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Khrushchev's real objective in the U.S.A.

on Friday, 01 January 1960. Posted in Communism

While there is no doubt that the Communists everywhere have achieved a major propaganda victory as a result of Khrushchev's visit to the U.S.A., the real objective of the Communist leader's mission has not yet been widely discussed. We were pleased to see that at least one paper in the U.S.A. "The Tablet", of September 5, devoted an editorial to what Khrushchev really wanted.

The Tablet observes that "It is surprising that no one has suggested that the primary objective of the Soviet regime in this business (of international exchanges) is to get vast credits from the Government of the United States, directly or indirectly.". While agreeing the The Tablet has correctly assessed the primary objective of Khrushchev, we do not find it surprising that most commentators on international affairs steer carefully away from any references to the control of financial credit and its impact upon international policies. This is one subject which must never be discussed openly. Any suggestion that there is such a thing as an international Money Power is treated with scorn, while any reference to the fact that key members of this Money Power are Zionist Jews leaves the person making such a statement open to the use of smear and vicious character assassination.

While The Tablet is cautious in its observations concerning the use of financial credit to assist Communism, it indicates that it has more than a smattering of knowledge on the subject. How many journals would realise that vast dollar credits can be passed to the Soviets without permission of the American Congress, simply by the price of gold being substantially increased? The Tablet recalls the important fact that some twenty-five years ago a big increase in the price of gold in the U.S.A. "contributed to transform the practically insolvent Soviet Union, almost overnight, into a prosperous customer with considerable purchasing power because of its gold production." No mature person would suggest that the financial groups responsible for controlling the price of gold did not fully understand the implications of their policies. Any increase in the price of gold would once again be of direct and vital benefit to the Communists.

There is another way in which vast dollar credits could be directly passed to the Soviet irrespective of a hostile American public or Congress, and that is by the Soviet joining the international financial institutions set up by the Bretton Woods meetings. The Tablet recalls that the secret Communist agent, Harry Dexter White, played a key role at the Bretton Woods conferences of fifteen years ago, and suggests that the Communist leaders could now subscribe to the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and then be eligible for dollar loans. The Tablet writes:

"To our way of thinking, the greatest practical danger in the new policy lies precisely in the financial support, direct or indirect, which the U.S.A. is evidently on the verge of granting to the U.S.S.R. Even if it creates a new boon in "peace stocks" (in contrast to "war stocks") and stimulates something  like full employment over the next year or two, this policy is inherently suicidal because it must end by committing this country to unconditionat endorsement of the economy of the U.S.S.R., its way of life, its currency, and the rest, no matter how many reservations are uttered about "our capitalism" and "their Communism". It can only end in the dollar moving down to the level of the ruble, and the interpenetration of the two systems of social, economic, and political organisation. We once again express our view that something similar to what The Tablet fears is exactly what the real powers behind the international scene require. But, as the major features of the world plot against civilization become clearer, it is easier to expose the authors of the plot and to work for their defeat.

THE NEW TIMES - Oct. 16, 1959

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