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"I ask the Holy Spirit to change the face of the earth"

on Sunday, 01 March 1998. Posted in Gérard Mercier

The last message of Gérard Mercier at our Congress, August 30, 1997

All our Pilgrims of Saint Michael and our subscribers will be certainly moved by what came to be the last speech of our valiant Director, Gérard Mercier, given on August 30, 1997, four days before his death. Let us answer "yes" to his last call to the apostolate work.

by Gérard Mercier

Dear friends, we are very happy to see you, who came from all over Canada and even other countries. Each one of you has a great mission to carry out. Social Credit will soon "invade" every country. We are little, humble people, who have a great mission to carry out. Social Credit is not a small, ordinary thing. If implemented, it would solve today's problems, for every nation in the world.

1917: Fatima and Social Credit

Social Credit was conceived by Major Clifford Hugh Douglas eighty years ago, in 1917, the same year as the Apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima. Douglas was one of the brightest engineers of the British Empire. Among other things, he said to the economists of the entire world: "Here is something you have not yet recognized: The true price of production is consumption." And Douglas proved his assertion.

When Louis Even, our founder, came across the Social Credit philosophy, he decided right away to leave everything, and give all of his time to make this fantastic idea known to the world. The full-time Pilgrims have done the same thing. And you, local apostles, you cannot give your all of your time, but you nevertheless give all your spare time to diffuse the Social Credit idea.

Poland on the forefront

Why is it that Poland, which is so well represented at our Congress today, has been the first country (in 1993) to translate into another language Louis Even's book "Sous le Signe de l'Abondance"? (The English translation, "In this Age of Plenty", which was published in 1996.) This book was translated into Polish upon the request of Bishop Kraszewski of Warsaw. This is really out of the ordinary; it is divine!

We have a fantastic Pope, a Pole. We have with us today another fantastic Pole, Dr. Szczesny Górski, who works in a laboratory of medical research at the hospital of Poznan, and who gives classes to medical students. He is quite educated, but humble enough to understand Social Credit.

The time has come for the triumph of God and of justice. In recent Messages, the Blessed Virgin Mary says that Her times have arrived. She says that She has begun to crush the head of Lucifer, Satan, the old serpent who presently rules the world. The Blessed Virgin says that, in the end, She will triumph, as it was promised in the Scriptures (Genesis 1:15 and Revelation 12).

Poland is on the forefront of the Social Credit battle. The Blessed Virgin says that the present Pope (John Paul II) is Her Pope, chosen by Her for our times. There are some people who criticize him, and who said very bad things against him, but when they saw over one-and-a-half-million young people in Paris (for the World Youth Day), the only thing left that they could do was to shut up their big mouths. How can this huge crowd in Paris be explained? Religion is no longer taught in schools, television plays havoc with souls, young people are victims of that trend, and yet, they go in large numbers to hear the Pope. Even if they are not of the Catholic Faith, they are in favor of the Pope. This is the work of Divine Providence!

I ask the Holy Spirit to change the face of the earth. He has the power to change world. With His breath, He will turn each one of us into a fiery apostle, driven by the desire to diffuse the "Michael" Journal everywhere. Saint Maximilian Kolbe, who was the Superior of 700 Brothers in Niepokalanow, Poland ("the City of the Immaculate"), instilled into them the desire to find new subscribers to his Marian publication.

The "Michael" Journal endeavors to apply Christian principles in economics. Today, economics is inspired by a spirit of dictatorship, barbarism, warfare, whereas with Social Credit applied, it would be a spirit of peace, prosperity, and mutual aid. Money would be a mere reflection of real wealth, a mere bookkeeping system at the service of the people, that would put Godgiven goods at the disposal of all. With Social Credit, one has a philosophy of service, instead of a philosophy of dictatorship.

We are happy to work with Heaven, with the Pope, with Poland. Dr. Górski of Poland has been chosen, just like all of you, to fight a decisive battle for the poor.

Let us decide to take action

It is this year that you must decide to take action, and to solicit subscriptions around you to "Michael". Make sure to always carry on you leaflets, journals, and subscription forms, to be ready to have your friends subscribe, or to pass your Social Credit message on to your fellow countrymen. If you do it, it will give wings to our Polish friends. Poland will be on the forefront of this battle, and we will follow and help Poland.

I want to quote the words of Our Lord to Blessed Sister Faustina Kowalska, the apostle of Divine Mercy, concerning Poland:

"Poland is dear to My Heart in a very special way. If Poland is faithful and obedient to My Will, I will raise it high in power and sanctity; it will project the light that will prepare the world for My second coming."

Let us give our leisure time

If we decided to give all of our leisure time to the Social Credit Cause! To go out one hour after supper is good for digestion, good for your soul, and it is also good for Social Credit! Decide to give all of your Saturdays to the Blessed Virgin. The devil is cunning; he will see to it to give you some work to do on Saturdays jobs that you could have done on weekdays after supper. Decide to give all of your Saturdays.

You have managed to bring the Social Credit light to every nation. People all over the world are now joining the little "White Berets" of Rougemont in this battle for justice. After having discovered the Social Credit light, Dr. Górski could have chosen to remain silent and keep this light for himself, but he chose to make it known to others. All of your leisure time should be devoted to Social Credit. There are old fulltime Pilgrims who have devoted all of their lives for the Social Credit Cause. They will never have to regret it at the gates of Heaven.

A call on youth

Young people, decide to join us full time. Put aside salaries, amusements; come to dedicate yourselves for a great Cause. Say: "I pledge to take 1,000 subscriptions, 500 subscriptions per year," and you will be happy.

Gérard Mercier August 30, 1997

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