It is remarkable how the same speakers and commentators, whether regular or occasional, keep appearing on the CBC's French and English radio and television networks. Furthermore, it is to be remarked that those who appear most frequently, belong to groups which actively propagate socialism or have a decided leaning in the direction of that doctrine. Finally, let it be noted that these speakers miss no opportunity to press, directly or indirectly, their ideas apropos of socialism upon the millions who constitute their audience.
When the Conservatives were in the opposition at Ottawa, they denounced this evil growth in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation — an organization supported by the tax money of Canadians.
The Conservatives have now been in power since July, for six months. Yet there has been no sign of any changes in the CBC with respect either to programs or to those participating in them. On the contrary, the infiltration of socialism into this body is becoming even more pronounced.
What is worse, the Social Crediters of the Institute of Political Action, in making their door-to-door visits, have discovered among the people a strong taint of socialism which was not evident two years ago. This would indicate that socialism's propagandists in the CBC are working efficiently.
Socialists are welcome at the CBC; non-socialists are rarely invited to appear on its programs. As for the Social Crediters, the genuine Crediters of the Institute of Political Action, they have been coldly and deliberately barred from the CBC.
In other words, the CBC will not permit Canadians to hear the exposition of any ideas contrary to socialism.
Only through Social Credit can the world of 1958 hope to avoid the chains of socialism. Social Credit is the only doctrine which is, in fact, completely opposed to socialism. So, Social Credit is barred from the CBC.
It is true that the Social Credit party in Ottawa has been granted 15 minute periods now and then to make known its election program.
But genuine Social Credit is not a political party. Social Credit is a doctrine just as socialism is. The Institute of Political Action safeguards this doctrine in its purity according to the tenets of Major C. H. Douglas, the illustrious formulator of its principles.
Furthermore, the Institute of Political Action is an organization for education, having no direct connection with electioneering. The CBC is right in refusing it a share of the time allotted to political parties. The Institute is not a political party.
The Institute of Political Action should be allowed into the CBC for educational reasons. Political education is certainly not the least important form of education in a world which is, politically, topsy turvy. It is by virtue of its being an Institute for education, political education, independent of political parties, that the Institute should appear on the television and radio networks of the state broadcasting organization.
Social Credit is the antidote to socialism, and the Canadian people have the right to know about it. They have the right to political information and education free from any of the propaganda of powerseeking cliques. It is an insult to Canadians that the CBC should refuse them that right.
At its annuat national congress last September, the Institute of Political Action passed a resolution to make a formal request to the CBC.
On September 25, the governors of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation met together. Messrs Hervé Provencher and Gabriel Lacasse went before the board to urge the following resolution:
"That the Institute of Political Action be granted:
1) fifteen minutes a week on the French radio and television networks;
2) fifteen minutes a week on the English radio and television networks.
"Mr. A. D. Dunton, president of the board of governors, in a letter dated October 17, gave the answer of the governors. It was a flat refusal. On November 5, the Institute wrote to the Minister of National Revenue, the Hon. George C. Nowlan, to protest this injustice committed by the CBC. The Hon. Minister sent the Institute back to the Board of Governors to settle the question.
On December 4, the Institute repeated its request before the president of the board, Mr. Dunton, stating that "if the existing regulations of the CBC do not make provision for granting time to the Institute of Political Action, then the said regulations are not in harmony with the demands of justice and the needs of the country. Consequently it is a matter of urgency that these regulations be amended.".
The Institute also wrote a new letter to the Minister, stressing that C.B.C. is financed by the people's money, and while the programming responsibility lies entirely with the Corporation, the people through their elected government must have a say in the policy. To which the Minister answered that "the new Government is giving careful consideration to the whole matter of radio broadcasting and television in Canada, but there had been insufficient time as yet to deal with this very important matter.". So that is how the affair stands at present. Those of our readers who wish to hear and see Social Credit on the CBC can make their request known in writing to:
The Honorable George C. Nowlan Minister of National Revenue
The House of Commons Ottawa, Ont.