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The love of money is at the root of all evil

Written by Bishop Mathieu Madega on Sunday, 01 October 2017. Posted in Testimonies

Reflections by Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan

Bishop Mathieu MadegaBishop Mathieu Madega

Since 2006, more than 70 bishops from Africa have visited Rougemont to take part in our Study Sessions on Economic Democracy, also called Social Credit. The first was Bernard Cardinal Agré of the Ivory Coast who joined us three times. But another bishop from Africa is undoubtedly the most enthusiastic supporter of the Michael Journal’s cause. This is Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan of the Mouila diocese of Gabon. As he did in the previous years’ Study Sessions, upon mastering the material well, he taught one of the lessons. In October 2013, we were pleased when he gave Pope Francis a copy of Alain Pilote’s book “Economic Democracy in 10 Lessons”.

On September 29, 2017, which was the feast day of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, and incidentally the last day of our study week, Bishop Madega addressed us. Readers are invited to meditate upon his words.


by Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan

Bishop Mathieu Madega blesses Louis Even’s monumentBishop Mathieu Madega blesses Louis Even’s monument in front of Maison Saint-Michel at Rougemont, on September 29, 2017

For us Social Crediters, our concern for the human being is great. But we should turn our attention to He who is most concerned for our happiness, God Himself. This is why He sent prophets, and when the time was ripe, He sent His Son.

This is why I told you to take care of the Virgin Mary who gave us the Saviour. By being her allies, and supported by the extraordinary grace, that of the Archangels whose feast we celebrate today, and by the whole Celestial Court, we can begin our journey toward our destination, Heaven. At the same time, with God’s help, we concern ourselves with our brothers and sisters. While on a trip, if someone becomes sick, we do not ask that they leave the bus on which we are travelling and go on without them. We want to attend to them and go forward together.

Today’s system is rigged

Whereas, presently, living, consuming goods and generally addressing material needs is rigged against us by the money system, we also know that bankers, evildœrs and believers are all created for Heaven. Our concern must be to take care of one another in the present so all make it to Heaven.

Together with the angels, we know there are enemy powers that will go out of their way to slow down the bus, have all of us leave the bus, and even prevent us from boarding the bus. It is for these reasons that I want you to :

First, let us not allow fear to become greater than hope, since God is calling us and is with us. If our hope is sufficient, let us arm ourselves with courage, which we call faith, to acknowledge that with God as our ally we will persevere on our journey and reach our destination.

Secondly, there comes love. We need to love each other sincerely because without love, including love of bankers, we will wage war against one another. As you know, no one wishes to lose a war. If our primary concern is in saving each other and ourselves, then let us humbly carry the Social Credit message to the greatest number of people to rid ourselves of a burden which can only slow us down on our journey to God.

I believe that all the problems we now face arise simply because each day we depart from the basic knowledge given to us by God. We cannot love ourselves and love each other while at the same time taking advantage of our brothers and sisters. This is an impossible situation. Mothers and fathers love their children and ask their help for the family’s well-being at times. But because of love and the desire to share our lives, we do not take advantage of our children. If love is lacking, a desire to exploit each other and trample one another will arise.

Uprooting the love of money

Since the One who started us on this journey wants us to be accountable for our companions — He said to Cain : “Where is thy brother Abel ? (Genesis 4 :9) — we must wake up. It is God who tells us, through St. Paul, that the love of money is the root of all evils. (1 Timothy 6 :10.) We must ask for the supernatural grace needed to uproot and kill this love of money which we have.

I refer emphatically to the love of money within us. Let me explain. We wear many things, such as hats, scarves, glasses, jewelry, belts, shirts, pants, shœs, etc. Although they are useful items, we wear many because we love them. For example, for those who wear eyeglasses, do you wear them because you love them ? Probably, not ; you love the sense of sight. Since eyeglasses are a means to sight, you wear them.

Just as eyeglasses are useful, I would like that money be considered in the same manner, as something useful. Money is useful in the exchange of goods. We must first seek to remove the love of money within us and spread the message. When we correct the monetary system, all things will become easier. Consider that eyeglasses are called corrective lenses. They help correct our vision.

God tells us, through St. Paul, that the love of money is not a good thing. Also the Church, our Mother, through our Popes and saints, tells us what we must be aware of.

This brings to mind a serious matter : The choice of following Jesus or not following Him. There is in the Gospel someone many times better than I and perhaps better than all of us. This man followed all the Commandments, including loving his fellow man. It is the story of the rich young man (Matthew 19 : 16-30) who tells Jesus : “All of these I have kept from my youth”. It could be said that he was a saint since his youth. He asks Jesus what he must do and Jesus answers : “Go, sell what thou hast, and give it to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven ; and come follow Me”. (Matthew 19 : 21.) As we know, the young man left, saddened because he owned much wealth.

Dear friends, if you are extremely wealthy, if you are a banker, etc, I do not wish this on you. Perhaps you are already honest in your dealings and have followed the rules whether they are positive or not. To make matters more difficult, Jesus tells us that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to Heaven. He who says these things did not come to entertain us. The words are serious ones. Jesus gave us the weapons to get to Heaven. Let us all remember to make an effort. These thoughts explain why most religious orders and groups and consecrated lay persons who wish to answer God’s call also take a vow of poverty as well as vows of obedience and chastity.

The love of poverty

Jesus and the rich young manJesus and the rich young man

This may be why the One who created all things said : “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof : The world and all they that dwell therein” (Psalm 23 :1). When He became flesh and was born, there was no place for Him at the inn, and He was born in a stable. This sober thought should intrigue and guide us to use earthly goods respectfully, since they are a gift from God. Gifts from our beloved bring us joy, and so we must respond with joy when we receive a gift from Heaven.

May the world that God gave us to sustain us not destroy our love for He who gave the gift. I would add that we must not cut off the hand of the gift giver when accepting that which He offers, particularly if we want more gifts. Rather, let us open our hands in order to receive the gift. The misuse of earthly goods is the same as cutting off God’s hand while saying : “We care only for the gift. You — You can leave.

We have spoken about God and the saints. Let us now talk about Louis Even, a man who had taken vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. He discovered a joyful manner to live and teach this poverty to those around him by saying that Social Credit is the right way to live the Gospel’s teachings about poverty and works of mercy. These will be the test for reaching Heaven (Matthew 25).

Let us not be ashamed to proclaim God’s message. It is the message too of the saints, taught here by the Pilgrims of St. Michael in Rougemont. As a word of advice, let us speak of God and our relationship with Him and of those who will help us to go to God. Let us also speak about the chains that bind our feet and prevent us from going to others and to God. These chains are the financial system that prevents everyone from their full and mutual development.

Tell everyone that the love of money is not a good thing. We do not wish that people stop living. Notice that some well-organized monasteries do well for themselves. In the great monasteries of the past, there were no shortages of anything. The abbot in charge had no more on his plate than had the monk who worked in the kitchen. One can see that when brotherly life is well organized, Heaven nods approvingly.

At the House of the Immaculate, everyone has a right to the same food and drink. This shows us in a concrete way that a brotherly life is possible when abundance is shared.

Bishop Madega accompanied by priests -  Sherbrooke CathedralBishop Madega accompanied by the priests who took part in the study session in Rougemont. They are seen here during their visit to the Sherbrooke Cathedral

Let us set out to work ! Let us proclaim to all that people today are squeezed by the system of debt-money. Mostly, let us not allow our body and being to burn in hell because we are too focused on money and savings. In the event of a fire, you want to be rescued. However, if you are holding tightly to your money in the burning house, then you are too bound to the things and you are distracted by these things — a house, money and bank accounts.

We are strongly conditioned by the debt-money system in which we live. We must be aware that the system is wrong, and we must implore the grace from God needed to be free from this system. God will show us the best possible way to be freed.

In closing, I would like to make a comment about those who say we need the presence of financial experts during our Week of Study. It is said they are needed to confirm what we are saying. However, we have told you that the system is rigged against us. Would you like the architect of the deceit to come here and discuss it further ? Some would like the bankers here to help us understand but we are told they are the problem ! How can they help us ? In the lesson on the history of the banking control in the United States, we learned that they opposed all attempts to install an honest debt-free money system. Can we seriously consider that the bankers would come here to destroy their system ? Yes, they might if they received the light of God. If they understood that all things come to an end, they might see that their work should be only logistical and oriented to the circulation of goods between producers and consumers. No one is harmed in such a system.

Jesus has come to save us, and He tells us that the love of money is not a good thing. Can we do the opposite of what Jesus says and be saved ? I do not believe this is possible. Then, let us continue to accomplish our duty as Social Crediters until our last breath ; let us continue to pass on the message, and God will do the rest. As long as there remains one Pilgrim of Saint Michael alive, the Social Credit message will live on, of this you can be sure. The first Social Crediter has come already, and the first Social Crediter will return : This is Our Lord. The mission, which is yours, which is ours, which is the implementation of the Gospel, will not die because the Gospel is immortal. The enemies can use whatever strategy, Jesus can no longer die. He is forever alive.

We pray to St. Michael the Archangel : “With thy light enlighten us, with thy wings protect us, and with thy sword defend us”. But we should add : “Reach out to us when we fall from your wings and keep us from falling prey to others”.

And Blessed Virgin Mary, find us the way you searched and found the Child Jesus who remained at the Temple. Jesus, who searches for the lost sheep, seek us wherever we have erred and bring us back. And may all the Celestial Court accompany us. Eternal Father, may we be filled by your Spirit, and may our intelligence, our will and our life be purified so that we may shine throughout the world, be the salt of the earth and the light of the world through Social Credit. May God hear us, may He answer our prayer. Amen.

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