There are hundreds of potholes in the streets of our big cities, and in these same cities, thousands of unemployed workers seeking a job. But the potholes remain in the streets, and the unemployed people remain in poverty.
There are, in our province, hospitals to build, roads to repair, and thousands of unemployed people who are, looking for a job. What prevents cities, and even our province, from using the available manpower that is waiting, to do the works that, are asked by the community?
Every administrator will tell you what the problem is: it is the lack of money.
Why cannot the community finance what it can produce? Why is it that what is physically feasible and demanded by all is financially impossible because of a lack of money, because of a lack of printed pieces of paper or figures in a bank account?
Why is the present money system an hindrance to production? What makes it superior to the productive system? What forces public bodies to leave public needs unsatisfied, and workers idle?
The present money system does not originate from God, nor from nature. It is a man-made system, established, accepted, kept or modified by them. Can you believe that intelligent people have established a system to create hindrances against themselves, to make impossible the realization of things that they want, which would otherwise be very feasible?
The purpose of the money system must not be to prevent human arms from moving stones, tools, wood, steel, and building, to prevent people from working, and cities from filling potholes in their streets!
Is this not the most stupid, inexplicable, inhuman, and cruel dictatorship for people who suffer it, both in their flesh and their mind?
This tyranny does not affect public services only. It is even more visible in the lives of individuals and families.
Visit families, and ask the fathers or the mothers: what is their most constant worry for today and tomorrow? What torments moms every time they have to make purchases for their families? Do they fear that tomorrow they won't be able to find bread, butter, milk, meat, shoes, clothes, remedies in stores to answer the needs of their husbands, their children, and themselves?
Obviously not. What they do fear is not having enough money to pay for, and to get, all these things.
Why do the citizens feel insecure about tomorrow? Why should they fear lacking the necessities of life when our nation can produce more than what is needed to supply the basic necessities of life for all?
Would it not be more logical, on the contrary, to raise their standard of living to the level of the productive capacity of the nation? This productive capacity is far from being completely used.
Despite the fact that an important part of production is being diverted to other ends than the satisfaction of human needs, many people are unemployed because there are too many products that remain unsold, even if there are families who need them, but have to do without them, because of a lack of money. And because these people are unemployed, they become even less able to buy the abundance of goods that force them to remain unemployed.
Is this not an absurdity as well as a barbarity?
What prevents all the feasible and wanted production from being made and from reaching the homes where it is needed?
Always the same obstacle: a lack of money. Once again, this obstacle is neither of a divine nor a natural nature, but man made, an artificial obstacle.
Unless it is the work of a sadistic tyrant, the money system has not been established to prevent goods from passing from retailers, who want to sell them, to mothers, who want to buy them.
One does not build a road to prevent cars from circulating, but on the contrary, to facilitate circulation. Similarly; the aim 'of a sound money system is to facilitate the selling and distribution of goods so that they can reach those who need them, and not to put an obstacle to this distribution.
Even if it had been good in the past, the current money system is no longer sound today. It is vitiated to the extreme. It has lost its purpose, and has become a hindrance, instead of a help; a punishment, instead of a service.
Those institutions that create or suppress money, or financial credit, exercise total control over production and the nation's productive capacity. They issue or withdraw, according to their whim or vested interests, the instrument that allows people to buy goods, the instrument that allows goods to reach those who need them.
By thus controlling money and credit, they control our very lives.
Since a dollar bill is a claim on the production of anybody, the creation or cancellation of money is a function that is of a social nature. This function should therefore be exercised by a social authority, and not by a profit-making institution. No one would accept to have justice dispensed by private companies, according to their own motives. So why is it accepted to have the control of money—a social function—in the hands of private institutions that exist and operate for their own vested interests?
It is neither you, nor me, nor your mayor, nor your government that decides if there is to be more or less money in circulation. Federal, provincial, and municipal governments all tell us that they have no money except that collected from those who have some. Your employer will tell you the same thing.
Where does money begin? Where does it come from? Who does create money? Who decides what quantity of money is to circulate? Who can make money tight by withdrawing it from circulation?
The Social Crediters have shed the light on this mystery a long time ago. Any money in circulation begins when a bank lends financial credit to a borrower. This borrower can be an individual, an industrialist, a public body, a government.
Every time a banks thus lends financial credit, it obliges the borrower to bring it back on a fixed date, accompanied with interest. Money therefore begins in the form of a debt that must be paid back; the repayment must be bigger than the sum borrowed to pay also the interest incurred.
The borrower will therefore be obliged to "pump" from circulation—through prices, if it is a corporation, or through taxes, if it is a public body—more money than what was lent to him in the first place. Prices will therefore have to inflate beyond the real value of the product, and taxes will have to inflate beyond the actual value of public services. After that, people will have every reason to find both the cost of living and taxes to be too high.
To be able to extract from circulation more money than what was first put into circulation by the loan, some extra money has to be put into circulation somewhere, and this is done always in the same way: through a new loan, therefore creating a new debt, with more money to be paid back. This creates an endless cycle, a system of increasing perpetual indebtedness. Debts can be shifted from one place to another, but globally, there is no way the total debt can be paid back, no way to pay back more money than what was actually put into circulation. If someone manages to pay back his debt to the bank, it will be at the expense of another creditor. Debts can switch from one person to another one, but the total sum of debts can do nothing but increase, and it is always at the expense of us all, through increased prices and taxes.
These are two great vices of the present money system: the control of money handed over to private corporations (banks), and the money system turned into a perpetual debt system.
Another flaw of the present money system is that it does not distribute all of production, and neither does it distribute it fairly. This flaw is aggravated by progress.
One of the regulations of the present system is that one has to be hired in production in order to get some purchasing power. However, progress does exactly the opposite, by replacing human labor by machines. There is a contradiction between progress, which produces more with less employees, and the financial regulation that obliges people to have a job in order to have a claim on products.
One will try to remedy this situation by creating new jobs, and by conducting publicity campaigns to create false needs to convince people that they need those new products. This leads to consumerism, materialism, instead of freeing people and allowing them to devote themselves to non-remunerative work, without having to starve to death.
It is true though that, after many years, governments finally realized that everyone could not be employed, so they started to give some income to those who are not hired in production (welfare, old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, etc.), but at the expense of those who work, since these social programs are financed by their taxes, which amounts to keeping the same old financial regulation, that is to say, that all money must come from work. With less and less people working, the burden of taxes for those who work becomes all the more unbearable. Besides, all kinds of restrictive conditions are attached to the money given by the governments, so those who receive it endure constant scrutiny from an increasingly large bureaucracy. This is not the best solution.
The Social Crediters denounce this tyranny of the present money system. It is the tyranny of an antisocial system, the tyranny of indebtedness, the tyranny of poverty amidst plenty, the tyranny of creating jobs, at all costs, even though it creates useless or harmful things, wastes earthly resources, and destroys the environment.
A Social Credit system will offer a financial system that is both social and in keeping with the nation's productive potential to answer human needs. It will be a money system that does not force the community into debt, and which would distribute all of production in an efficient way, without forgetting anyone.
A Social Credit system will be able to do all of that because it makes money the exact accounting reflection of what is produced and consumed. Moreover, through its dividend to all, it will ensure every human being with a share in the products of the nation.
Social Credit will not eliminate wages and salaries, which are the reward for the human labor that is still required for production. However, it will introduce a dividend to all. The more progress eliminates the need for human labor, the greater the ratio of money that will be distributed in the form of dividends rather than in the form of wages and salaries.
Progress and Social Credit go together well. Leisure (free activities) and Social Credit go together well. Humanism and Social Credit go together well. Family and Social Credit go together well, as a dividend is given to every member of the family.
What does not go well together with Social Credit is tyranny, dictatorship, domination over other people. When someone has nothing, the controllers of the present money system will want this person to crawl in order to get something to eat. But when this person is ensured with at least the basic necessities of life, he can start to hold his head up, and refuse slavery. By ensuring the necessities of life to all, a Social Credit system will put an end to today's modern slavery.