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Governments, cease to be puppets of the Bankers

Written by Yvette Poirier on Thursday, 01 January 1998. Posted in Social Credit

by Yvette Poirier

Last November the Most Reverend Francis E. George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago, wrote, in a pastoral letter:

"Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, frequently reminds us that our Christian vocation is not simply to support the works of charity. We are also called to become directly involved in changing unjust policies and structures that keep people poor and assault their God-given human dignity."

Dear Pilgrims of Saint Michael, by your apostolate work, you are fighting "the unjust policies and structures", you are hastening the fall of the present swindling banking system that "keeps people poor and assaults their God-given human dignity."

In his Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente for the Jubilee of the year 2000, dated November, 1994, Pope John Paul called for "reducing substantially, if not canceling outright, the international debt which seriously threatens the future of many nations."

Last November 16, the Synod for America opened in Rome, with bishops of North, Central, and South America. Many bishops mentioned the problem of the debts of their nations, and the call of the Holy Father to cancel them. Here is an excerpt of the intervention of Archbishop Henri Goudreault, O.M.I., of Grouard-McLennan, Alberta, Canada, on November 24:

"My intervention regards the globalization of the economy. ... I will speak (among other things) ... about some proposals for a better management of the economy. There are numerous things to be done: educate people by teaching the social doctrine of the Church; governments should stop being puppets in the hands of the giants of finance; consider, in the spirit of the Jubilee, the question of the partial or total cancellation of the debts of poor countries."

This Synod ended on December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Empress of the Americas. Social Credit would allow the application of the social doctrine of the Church in the economic and political fields, the distribution of the abundance, and the cancellation of the debts of all the countries. May Our Lady of Guadalupe grant prosperity, peace, and justice to all the nations of the world!

A one-world government

The motto of the Financiers is: "Deficits must be reduced to zero, even if peoples must be sacrificed." Political leaders, far from canceling the debts of nations, as requested by the Sovereign Pontiff, prefer to take their orders from the International Monetary Fund, by bleeding white the citizens in order to pay the interest charges to the voracious Bankers.

Because of this, the economic crisis is worsening in every country in the world. The International Financiers are creating this economic chaos to be able to install the structures of their future world government with the Mark of the Beast.

Pierre Marchildon said: "We do not have much time left. There are already 19 million microchip cards in circulation in Canada. The Financiers push the microchip cards in Ontario and all over Canada. As for us, we must diffuse Social Credit as much as we can. The devil wants to impose upon mankind a world government, a world religion, the Mark of the Beast with the microchip. That is why it is so important for us to visit the people and diffuse the light of the 'Michael' Journal."

The "Michael" Journal is the only Movement that attacks the banking system head-on, and which brings a solution to today's economic problems society must take back its power to issue its own money!

Dear Pilgrims of Saint Michael, let us keep up our apostolate work, and continue to fight courageously for justice among nations. We have the promise of the victory. Let us go and bring the light of the "Michael" Journal into the homes, with the Rosary in our hands.

In New Brunswick

Rudy Gourlay and Claude Bourque, two new full-time Pilgrims who are made of the right stuff, went from door to door for two weeks in towns in the Edmundston, Saint Quentin, and Kedgwick areas, in New Brunswick. Many said: "Oh, the White Berets! We had not seen you for a while!" People phoned their neighbors to announce the visit of the White Berets, and to tell them to receive our apostles well. Messrs. Gourlay and Bourque came back triumphant to Rougemont, with 145 subscriptions and 450 signatures against taxes.

Our distributors of Alma, Que.

Our leaflet distributors of Alma, Que., were asking for leaflets to cover their town of about 35,000 inhabitants. Yvette Poirier, our full-time Pilgrim who is in charge of this territory, needed a driver to drive her to this destination with this load of leaflets. Mrs. Rollande Usereau, a good driver, accompanied by Mrs. Diane Mayer, agreed to go with her to this region.

Saturday, in Saint-Thomas Didyme, near Dolbeau, Mrs. Diane Mayer and Mr. Lorenzo Lamontagne took 34 subscriptions, while Mrs. Léopold Usereau and Yvette Poirier took 18. They recited decades of the Rosary in several families.

Our leaflets inform the population

Every Sunday, our apostles in Toronto distribute leaflets on a provincial financial credit system. The city of Amos 15,000 inhabitants has been completely covered with this leaflet by our young apostle Claude Fournier.

Let us follow the example of our fiery leaflet distributors. The power of the Financiers lies in the ignorance of the people. Let us solicit subscriptions to the "Michael" Journal. Let us diffuse Social Credit, and the truth will eventually triumph.

Thanks to the work of education of our Movement for the last sixty years, more and more Canadians know about the great swindle of the banks. An article of the daily "The Toronto Star" last month was headed as follows: "Did you know that Canadians' nfavorite sport is-bank-bashing?"

A valiant apostle

Mr. Melvin Sickler, our American full-time Pilgrim, is always on the road for the apostolate work when he is freed from the office work in Rougemont. In Ontario, he did four days of door-to-door with Mrs. Adrienne O'Donnell: three days in Orillia and one day in Bradford among the Portuguese; all in all, they took 78 subscriptions..

In a town near Ottawa, Mr. Sickler visited businesses while Mrs. Simone Gingras visited private homes, and they took 51 subscriptions. Mr. John Clark, of the Ottawa area, accompanied Mr. Sickler for two days. In two weeks in Ontario, Mr. Sickler took 294 subscriptions.

In September, Mr. Melvin Sickler and Mr. Yvon Nantel took 372 subscriptions in three weeks: two weeks in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and one week in North Dakota, U.S.A. One day, doing renewals in Winnipeg among Filipino, Portuguese, French, and Ukrainian people, they took 60 subscriptions. Mr. Sickler went out two more weeks on the door-to-door in the Toronto area, and took a total of 552 subscriptions in his 5-week tour. Mr. Alphonsus McAndrews and Mr. Jacek Morawa accompanied him.

Good distributors in the U.S.A.

Despite their many activities in Toronto, Jocek Morawa and Pierre Marchildon made tours of apostolate in the United States. Several new apostles are rising in "America the beautiful". In November, our two apostles held meetings, found new leaflet distributors, visited people who are thrilled by the Social Credit philosophy, in the States of Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Ohio.

In Chicago, a skid of 50,000 had recently been sent to our distributors: 40,000 in English, and 10,000 in Polish. Jacek Morawa and James Reidy put in about thirty Polish stores of Chicago piles of our leaflets in Polish, and the storeowners were happy to accept these leaflets.

In Pennsylvania, a man invited our two apostles to his group of prayers. The attendance of 17 people appreciated their message, and 29 subscriptions were taken that evening.

Congratulations to Pierre Marchildon and Jacek Morawa! In November, they took 250 subscriptions, despite their many meetings, visits, and delivery of leaflets. Let us follow their example by holding kitchen meetings at new subscribers'. The Work of "Michael" has been founded on solid foundations through a multitude of kitchen meetings throughout the country. We must leave the comfort of our home to go and bring the light to our brothers and sisters.

Apostles who are always on the move

Mr. Bertrand Gaouette, who will soon turn 70, sets the example to all the young people with his drive and indefatigable zeal. In the Gatineau area with Roméo Clément, he took 269 subscriptions in 9 days. Mrs. Gaouette supports her husband 100%.

In November, Ghislain Rodrigue devoted several hours to the distribution of our leaflet "The Money Myth Exploded" in his large town of Sherbrooke. In the door-to-door, he managed to take 64 subscriptions that month.

Mr. Armand Albert and his sister, Léola, of Caraquet, New Brunswick, are great apostles of the door-to-door who never give up. They sent us recently a spray of 52 subscriptions.

Words of Gérard Mercier

Mr. Mercier wrote in the newsletter of April, 1991: "Social Crediters, we must absolutely feed those who are hungry. The best way to do it is to take action and diffuse your great 'Michael' Journal and the Social Credit ideas as quickly as possible, to have this philosophy of justice be put into practice, and to have money be distributed to those who are starving, so that they may buy the goods that are being destroyed in front of them. God wants the goods He has created to be distributed.

"Each Social Crediter must decide to diffuse the Social Credit light, by soliciting subscriptions around him. It is certainly not by doing nothing, nor by watching the few who exert themselves, that you will do your part. You must decide to do your part; Heaven wants it."

May the year 1998 see the rise of an army of soldiers in the Work of "Michael". May people rise up who are crazy about justice, crazy about the truth!

Yvette Poirier

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