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Food for Thought

on Wednesday, 01 June 1955. Posted in Social Credit

"Strait Gate and Narrow Way"

"The Sermon on the Mount in St. Matthew ends with a series of warnings against several kinds of self-deception (Matt. VII, 13-27). The first of these is the famous contrast between the two ways — to life or to destruction!

"We are to enter in through a narrow gate and walk along a contracted path, in contrast to the many who go along the wide way. There is certainly nothing in the Gospels to support the idea that the majority is likely to be right, or that public opinion is a safe guide for conduct."

-Dr. W. R. Matthews, Dean of St. Paul's, in "The Daily Telegraph”, October 16/54.

In other words, God's immutable Law, rather than popular fashions and majority opinion, is the determining factor in conduct and morality. On Judgment Day it is the Almighty, not some 'majority', to whom we must answer.

May we infer from Dean Matthews' penetrating observation, that any system which elevates the group above the individual, or imposes, without limitation, upon minorities the will of a 'majority', is not only tyrannical, but anti-Christian?

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"Mr. J. Lewis May has unearthed two sentiments concerning science which are new to us, one from the work of George Gissing who wrote of it in 1903 that he saw it 'destroying all simplicity and gentleness of life, all the beauty of the world. I see it restoring barbarism under almask of civilization; I see it darkening men's minds and hardening their hearts; I see it bringing a time of vast conflicts, which will pale into insignificance 'the thousand wars of old', and, as likely as not, will whelm all the laborious advances of mankind in blood-drenched chaos."

"The second is from Charles Lamb:

"'Can we ring the bells backwards? Can we unlearn the arts that pretend to civilise, and then burn the world? There is a march of Science; but who shall beat the drums for its retreat?

"It is, we believe, a profound mistake to speak any longer of  'Science' as a single, uncomplicated entity. Throughout history there have been two 'Sciences', one animated by the desire to discover what is in nature, and all that is in, or if possible even above nature, the other animated by the desire to impose man's will on nature, a desire which is ultimately doomed to frustration."

— The Social Crediter, Sydney,

Australia, May 14-55

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