Page 35 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 35

“Clifford Hugh

                                                                       Douglas and

                                                                       Louis Even,

                                                                       Men of Genius,


                                                                       of Mankind”

                                                                                   Bishop Basile
                                                                                         Tapsoba of

                                                                                    Burkina Faso

            At our week of study on Social Credit on August      Before the Lord, we wish to demonstrate our
        2010, followed by our Congress Sept. 3-5, we had     filial  piety  and  gratitude  towards  Mr.  Clifford
        seven Bishops of Africa, sixteen priests, and many   Hugh Douglas and Mr. Louis Even, these men of
        lay faithful who were filled with wonder at what they   genius, these benefactors of mankind, to whom
        heard. We are pleased to publish in this issue many   we will always be indebted. These initiators were
        excerpts  from their  homilies and comments. Here    faithful and docile to the Holy Spirit and total-
        is the translation of the homily given by Most Rev.   ly dedicated to the promotion of Social Credit.
        Basile Tapsoba, bishop of the diocese of Koudou-     May they rest in peace and may their good works
        gou in Burkina Faso, in the Parish of St. Cesaire on   accompany them! May the Master of the vine
        Friday, September 2, 2010 during our week of study   and harvest receive them into Heaven and grant
        which preceded our Congress in Rougemont:            them the reward promised to the good and faith-
                  y dear friends, through the grace of God,   ful servant. May the Lord help us to continue the
                  the week of study is coming to an end.     heritage that was bequeathed to us.
        M Time passes inexorably, so we may justly               We express our sentiments of profound gratitude
        say:  “Sufficient  unto  the  day  is  the  evil  thereof.”   to those in charge, to the men and women, members
        Even better: thanks to the efficient collaboration of   of the community of the Pilgrims of St. Michael and
        those in charge in the Pilgrims of St. Michael and   the MICHAEL Journal. Miss  Therese  Tardif, Mr.
        the MICHAEL Journal, thanks to the consummate        Marcel Lefebvre, you were so kind and  generous to
        mastery of the professors, lecturers and animators,   invite us to this week of study, followed by the con-
        the veil has been lifted. Day after day, more light   gress. In taking charge of the costs of the trip, you
        was shed on Social Credit, which allowed us to dis-  removed a thorn from our foot. We are very grateful
        cover it more clearly and to finally have it  shine in   and we assure you of our prayers. We leave your
        all its splendor, filling us with amazement, joy and   recompense to God, Who will surely give you a re-
        satisfaction.                                        ward over and above your expectations. May God
            In this same elan, we raise our spirits and hearts   bless you and give you strength for the battle.
        in thanksgiving towards the Almighty God, Master         As for the treasure that we have discovered
        of history. He led us, safe and sound, to the Louis   here among you, it will never leave us. It will be
        Even Institute in Rougemont, and this morning to     in each one of us a flame that will guide us. We
        the parish of St. Cesaire. May the Holy Name of the   will communicate this flame to as many people as
        Lord be always blessed.                                                             (continued on page 28)

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