invita-  Thank you for the spirit of family.
        tion.                                                    Yes, brothers and sisters, for one week we have
            My gratitude goes to the Direction of the Louis   studied social credit in the light of the social doctrine
        Even  Institute  of and  its General-Directress,  Therese   of the  Church.  There  also,  I would  like  to  say  thank
        Tardif, and also to the great family of the Pilgrims of   you to the principal animator (Mr. Alain Pilote). I have
        St. Michael. I admire your patience and your courage,   studied the Compendium of the social doctrine of the
        because for me it was not obvious that I would be at   Church,  but  from the  way  that  this  congress  organ-
        this Congress — I was too busy, I had too many activ-  izes things, I must admit that I learned much. Why?
        ities. Miss Tardif and Mr. Lefebvre may remember that   Because everything  is so simple that there were no
        the airplane ticket was changed three times because   secrets, there was nothing complicated, there were no
        there was an ordination of three bishops in the Ivory   learned words in French, Latin or other languages…
        Coast (at the end of August) and out of the three new   Everything  was simple and when it is simple, we
        bishops, there was one who was in my ecclesiastical   understand. So, thank you for that. In one week I learn-
        province and it is I who had to introduce him during   ed a lot and now I only have to pass on what I have
        the  ceremony. I could not be absent.  So we had to   learned.
        change the dates of my ticket. And before coming they    Eminence,  Miss  General-Directress  of  the  Louis
        said to me (I will not say the name of the person): “So   Even Institute, thank you for having invited and hon-
        you are going, but now we need you because there     ored my person, because  on  this stage,  I  represent
        are files that need your attention… so how will we do   three institutions: I represent my diocese — I am the
        this?” I said: “I gave my word; there is no question   archbishop of a big diocese (Korhogo) in the north of
        of saying that I will not go to the Congress (of the Pil-  the  Ivory  Coast.  Within  the  Episcopal  conference  of
        grims of St. Michael). I go to the Congress for the first   the Ivory Coast, I am the vice-president (of this confer-
        time, let me rest, that’s all.” Thank you to the Direction   ence). And for the last eleven years I have been also
        of the Pilgrims of St. Michael for this invitation.   the president of the Episcopal Commission of Justice
            Thank you for the way you have  organized  this   and Peace. I will have to report, I will have to give the
        Congress. Because, even as I was arriving I had some   outcome (of this Congress) to my dioceses in Korhogo,
        apprehensions: is this a congress where we will run,   once I have returned. At the Episcopal conference,
        we will not rest or will wake up at five in the morning   there will be two voices: the voice of the father (Car-
        and leave at eleven in the evening — like it happens   dinal Agre) and the voice of the son (myself). When the
        elsewhere. We will eat at impossible hours, or we will   father takes the floor, the son will support him. And if
        be late  and there  will be nothing  to eat…  You see.   it’s the son who takes the floor, it will be the father who
        But I realized that the organizers had everything well-  supports him. And be certain, Social Credit is already
        planned and as I find myself in this Congress, I am not   known in the Ivory Coast by the minority, in three years
        stressed, I sleep well — and when we sleep well, we   it will be known (by the majority) and for this, you must
        work well! So, Miss Directress, thank you for the per-  trust us.
        fect organization, for the great planning and each year   Brothers and sisters, a mission has been con-
        if you invite me, I will come!                       fided to me at  the finalization  of this conference:
            I would like to thank you not only for the invita-  to be a missionary  and an apostle  for the Pilgrims
        tion but also for the reception and sharing. Mr. Louis   of St.  Michael.  Yes,  if the  Cardinal  wanted  me  to
        Even left a heritage and you are managing this herit-  come to this congress, it is because he knows what
        age well, thanks to your faith, your intelligence, thanks   I am capable  of. He did not invite me by chance…
        to the love you have for God and for your neighbor. It   He  knows  that  with  his (spiritual)  “grandson”,  my
        is the first time that I see at a Congress; youth, adults,   friend Fr. Patrice Savadogo, the chaplain of Justice
        old people, aged people; it is the first time since I am   and Peace and without forgetting the lay people from
        a priest and bishop — I go often to Rome and Africa   the Ivory Coast who came to this congress, he can
        to take part in different congresses but it is rare to see   rely on us so that social credit will become known
        adults and old people, it is rare to see young people   in the Ivory Coast. But to conclude, we have a say-
        and I understand this because if we must run all day,   ing which states:  “Let’s sleep  on it.”  Once back  in
        then we cannot invite adults and parents! But here,   the Ivory Coast, around our father the Cardinal, we
        I find  myself  in  a  family  where  everyone  is  at  ease,   will sit down, reflect and associate with Justice and
        where each person feels at home. When we have a      Peace and with our friends, so that we may create an
        meal, one says to the other: “Here is your plate, go   organization that will allow us to make social credit
        serve yourself.” When we see an adult, we hurry to   known. Thank you for the invitation, thank you for
        give him a place. We who are bishops, when we see    everything and we will see you very soon!
        the  Cardinal,  we are already  hurrying: “Eminence,                   Most. Rev. Marie Daniel Dadiet

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