Page 34 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 34

nent education of priests, Msgr. Placide gave a confer-  What is faith? The faith in God that I think is ex-
        ence entitled “Social Credit, an efficient way to fight   pressed by Providence; this I have. I have said: I will
        poverty.” He had to bring the light to those who did   undertake things because I believe in Providence. And
        not know Social Credit in our country, or the Pilgrims   this is faith in God which expresses itself in faith in
        of Saint Michael and Mr. Louis Even. And he had to   Providence.
        bring on a new way of looking at things. This took       Faith in myself: when I speak, when I set out to
        place last February. So it is still fresh in our minds.  work, I do not hesitate. I begin by having faith in my-
            I personally believe and hope that with your help   self. I say to myself: “I will act, but it is in the name of
        we will see our diocese relieved of poverty thanks to   God that I do so.”
        the  implementation  of the  Social  Credit  principles,   And thirdly, faith in others: others whom I meet, to-
        which  you  so  rightly  call  “Economic Democracy.”  It   wards whom I move. And among these other people,
        will not be easy, but we will seek together how we can   there is the Virgin Mary: faith in the Virgin who holds
        organize ourselves to spread this idea. The main goal   us by the hand, who carries and protects us. Faith in
        is not to act rapidly but first to understand thoroughly   others who are there as collaborators with whom we
        what it entails. With local input we may obtain better   can go further.
        results. We receive the intuition and then we make it
        part of our own culture, as Mr. Francois de Siebenthal   What more could I hope for, more important,
        said, we must take it a step further with this idea.  more precious than this, to carry through the work the
                                                             Lord gives me in my vocation. And you, as apostles,
            I have given some thought and I have shared with   as apostles of Jesus Christ, I wish to tell you that the
        the directors my wish to have a priest to whom I have   deeds you have to accomplish might at times exact a
        entrusted a great responsibility in our finances, though   lot from you. But do not give up for when we speak of
        he is not an economist, but I would like him to create   faith we speak also of Satan who is at hand doing his
        money with the  people.  This is what  I want  done.  I   work. He is there, he fights you. He is there to disor-
        would like him to come and listen to our side and to   ganize you. He is there to inspire in you a distaste for
        see how things are done. His name is Joseph. I believe   your work. But stand fast! The Lord Jesus said: “Fear
        he will come.                                        not; take heart! I have conquered the world.” And the
            The work you do is that of apostles. I greatly ap-  Lord will overcome, you are but His instruments. You
        preciated your testimonies of yesterday. (The the “Mi-  are but the tools He uses.
        chael” staff who go door to door to solicit subscriptions         Most Rev. Bernard Emmanuel Kasanda
        to “Michael”.) The ladies who stood before us and who
        told us in simple words about their work. It is worthy of   On May 15, 2010,  five members of the “Mi-
        admiration. More so since you carry within you what I   chael”  staff met in Rome with Cardinal  Peter
        would call two hats. Under your white beret, you have   Turkson, Prefect of the Justice and Peace Pontifical
        two hats hidden. You have first, a social theory that is   Council. From left to right: Lucie Parenteau, Marcelle
        true and which must transform society but you also   Caya, Therese Tardif, Cardinal Peter Turkson, Marcel
        have on the other hand, faith. The faith which gives   Lefebvre, Alain Pilote.
        you the strength to carry out your work.
            In faith, many things can be achieved.
        You have gone through moments of un-
        certainty in the work you had to accom-
        plish. You have headed into the unknown
        not knowing what awaited you. You have
        left  and, as Mr. Migneault would say,
        found yourself with a ripped necktie, at-
        tacked by dogs. You have lived through
        moments, through situations that had to
        be dealt with; armed with faith, the faith
        in God.
            And in this we are one in our faith as
        apostles of Jesus. I believe this and I have
        repeated it during my trip here, to all who
        would listen: in the structures I am giving
        my diocese, in their organization,  I rely
        upon three important realities that make
        up the pillars of a single dimension, of a
        single reality: faith in God, faith in myself
        and faith in others.

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