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Written by Louis Even on Thursday, 18 January 2018. Posted in An Efficient Financial System

We will now end this study on a sound and efficient financial system, not because we have covered every aspect of the subject, but because we believe that we have set the reader on the road to tackling any economic problem that might arise, and its many consequences, in the light of Social Credit.

To tackle those problems in the light of Social Credit means making a clean sweep of limitations that are purely financial.

With Social Credit, there are no purely financial problems for setting in motion the country’s productive capacity, or for adequately distributing the fruits of production to each and every person.

This can be accomplished without nationalizing any enterprise and without a utopian expectation that all standards of living be equal. We would not revolutionize established methods of production and marketing, nor suppress any rewards to those who, by their activities as entrepreneurs, producers or retailers, set in motion the means of producing and offering goods and services to the population.

We might add that a financial system that reflects reality, as does Social Credit, would allow a country with greater production to share its wealth with countries that suffer from poverty.

The abolition of purely financial limitations opens the door to developments that would benefit everyone, benefits of a cultural as well as a material nature. These are benefits presently lost because of the defects of today’s financial system.

Hand of finance

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