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Britain's National Debt

on Sunday, 01 November 1953. Posted in Debts & Deficits

The Incredible consequences of the Debt System of finance are seen in the following figures on Britain's national debt:

March, 1914................  £650,000,000

March, 1919................  £7,436,000,000

March, 1938................. £8,028,000,000

Since World War I Britain had paid in interest, etc......... £6,679,000,000

So that, although having

paid off nearly............... £6,000,000,000

on a debt of.................. £7,435,000,000

she still owed................. £8,026,000,000

Since 1938, Britain has fought and won World War II, paying for it in blood, sweat and rationing. She is only the more in debt, financially, to the gang which has usurped the control of Britain's real credit.

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