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Creeping Socialism

on Monday, 01 March 1954. Posted in Social Credit

“Today, thoughtful Americans may see the shadow of Government growing larger and that of the individual citizen growing smaller. They see free enterprise becoming restricted enterprise.

"Even in the face of socialistic disillusionment abroad, they see Americans, who under private management have made themselves the most prosperous and most successful people on earth, being gently coaxed into trying government management — with pennies from their own till. They see Washington swarming with economic doctors, who, though pleased with the golden eggs, are itching to operate the goose.

"Those economic experimenters are causing increasing concern to many citizens... Will these well-meaning planners turn out to be a 20th century variety of kind Huns and gentle Vandals (armed with pens instead of spears), who will, with the most altruistic intentions, destroy our timetested way of life, if we don't watch out?

"Nations catch socialism in two ways: either they are exposed to it through revolution; or, as is the case with creeping socialism, they breathe too long the stagnant air of apathy."

(From an article in "Idaho's Lampliter" by Ollie Edmunds, President of John B. Stetson University, De Land, Fla.)

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