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A Prominent Social Crediter Deceased: Alfred Hewlett Edwards

on Wednesday, 01 December 1954. Posted in Social Credit

Alfred Hewlett Edwards

From the October 30 issue of "The Social Crediter", organ of the Social Credit Secretariat (Liverpool, England):

"'We deeply regret to announce the death, at his home at Austrey, Warwickshire, suddenly in the early morning of Wednesday, October 20, of Mr. Hewlett Edwards, Director of Overseas Relations and Director of Organisation in The Social Credit Secretariat."

Mr. Edwards was born on April 24, 1883. He studied architecture, qualified as an architect, practised his profession for some time at Liverpool, then took up a position in H. M. Office of Works. After serving in The Royal Engineers throughout the first World War, he was sent by the Office of Works to Constantinople for five years (1923-28). He next travelled extensively in Europe for some years.

His connection with Social Credit dates from 1930, when, attending a "New Age" dinner, he heard Major Douglas on Social Credit.

"He set himself to master his subject and did so, communicating his knowledge and enthusiasm to the members of his family, a little, perhaps, to their surprise, but greatly to their satisfaction." (The Social Crediter.)

When the Social Credit Secretariat was founded, some nineteen years ago, and three Directors were recommended to join the then existing members of the Secretariat, A. H. Edwards was one of them, Douglas approving. He was appointed Director of External Relations in February 1936, and transferred to the office of Director of Overseas Relations in May 1940.

"A man upright and of undivided loyalty, he stayed the course." (The Social Crediter.)

Of Mr. Edwards, in the same paper, Norman F. Webb writes:

"H. E. personified for me the term Purpose which, in its proper sense, is at the root of Christianity. The antithesis of that awful business drive which seeks to involve everyone else in its own heated impulses. His was just a quiet, undeflectable certainty that Reason is at the basis of all things real, and that it was his job to discover and promote it in everything, and to make his discoveryknown to the best of his ability."

C. H. Douglas died on September 29, 1952; H. E. Edwards, on October 20, 1954. The same season of the year has claimed the founder and a prominent disciple. Which is underscored in the following verse by Mr. Geoffrey Dobbs, a North Wales Social Crediter:


Two Years After Douglas

Again, the autumn of the year,

The yellowing leaves, the dripping nain;

Again, the gentle, wise, austere,

Is taken from us, to our pain,

Leaving behind no peer.

Of Hewlett Edwards this be said,

He loved, he loves, the True Godhead;

All around him he could see

Three in One, and One in Three.

This his Requiem be.

Oct. 26, 1954  C. G. D.

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