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You do not believe yet as you should in the power of the Rosary

on Saturday, 01 May 2021. Posted in Prayers & Rosaries

Meditations on the Rosary given by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Barbara Kloss

In 1978, we published an article of meditations on the Rosary given by the Blessed Virgin Mary to a Polish mystic, Barbara Kloss, who died on January 15, 1981, at the age of 78. In these difficult times, it is more essential than ever to return to the Rosary, meditating on each of the mysteries of the life of Jesus and Mary.

"The gift of my mercy"

MaryWords of Our Lady: "My Immaculate Heart accepts all and waits. Esteem for the Rosary is the first sign. From this esteem flows faith in the power of the Rosary and then comes love for the Rosary. If this is so, my gift is in you and you are offering it to me and my heart is consoled. My heart is always happy to find esteem, faith, hope and love in your hearts.

"The Rosary is mine to give. It is therefore hated by those who hate me, the unfortunates!

"Each time I came onto the earth, through my love and the pity I have for you, I have reminded you of my Rosary. This was the gift of my mercy.

"Be confident. The time has arrived for my Rosary to become your weapon. It is in the Rosary that you must seek and find me. I am close to you. My Son said: "May your hearts not be troubled; do not be afraid!"

Words of the seer: It is said that Jesus accomplished everything well. As much can be said of His Holy Mother. Everything is accomplished in the Rosary. Each mystery can be found in our lives if we reflect and meditate. Jesus has attributed goodness to God alone. But we must aspire to possess in us this virtue in order to be completely filled.

It is good to make the following considerations while reciting the Rosary: The God-Man acts in this manner and so does His Holy Mother; the God-Man suffers in this manner as does His holy Mother. Reflecting on this, I can ask myself where I belong in this mystery. I can consider where this mystery belongs in my life.

United to the angels

Words of Our Lady: "You do not believe yet as you should in the power of the Rosary. While reciting the Rosary pray for faith in the Rosary and its effects.

"The Rosary, in the hands of the saints, was always the same although formerly it was shorter. Those who recited it were altogether different, praying with the ardor, humility and gratitude that is owed to this psalter of Mary.

"They joined in this manner with the angels and were under their influence. They felt united to a powerful army fighting against hell for the salvation of souls.

"They were so faithful in their service that they consecrated the best of their time to praying the Rosary. They would lovingly slip their fingers over each bead hoping to find it again in eternity.

"It is upon them that my promises were realized. In the words of my Son:'Faith moves mountains.'Miracles in those days were so universal that they could even be a common thing for some devoted to my Rosary.

"Those who have lost a simplicity of the heart, whose reasoning has been dimmed and judgement deformed by Satan, have no knowledge of truth; these unfortunate heretics have rejected the Rosary, because it is the first obstacle against error and sin. They have become enemies.

"The Rosary must regain its ancient importance and value. It is by the Rosary that we can accomplish the unity of nations in one faith. This is said to each and every person.

"All this is in me and through me, thanks to the power of the first Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Annunciation. All the promises are found because I said, "I am the servant." There are people who do not want to serve; they do not want to serve God, me or themselves.

The Rosary gives wings

Barbara KlossBarbara Kloss

"One must have unbounded confidence in the power of the Rosary. One must consider it not as a burden but as a great gift of love. For the one who knows that, the Rosary will never be heavy. It will give the person wings."

Words of the seer: The Visitation is a great feast of the Rosary. The joy of the mystery of the Presentation is mixed in the bitterness of the predicted Sorrowful Mysteries. It is the foretelling that Mary's heart will be pierced by sorrow.

The whole sense of perfect service, such as God exacts of His creatures, is found in this order of the Old Testament. All this is found in these five Sorrowful Mysteries.

The third part of the Rosary—the Glorious Mysteries—is filled with the supreme gifts of the great mercy of the Holy Trinity for the Blessed Virgin, and for each chosen soul which is united to Her.

"A safe and sure path"

Words of Our Lady: "I always want to speak to you, even though you don't want me to. I especially like to speak through the Rosary, during the Rosary and in the Rosary. It is in it that I speak to you of my supreme devotion to God, of my life, my joys, my sufferings, my prayers, my work and of my union with God through love and through submission to His Holy Will.

"I speak to you of the sentiments of my heart, the heart of a mother most sorrowful, but who, in the depth of her soul, is the happiest, My felicity stems from the possession of Jesus and from a supreme faith in the glory of God.

"I tell you therefore, in showing the Rosary, that it is easy, that this path is safe, infallible, unique and predestined. It is accessible to each one, and is "a beaten path". The traces of the path of the Rosary are strong and visible, and when you begin this path, I walk with you by your side. Why are you so worried and troubled? If you decide upon this act of the will, this first effort, I will follow this path with you. You must know this and remember it.

"Penetrate often into the sentiments of my heart. And now, review slowly in your thoughts all the mysteries since my joyful fiat, through to the most sorrowful fiat, on to the most humble of fiat in the Glorious Mysteries, of which the crown is my constant Magnificat.

"It is my living testament for you because in the mysteries I am truly alive and present. I observe how you receive it, in what manner you act, and how much there is of me and my heritage in each of my children.

"The Rosary destroys heresy"

Words of Our Lady: "In contemplation, my heart becomes inflamed. Today, it is the first Saturday of the month, and again my children are gathering together throughout the world. I have many children and it is the joy of my Immaculate Heart. I see them all: those who, for the first time, are giving me their first Saturdays; those who do not want to give them to me and also those who previously gave them to me but do not want to do so any longer."

Words of the seer: Of Jesus, it has been said that all He did, He did well; His mother also. Therefore, if you want to do your best, you must imitate the Son of God and His mother in uniting yourself to them.

While reciting the Rosary, you must ask yourself: What is in this mystery which I can apply to my life? In what way can I unite myself with Mary and her divine Son in this mystery? How can I discover what is useful to me so that the fruit may be good and so that all that I do will be well done?

Words of Our Lady: "Satan has invented heresies to deprive men of the Rosary, because each mystery of the Rosary destroys heresy.

"I desire that you call on me"

Words of Our Lady: "Whoever calls on me, I am there beside him. It is never in vain that you convoke me. I never come otherwise than loaded with graces and the great love of my maternal Heart. I desire that you call on me. I desire to grant graces. My Heart is full of love, and that is why I call on you to say the Rosary, and I insist that it be well said."

Words of the seer: The principal thing is that it be said with a lively faith so that faith is fortified and reawakened in each mystery. The Mother of God wants our faith fortified and confirmed in the Rosary to the point where it will break boulders and perform miracles.

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