Here is the fourth and final instalment of the testimony of professional documentary producer Lech Dokowicz. Parts 1-3 began with his being infested by occult powers at the age of fourteen. This very quickly led to his falling away from the Catholic Church and God. Leaving Poland as an eighteen year old, his careers “magically” blossomed through a series of “fortuitous” introductions and opportunities to the top tier of the techno wave echelons. His sudden “awakening” to the Evil began his frantic escape and return to Poland, knowing he desperately needed the help of a Priest.
by Lech Dokowicz
My mom said, “There are two that I know and one of them will help. When you go to them, God will show which one of them you should go to.”
I went to the first address who was a priest from a religious order. After a few seconds, I realized that he was not the one I should talk to. I apologized to him, and I told him that I had changed my mind about confessing to him.
I went to the church at the second address. This is a church with Perpetual Adoration in my city. My mom told me when I first came home, that a replica of Our Lady of Fatima that was on pilgrimage throughout Eastern Europe and would be in Gdynia. This exact replica was travelling to renew faith in the places and cities that it visited. In a few days time there would be a devotion in Gdynia. When I was searching for the second priest, an older lady came from behind the church.
She said, “Excuse me sir. But we badly need a strong man to help us carry something.”
I said, “Sure, why not.”
She led me behind the church. Someone needed to carry a heavy steel cross to the place where the Virgin Mary statue was.
This situation was unbelievable. For the first time in my adult life, out of my own free will, I went to a church to look for help. I was in a terrible state. And so, while I was searching for a priest to help me, I get to carry this cross. A cross that was so heavy that it cut into my shoulder and I felt I would fall over. Here I was walking down the main street of the city I grew up in — where I lived for 18 years — and the only thought in my head was that any moment I would end up lying on the ground with this cross on top of me, at 3 in the afternoon. What would all these people think about me?
I became ashamed of this cross. When I was walking like this, afraid that I would fall down at any moment, I suddenly heard the same voice that I heard in Dortmund. This time the voice said, “Those who want to follow Me, let them take up their cross and follow Me.”
After hearing this it was all the same for me, if I fell down carrying this cross or not. I cried like a small child. I said to myself that I would not leave this church, when I got to the place where the cross was supposed to be. I knew that God had led me to the right place. I wondered how was it that even though I was such a sinner, and yet God was giving such signs.
I went inside the church, and sat in the last row in the corner. I learned that the priest had gone off to get some building supplies, and that I would have to wait for him until the next Mass, the next Mass being in 3 hours. So I sat in the last row in the corner and tried to pray. But how does one pray who has not prayed in 17 years? I could not come up with anything.
Then I heard the doors behind me open, and a group of people entering the church behind me. It turned out to be a group of older women. They kneeled near me and started praying. I wondered what was happening now. When I looked to my right, in the direction they were praying and I saw the first Station of the Cross. So what was I to do? I started praying the Stations of the Cross along with these older ladies. While I prayed the Stations of the Cross, God showed me images from my life, and I finally understood what I was doing in my life.
When the Mass started, there was a cloudburst above Gdynia. There was an incredible atmosphere. On one hand, the Liturgy inside the church and on the other, outside you could see lightning, since the whole front of the church had large glass windows. Lightning streaks came down one after another like machine gun fire. The church echoed from the thunder and the sound of rain hitting the steel roof of the church. Many things happened during the Mass for me.
Yet after the Mass I managed to catch the priest. The priest and I also had an adventure rescuing a chapel that was in danger of flooding because of the rainwater.This was the first priest that God put on my way. He also baptized my son a few days later. After the baptism all the things that were happening to my son disappeared and never came back. Two years ago some American exorcists were praying over my son, and they said he was clean and there were no trace of those earlier incidents.
After the Mass, the priest told me to come back in a few days and prepare for a general confession from my entire life. Until that moment then, I did not understand what confession was all about.
When I left the confessional I felt like a new person. I could embrace every person I met. I understood then that we were all God’s children. I understood how much God loves us all. When I first received Jesus after all that time I... I cannot describe how I felt...
After that I went with mom to Czestochowa, here to Jasna Gora. I wanted to thank Mary for this miraculous rescue. From the stories my mom told me, I learned that the Mother of God took good care of me all this time. Just months before the meeting with Harris when I was fourteen years old, I along with my parents had placed ourselves under Mary’s protection, in front of the statue of Madonna Della Strada that was on pilgrimage between the parishes of Gdynia. I had forgotten about that day. But the Mother of God didn’t. When I left for Germany all those years ago, I left on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Caramel on the 16th of July. I’ve noticed many times how the Virgin Mary has blessed my family. One of my daughters was born on the 15th of August on the Assumption of Our Lady. My second daughter on the 8th of December on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Well... for a non-believer that seems like a mere coincidence. But for a Christian there are no coincidences.
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I am 100% sure, that the Virgin Mary interceded for us through her prayers. And all for the parents here, my mother prayed for 17 years for my conversion. When she had given up hope and lost her strength, when she thought that I would go to hell, that is when God brought on my conversion.
I am certain that God always hears a parent’s prayer even if it is in the last moment of a child’s life. It will be heard and no such prayer goes to waste.
Right after I returned from Czestochowa, the very next day I went to Warsaw to the Telewizja Niepokalanych (Television for the Immaculate). I wanted out to reach priests and bishops, and warn them about what was coming to Poland. I wanted to warn them about the kind of spiritual steamroller that was coming to Poland; a steamroller that would grind everything in its path. What I said here today, is just a fragment of many things that are in full realization in our country (Poland) today. We know why. It is happening because this is the last country in Europe that can be called Catholic. I knew it was important to get to the Church Hierarchy as soon as possible. To give them time to act, to rescue the youth, and to renew the priesthood. So that as in the past history of our country, especially in difficult times, that priests would stand at the forefront (of this struggle).
I went to the television studio, and I met the director of the studio. He was frightened by my entire story.
All that he could say is, “I’m sorry I don’t have time.” All I could see was fear in his eyes.After he said “There is a nun here. You should speak with her.”
So I started talking with the nun, a Sister of the Sacred Heart. Now she is my spiritual friend and a psychologist by profession. In the beginning she was trying to determine if I had all my marbles in place.
When she had decided that I was sane, she asked, “Are you from Warsaw?”
I said, “No, I’m from Gdynia.”
She replied, “That is good. There are Jesuits there. You need immediate spiritual guidance.”
The next day (Friday) I drove back to Gdynia. The director of the retreat centre — now he is also a good spiritual friend of mine — said, “I’m sorry, I have very little time. Could you tell me a summary of this?”
Once I started telling him everything and he said, “Take your time. I have time.” He cancelled some other meetings to hear me out.
It turned out that two weeks earlier, this priest experienced a demonic attack during an acupuncture session. The demon bound him down so badly that the director could not even move his moustache. He was completely bound. He felt some kind of weight crushing down on him and surrounding him. He could not breathe, he was frightened and he thought that this was the end of his life. He started calling out, “Jesus!” and started praying. After he started praying, the forces let him go.
He realized that this was in preparation for him to lead me. He had not realized that these forces could be so real, so physical. He became my spiritual director for the next 10 years, and helped me through Ignatian exercises and spiritual direction.
After he heard my story, he said, “Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. This will begin the first week of Ignatian exercises.”
These sessions happened twice a year: one week during the winter, one week during the summer. It seemed that God had planned out everything perfectly. During these exercises, I started a spiritual battle and experienced all sorts of things. I was placed in a closed monastery, where Jesuits and nuns prayed over me. The demon tried to destroy me many times during these exercises. However, there wasn’t a moment that God did not come out victorious. He came and helped me when I needed help.
Step-by-step God showed me how wrongly I had imagined Him. Step-by-step He showed me how wrongly I imagined myself and the world around me. He then started to rebuild me from the first principle.
12 years have past since that time. Today, I, along with my friends who lived through similar experiences, who have experienced the Living God enter into our lives, we create documentary films about what God does in the world today. If people only knew the truth (about God), then as Jesus said, the truth would set them free. God is doing incredible things in this world. Things that are as great or maybe even greater than what He did when His Son was on this Earth. It is incredible how active the Holy Spirit is in the world today.
Today there is a great battle for the spirit of the world and the souls of individual people. What is needed are saints. What is needed are people who will follow God completely. Every one of you, who makes this decision in life to follow God, will be a great light for many people.
Yes... so at the end I wanted to tell you folks something. Today I talked about many difficult things that are normally hidden. Somehow by God’s will, He allowed me live through it and let me leave that life. However I want you to understand all of this but do not be anxious. This is the reality which in one way or another, a person who leaves God will encounter face-to-face. This is just a prediction of how a meeting with a demon will happen for every person who rejects God as his Creator and Lord. What does that mean for us? This mean for all of us who walk with their hearts open to God that we must enter into the spiritual battle for all those who live in darkness.
God needs all of you and there are thousands of ways to serve him. You can pray, you can offer up your suffering, you join into societies, you can talk, you can get involved in political parties, and so on. Anything that will promote good, beauty and truth, and whose ideal portrayal is God. We have to ask God that He may use us. That He may cleanse us and use us as instruments for rescuing others. Ultimately that He may allow us to become more holy.
These are extraordinary times we live in. I analyzed why this was happening in the world (and I think I know why). This is not some sudden process that just happened. Since at least the end of World War II and in the 1950s, the thing that changed the world was Vatican II and its new calling to sainthood. During this time the Holy Spirit let His blessings flow around the world. All around the world, like mushroom after the rain, all sort of communities sprang up. God said that there will come a time, when the elders will sleep and the youth will prophesy. This is happening nowadays all of over the world. God is bringing back His presence in the world. And His presence is returning with such strength like in the first centuries. Wherever people go to meet Him, they experience this renewed presence.
And how did the Demon respond to this? The Devil seeing that his time is shortening and that God is preparing people for a deeper relationship with Him, created a sort of anti-structure. This was during the time of Hippies. Music became the medium for creating this anti-community. This music that would destroy people, even while these people thought they were coming together. The sexual revolution happened, and contradicted values that existed for 2000 years and formed Europe and the world as we know it. All of these things were the Devil’s response to God’s working.
Now what happened next? John Paul II, a great saint and a sign for the entire church, he said that the spring of the church is coming. If John Paul II, even though he saw all the darkness looming around the world, said that the spring of the church is coming. We ought to believe his words.
So I invite all you, where ever you find yourselves spiritually, to give yourself more deeply to God. Open your hearts, as John Paul II said, open them wide to Christ and ask God that He may use you. This is most important. We Catholics, Christians must regain consciousness; we have to reawaken and see what is happening around us and through prayer, we must become priests of prayer. We have to become a people of prayer. So that through prayer we will do works, these works will lead others to prayer. This is most important. This is how this cycle must function.
This is what I wish for all of you with all my heart. Thank you for the meeting. May God be with you!
Lech Dokowicz
Translated by Dorian Pula